Chapter 74 The Facade Room

I want this too, I'll go to see that duplex house some other day.

You can contact the owners of these two houses, and if you need money urgently, you can transfer the ownership within two days.

Zhao Liang crazily complained in his heart: It was agreed to transfer the ownership together, but the agreement is too troublesome! "

Zhang Liang could tell that Sun Chao really liked this house.

Feng Qiang was very happy to hear that both places were needed.

"Let's go, go back to your store, and pay you a part of the deposit first." Sun Chao said to Feng Qiang.

Just now Zhao Liang told him that he had an appointment with their editor-in-chief at seven o'clock, and now it was almost five o'clock, and he had to go to the agency's shop to pay the deposit and still have time on the way.

"Okay, let's go back then."

While talking, Sun Chao and Zhao Liang walked out of the room together.

Feng Qiang closed the window behind and closed the door, Zhao Liang and Sun Chao stood outside the door and chatted again.

Zhao Liang looked at the time and said: "It's almost time, it's just right to go over here after work."

"Then let's continue to look at the houses around here tomorrow, and try to spend two days looking at them."

"Brother Zhao, do you want to get a good loan, or should you buy it in full?"

"Then I'll ask the editor-in-chief at night, he should be clearer."

"Okay! Let's talk about it tonight."

After speaking, Feng Qiang also came out, and the three of them walked to the car.

At this time, Sun Chao said: "Brother Feng, do you still have high-level and front rooms in your hand?"

"Why, do you still want to buy it?"

Zhao Liang answered in a very stinky way: "If he wants to see it, you can find it for him. The agency fee is indispensable, and these places are only a few dollars."

When Feng Qiang heard this, he grinned and showed his white teeth: "As long as you don't need money! You can talk about anything. I'll call the boss now and ask, she should have it."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Qiang took out the mobile phone, and the three of them broadcast the number while walking Feng Qiang.

After the car started, Feng Qiang was still on the phone, and he saw Feng Qiang took out a pen and paper from his suit pocket while answering the phone.

Sun Chao was very curious, how much was there, and he still needed to take out his notebook, so Sun Chao stretched out his head and looked over.

Oh, there are quite a few. There are three shops listed and five houses listed. Sun Chao also saw a familiar community name, "Xintiandi Phase II" and "Ganghe Riverside City".

Sun Chao remembered that the second phase hadn't been built yet at this time, so ask later.

A few minutes later, Sun Chao finally waited until Feng Qiang hung up the phone.

Ask directly: "Has the second phase of Xintiandi been completed?

"It's under construction now. Our boss said that if you want it, she will find someone to keep a set for you."

"There is also Ruiyuan Apartment, which is a re-examination. I told you before that it is 403 square meters, and the total floor of the house is 38 floors. This house is on the 37th floor, with six bedrooms and three living rooms."

He went on to say: "The Ganges Riverside City has now been completed, and the overall greening has almost been done."

"The boss also explained that I will take you to find their person in charge. Let you choose first, and I will take you to see it another day. He also emphasized that we do not charge agency fees for this house."

Sun Chao was very happy to hear that no agency fee was charged.

Sun Chao asked curiously: "That is to say, the house has not been sold yet, but the house has already been built?"

"Yes, and what's more, this house has super large ones, the largest one is 420 square meters."

"This can be, then we will go and have a look tomorrow."

"There is also a sea view garden. This is also under construction. If you want it, the boss has something to do with it. He will let you see it first. If you like it, you can choose one first."

There is also Shimao Binjiang’s house, which was built in the past two years. This one is bigger, with a little more than 527 square meters, four bedrooms and two living rooms. This one is also retested.

On the shop side, the boss told me about a shop on the first floor of the No. 310 Department Store, with an area of ​​[-] square meters, and one square meter is [-]. This is now the most prosperous place.

There is also the store on the first floor of Zhengda Shopping Center, 225 square meters, [-] square meters, and now this is the latest construction.

After talking and summing up, these are the resources in the hands of our boss.

When Sun Chao heard this, he realized that it might not be enough to buy him all these things.

"When I get to your store, I'll give you the deposit first, and you can tell the landlord for me," he asked again in the middle of speaking.

"These places you mentioned, plus the houses near the university, how many days will it take to see them?"

Feng Qiang thought for a while and said: "It will take five days, it seems that it will be a waste of time on the road."

"Then tell the landlord for me, and gather at the housing management office in six days."

"How about it?"

OK!Then when I get to the store, I will ask the boss to issue an invoice for you to collect the money. In the evening, I will contact the owner who is looking at the house today. "

Sun Chao said to Zhao Liang again: "Brother Zhao, have you looked at the house near Lujiazui? Would you like to take a look together tomorrow?"

"I also saw two places nearby, which are also high-rise buildings, but the area is a little over 100 square meters."

"After chatting for a while, we arrived at the real estate agency's store."

"Sun Chao paid a deposit of [-] yuan for a house."

After exchanging a few words with the shop owner, the two rushed to the agreed hotel without stopping.

Inside the room.

Editor-in-chief Tian Guang and editor-in-chief Dong Jian are talking about Sun Chao.

"I heard you tell me that the author Sun Chao is a high school student?"

"Why am I dubious? Is it true?"

Dong Jian said: "I didn't believe it when Zhao Liang told me at first, but Zhao Liang went to Sun Chao's high school to meet him and brought back the signed contract."

"It's 100% sure, I can't fake it, and then I got busy, so I didn't talk to you about him again."

"Are you saying that all the children nowadays are so evil? They are worth tens of millions at such a young age."

"I went to the finance department and asked, the child's manuscript fee was more than 4000 million last year."

"I don't have as much as a fraction of his." Dong Jian said with emotion.

"His parents are capable enough to teach such an excellent child." Tian Guang also said with emotion.

"This child may have a high IQ and has little to do with his parents."

Tian Guang became interested when he heard this: "How do you say it?"

"I've heard from Zhao Liang that Sun Chao's family conditions are particularly bad. It can only be said that he has a problem with his IQ."

"Then this kid was born to eat writing!"

"Does he still have a vest? I remember you told me." Tian Guang asked.

"There is a vest, and the two books I wrote are very good."

"The last time Huaxia Publishing House approached an author for a manuscript, that author was Sun Chao's vest."

"His vest is called [Mouse]?"

"That's right! Maybe you don't know about Sun Chao, but you definitely know about [Mouse]."

"His first book sold very well, and the website made a lot of money!"

Tian Guang remembered the author's name when he heard the mouse, and said: "Then this high school student is really talented in writing. The book written by his [Mouse] vest and "Like a Dream" are completely different styles."

"And the grades are still so good."

Dong Jian added: "The five novels he has written so far are all very popular!"

"No amount of established writers can do it."

"Changed the style and the results are as good as before."

"We can discuss and raise his contract when we go back." Tian Guang said after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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