Chapter 85
When I arrived at the kitchen, I found that the lighting in the kitchen is relatively good, and there is a large balcony in the kitchen, which is still rare.

Unlike later generations, in order to maximize space utilization, the kitchen is designed on the balcony.

The kitchen is designed with double rows of cabinets, and the aisles are not too crowded.

Sun Chao is not the kind of person who buys a big house and looks down on a small house. After all, his house in his previous life was not as big as it is now.

The master bedroom has a large balcony, and the second master bedroom also has a balcony.

The layout of the house is roughly that the living room plus the master bedroom and the second master bedroom face south, and the smallest bedroom faces north.

The restrooms and the kitchen-diner are on the north side.

The house type is not bad. Sun Chao's request is that as long as he is satisfied with the house type, everything else will be fine, especially the terrain and floor of this house are very satisfactory, so there is nothing to say.

The three of them closed the door together and went downstairs, then drove to the house in the next neighborhood, and went to see the house that Zhao Liang bought.

In this way, Sun Chao finished watching the houses of four universities in one day, and returned to the hotel by nine o'clock after the end.

After seeing the house, the three went to the real estate agency to pay the deposit.

After finishing the work, he went to have dinner with Zhao Liang and Feng Qiang, and Sun Chao felt that the two of them had worked hard to look after the house for him recently.

Feng Qiang followed him time after time, and so did Zhao Liang. It was hard work to be the driver for so many days.

Sun Chao wanted to have a treat to thank the two of them, so he found a hotel to have a meal, and that was all when he returned to the hotel.

Lying on the bed, Sun Chao thought in his mind that this trip is probably [-]% of the task completed, and it will be over after closing the account tomorrow.

When he had time, he came over to renovate, and Sun Chao was thinking about how to renovate the large flat.

Fortunately, he was reborn and didn't have the bad things in those novels, otherwise he would be annoying to death, and Sun Chao hates trouble the most.

He is still rejoicing that something bad happened to him soon, maybe God can't see it.

Going to transfer ownership tomorrow, the day after tomorrow the author will get together, and the day after tomorrow should be busy with casting.

In a blink of an eye, the house was closed.

There was a little commotion on the day of the transfer, and the boss of the real estate agency was very experienced, so he took them directly to the back office to go through the formalities.

It's just that these homeowners who are selling their houses are a little bit of a commotion.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Sun Chao sat in the car going to the Peace Hotel. Today is the day of Qidian's writer gathering, and Zhao Liang is still the driver.

Chao Sun received a call from director Zhang Xiao yesterday afternoon, and made an appointment on the third floor of the office building of the Film and Television Paradise at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Sun Chao sat in the car and asked with certainty: "Brother Zhao, is the appointment at six o'clock?"

"The appointment is at six o'clock, and there is still an hour left. It will take four or ten minutes at most to get there."

"Did they say where to gather?"

"The lobby? The door? Or the private room?

"Assemble in the lobby."

"Then how do I identify them, and they are not the only ones in the hall? I have never seen them before." Sun Chao said curiously.

Zhao Liang took out a badge from his pocket and handed it over: "This is the badge that the starting point gave to the authors of the Great God. This is yours. I didn't think of giving it to you before. If it wasn't for this party, I don't know when I would think about it." Get up and give it to you."

Sun Chao took the badge from Zhao Liang and looked at it. It was a square with the word "Qi" on the top of the red background and the word "Great God" written in golden font below it.

This is really simple and clear.

Sun Chao picked up the badge and wanted to put it on his clothes, but suddenly he thought of something, changed hands and put the badge in the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Brother Zhao, do you have a notebook and a pen?"

Zhao Liang didn't understand what Sun Chao wanted to do, but he did.

"It's in the storage box in front of you."

"The things I saw when I was looking for them that day were all new."

When Sun Chao heard this, he opened the storage box and found several notebooks with black sides. Sun Chao picked the smallest one, and he couldn't see it in his pocket.

I took a small notebook and a ballpoint pen, and stuffed them directly into the outer pocket of my coat.

Sun Chao remembered Zhao Liang's show operation last time, and wanted to try it himself. This time, Sun Chao's childish nature was revealed.

The car slowly drove to the gate of the Peace Hotel.

"I'll find a place to eat too. Call me when you're done and I'll come pick you up."

"Then trouble Brother Zhao."

After greeting Zhao Liang, Sun Chao got out of the car with his computer bag on his back and went straight to the lobby of the Peace Hotel.

As soon as Sun Chao came in, he found a group of people. Sun Chao thought in his heart, this group of people should be all there is, and it is rare to see so many people gathered together.A dozen people standing together are still very conspicuous.

Sun Chao found that fortunately he was not the last one to arrive, so he counted the number of people, but there were not enough people.

Sun Chao didn't know who was who, so he pretended to be a tourist and listened closely.

"Brother [Kongkong], why hasn't [Huangruorumeng] arrived yet?"

[Kongkong] This author, whose real name is Li Zhengan, is in his forties, of medium height, with a gentle appearance and a gentle personality. He looks more like a university teacher at first glance.

Li Zhengan raised his hand to look at the time, and found that the time hadn't arrived yet, "Isn't there others who haven't arrived yet?"

"[Mouse] can't explain it?"

"His editor directly helped him refuse, as if something happened, but he couldn't come."

The author [Kongkong], whose real name is Li Zhengan, is talking about a master who also writes fantasy genres.

[Fangzheng] His real name Fang Zhong was a warehouse keeper when he was not in contact with writing. He was less than 30 years old, but he was not very tall, only about [-].

When Sun Chao heard it, he felt that [Kong Kong], the great god, spoke more pleasantly.

Sun Chao saw that the time was almost up, so he pretended to be a book fan and walked over.

He said with a look of surprise: "[Kong Kong] Da Da, I am a fan of your book, can you sign it for me?"

Sun Chao took out the notebook and the pen directly from his pocket.

Fang Zhong said with a look of surprise: "Brother Zheng'an, your book fan, can you sign it for me?"

Li Zhengan was thinking now, who leaked the news or did this fan meet by chance?Do you know they are having dinner here?

After Li Zhengan finished signing, Sun Chao ran up to Fang Zheng with the same expression and the same words and said, "Fang Zheng, I am a fan of your book, can you sign it for me!"

Fang Zhong and Li Zhengan were taken aback for a moment. Didn't this fan even change their words?so real?

After Fang Zhongmuna finished signing, he returned the pen and paper to Sun Chao.

Sun Chao shuttled around these great writers looking for the authors to sign.

In this meeting, Li Zheng'an also has the master author of the urban category [City in Mid-Empty] whose real name is Tang Tang.

The three of them stood there watching Sun Chao running around asking for his autograph.

Li Zheng'an, the big brother, saw that he knew something, and said, "The one who wants to sign everywhere should be the new god."

Tang Tang is in his thirties, and he is also a delicate person.

He echoed, "I feel the same way."

But Fang Zhong felt that they must have thought too much: "Impossible! This looks like a high school student! How could he be the author of "Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

Tang Tang jokingly said, "Then you can take a look when the time comes."

"It can only be the author of "Tomb Raiders Notes", who can have a different brain circuit from ours at this time."

Li Zhengan said with emotion: "The wave behind pushes the wave ahead, and I, the former, will only have the fate of dying on the beach."

"The author of [Resembling a Dream] looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, can he be 20 years old!" Tang Tang also said.

"I'll call him over and ask, why am I so unbelievable!"

(End of this chapter)

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