Chapter 67

It was past six o'clock after the air conditioner was installed.

Sun Chao wanted to go shopping and buy some clothes. He went to Shanghai to meet book lovers, so he couldn't dress too poorly.

Pengcheng doesn't have any world famous brands now, it is a third-tier city after all.

After thinking about going to buy clothes, Sun Chao turned off his laptop and put it on the coffee table without cleaning it up.

He took his mobile phone and wallet keys and went out. When he walked to the door, he put on his shoes and put on his down jacket. Sun Chao asked the master to install the air conditioner in the living room first.

As soon as the master said it was installed, Sun Chao immediately opened it, and now the room is very warm.

Opening the door, he felt the cold wind blowing like a knife. Sun Chao immediately wanted to retreat, but then remembered that if he didn't go today, he really didn't have time.

At this moment, Sun Chao's brain was so frozen that he couldn't turn his head. When he arrived in Shencheng, he couldn't buy it.

I pushed the eDonkey out again in the yard. My home is too close to the department store, and I can get there in a few minutes by electric bike. I don’t want to take a taxi, and I don’t want to walk. Riding a tram is the best choice, but it’s a bit cold.

When I arrived at the department store, I took the tram and trotted into the house, and it was warm immediately after entering.

Especially the moment I came in, it seemed to go directly from winter to summer.

Sun Chao saw that the first floor was full of jewelry and cosmetics, and when he was about to go upstairs, he saw several watch shops.

There was nothing to do at night, so I thought about going to have a look.

If you talk about what Sun Chao likes, the house is of course the first one, which has become Sun Chao's obsession.

The second place is of course the watch. I didn’t have the financial conditions in my previous life, so I can only look at pictures to satisfy my hunger.

Many men like cars.

certainly!Sun Chao also likes it, but it’s not the kind of collection that requires a lot, and it’s fine to have one or two when needed.

Sun Chao thinks that the car is a must, and the watch is the kind that he really likes and can be collected indefinitely.

Sun Chao walked around and found some second- and third-tier watches, and walked into Longines.

But I looked around and didn't buy it, so I went upstairs directly. Maybe it's because I have money in my wallet now, and what I have in Pengcheng is just some basic money.

On the second floor, Sun Chao went directly to the men's clothing section, picked out a long and medium down jacket, bought some shoes, a sweater, but didn't find a watch he liked, which made him not in the mood to go shopping, just buy casually Several pieces.

Checkout, go home.

After breakfast the next day, Sun Chao checked the time. It was eight o'clock, and it was almost time.

Sun Chao was afraid that the store would not be open if he went too early, so he rode an electric donkey and drove to the real estate agency.

When Sun Chao went to the real estate agency, he saw an acquaintance through the glass, no!Acquaintances from previous lives.

When Sun Chao was purchasing raw materials for brides and wedding dresses in Shanghai, he had contacted the most factories, and the acquaintance he saw was the department manager of the fabric factory.

Sun Chao remembered that his name was Yuan Kai. He was an old man when he met him in his previous life, and he is only in his 30s now.

Unexpectedly, he was still a fellow.

Sun Chao turned around in his mind a lot, and without stopping, he opened the door and walked in.

When Sun Chao came in, he kept looking at Yuan Kai unconsciously, feeling that the world is so small, and he could meet all of them.

Sun Chao didn't think much of it, but Yuan Kai felt uncomfortable.

Sun Chao directly stretched out his hand and said, "You are the owner of the house in the Tianshan Oasis, right?"

"Hi, my name is Sun Chao, and I am the buyer who wants to buy your house."

Yuan Kai also introduced himself: "Hi, my name is Yuan Kai, do we know each other? I have been looking at my face since I saw you coming in."

Sun Chao thought, don't they know each other? We have known each other for several years.

"Yes, you look very similar to an elder of mine, but he is ten years older than you."

"Sorry, I was rude just now, I just think you look very similar."

Sun Chao hurriedly apologized. He didn't think he had been looking at him just now. It was the first time he met his acquaintance in later generations. This feeling was quite strange.

Yuan Kai said with a smile: "I said, why have you been looking at me since you entered the door, and people often say that I look like someone, that I look too popular."

Sun Chao thought, leaving Pengcheng at this time would mean going to Shencheng.

Just asked: "Why did you sell the house?"

Sun Chao looked at the agent and also looked at himself, Sun Chao thought in his heart, maybe the agent is thinking at this moment, hasn't he already told you.

Yuan Kai said: "There's nothing I can't say about it. I just want to go to Shanghai to work, and the chances of coming back may be very few, so I want to sell it there and buy a new set."


Sun Chao remembers that in his previous life, he heard that he went to Shanghai this year, but he went to a plastic factory instead of a cloth factory, and it took him two or three years before he switched to a cloth factory.The fabric factory he works in mainly focuses on fabrics for brides and wedding dresses.

Before Sun Chao returned to Pengcheng, he was purchasing raw materials in Shencheng.

The factory Sun Chao worked in made bridal white gauze and gowns.

After chatting for a while, I took a taxi and drove to the real estate bureau.

Sun Chao was looking for topics to chat along the way.

It turned out that Yuan Kai was not from Pengcheng, because Yuan Kai's wife lived here, and Yuan Kai was an orphan, so he and his wife came to Pengcheng.

Why did Sun Chao care so much? It was because he was curious why he put all the real estate and cars under his wife's name.

This is a bloody plot. His wife is seven or eight years younger than him, and she didn't get a marriage certificate when she got married. In the third year Sun Chao knew him, her daughter-in-law sold all the assets under her name. At that time, Yuan Kai had three houses and two cars in Shencheng, and his wife sold them all directly, and went abroad with her boyfriend.

Neither of the two children was taken away. According to the normal trend, this incident happened around [-] to [-] years.

Before the incident happened, they often got together. After the incident, Sun Chao found that his hair, which had turned half white overnight, had aged a lot.

That's why Sun Chao said he was a little old man.

Until Sun Chao left Shanghai, he was still single with two children.

Two hours later, we walked outside the housing management office together.

Sun Chao has been hesitating whether to remind him or not, but in the end he still can't pass the test in his heart.

Sun Chao intends to remind him that Yuan Kai's character is still good. At that time, each worked independently, and it was inevitable to quarrel for the interests of both parties at work, but the personal relationship between the two is still good.

At that time, Sun Chao didn't know how he got to chat with an old man, maybe it was fate.

After making a decision, Sun Chao began to make up nonsense.

Chatted directly with the intermediary brother.

Said: "When transferring ownership today, I remembered an interesting incident when the elders in my family bought a house.

The intermediary brother is still good at answering, so he asked: "What's interesting?"

"My parents and seniors bought a lady's house with full payment. The real estate certificate is in hand. I am looking for workers to decorate the house. At this time, the male owner came back from a business trip."

"It turned out that the house was in the woman's name, and the woman found a boyfriend, and put her husband's several houses and cars in her name, sold everything, and eloped abroad."

"That's why the male master came back from a business trip, and he didn't even have a home."

The man now has nothing, only the tens of thousands of dollars on the card. "

"Most importantly, this man has two children."

"Now the child and the man are directly homeless."

The confidant brother went online again and asked, "Isn't it all the joint property of the husband and wife now? How can she sell it by herself?"

Sun Chao felt that this little brother was too caring, and Sun Chao said whatever he thought.

"That's the problem."

"The children are not young, but they have never obtained a marriage certificate. I don't know if it was out of fashion to obtain a certificate before, or something. The woman is legally single, why can't she sell it!"

The corner is online again.

"Then I have to ask in the circle of friends. If you don't have a certificate, hurry up and get it. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. People's hearts are separated, especially if there is a big age gap between husband and wife. Otherwise, don't waste your property without a certificate. Put it all in the other party's name, the best way is to make up the certificate, and everything will be fine."

Sun Chaochao would like to give a big thumbs up to the brokerage brother.

In fact, what Sun Chao didn't know was that since he asked, why did the intermediary brother feel that something was wrong when selling the house, especially when Sun Chao came in and stared at the person. Maybe he really knew each other, but the other party didn't know.

It wasn't until the meeting that I was about to leave that I suddenly had to tell a story.

Judging from his few contacts, this young boy is not a talkative person, let alone finds topics to chat by himself.

The intermediary brother realized that something was wrong. When Sun Chao finished telling the story, he knew that this was a real acquaintance, and he also knew that they had not received the certificate, and the woman had other intentions.

This is a reminder, because the intermediary brother understands what Sun Chao means, so he answered Sun Chao's words like that.

Both of them saw Yuan Kai walking forward silently, but they didn't realize that they didn't keep up.

The two looked at each other, knowing that they understood each other.

Sun Chao and Yuan Kai separated at the door, and the agent brother and Sun Chao took a taxi to the real estate agency.

As soon as the car started, the intermediary brother couldn't wait to speak: "What did you just say?" He also pointed to the place where Yuan Kai left with his finger.

Sun Chao nodded lightly without saying anything.

When he arrived at the intermediary store, he paid the intermediary's money, and Sun Chao rode his bicycle to find a place to eat. Although it was not until eleven o'clock, it was more than one o'clock, so he had to be early.

Sun Chao directly found a pan noodle shop in the business community in the city center, near the house he bought for his parents, ordered a bowl of noodles and started eating.

When Sun Chao saw the noodles coming, he ate very fast, and had to go back to pack the box after eating.

After eating in a hurry, I took out all the clothes in the box when I got home, and put in the two new clothes I bought.

I took my computer and mobile phone, and I was done. When I closed the gate and went to the yard, I saw the small e-Donkey in the corner. I thought to myself, it must not be left outside, and it will still be there for several months.

After putting the car away, Sun Chao found that the cover of the sofa hadn't been covered. Fortunately, he came back. If he didn't come back, there would be a layer of dust in the past few months.

Sun Chao turned around and put the suitcase aside, opened the door and put the computer bag on the shoe cabinet, turned around and went out to push the electric car into the house.

Take your luggage and head to the train station.

(End of this chapter)

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