Chapter 87

Sun Chao also took advantage of the opportunity and stood up and introduced himself: "Hello, everyone, I am [Reminiscent of a Dream] and my real name is Sun Chao."

"Let's communicate more in the future."

He also shook his hand mischievously.

The great gods sitting here are all much older than Sun Chao, and Sun Chao's childishness has also come out.

You looked at me and I looked at you in the audience. In the end, the old master with the hottest temper said hesitantly: "Brother Zheng'an, are you really right?"

Sun Chao remembered that his badge was still in the inner pocket of his jacket, and Sun Chao didn't listen to what they were saying, so he pinned the badge on the sweater on his own.

When Sun Chao made small movements, many people noticed his movements.

Everyone in the audience watched him pin the badge on his clothes.

"It's really hammered."

"I have no doubt."

"I wipe!"


"What a monster!"

Fang Zhong saw the expressions of shock, surprise, disbelief, and ghosts on the faces of these people.

"We all know each other!"

When Fang Zhong spoke out, everyone also managed their expressions.

And then it starts.

"You really are [like a dream]"

"How old are you?"

"Are you a University student?"

"How did you write "Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

"Why didn't you tell me when you came?"

"You are such a monster!"

"You are too awesome!"

"How old are you!"

"God is too partial!"

"I've never seen such a young writer!"

Sun Chao sat quietly in the twittering private room, and really couldn't hear what they said at all.

In fact, it was you who said what I said, and Sun Chao didn't know whose question to answer.

Li Zhengan saw that everyone's questions were almost covered.

Then he said, "You are a group of great writers, why are you doing this like a fan meeting."

"Why do I feel like I went to the wrong set? I suspect that I went to the fan meeting!" Tang Tang also said jokingly.

Everyone laughed when they heard Tang Tang's words.

"Who made Sun Chao so mysterious? He never paid attention to us." A great author said jokingly.

Sun Chao immediately stood up and explained: "Bosses, it's just that my younger brother is still in the third year of high school and can't get out of school. My manuscripts are all updated by my editor."

"My little brother really didn't do it on purpose, please understand."

Sun Chao also bowed seriously to everyone.

Fang Zhong immediately stood up and said hastily: "Everyone has no malicious intentions, they are all joking with you!"

Seeing that Sun Chao was so serious, everyone immediately agreed.

"I know you didn't mean it, I'm joking with you, you sit down quickly, those who don't know think we are bullying you as a young child!" The older master writers in the private room all echoed.

"That's fine, I really can't surf the Internet all the time, as long as everyone can understand."

"Sit down quickly, don't stand up, understand, understand." Everyone said.

Sun Chao took the opportunity to sit down.

Seeing Sun Chao sit down, Fang Zhong said, "Everyone thought you were very cold and didn't bubble up in the group. Now that you are a high school student, you can understand."

A great author asked curiously: "Are you really a senior in high school?"

"My real name is Sun Chao. I'm in my third year of high school. This year." Sun Chao gave another comprehensive introduction.

"How can you be so good, you have reached the achievements of our 30s, I feel like I have lived to a dog for more than ten years." Said the hot-tempered author.

Tang Tang also said with emotion: "I thought the same way when I first found out about him."

"Big brothers, let's change our phone number now. If the younger brother is really offline, you can call."

"I'll have time after I finish my college entrance examination."

Sun Chao took out his mobile phone, each reported their mobile phone numbers, Sun Chao memorized them one by one, and reported his own mobile phone number after memorizing them.

During the meal, Sun Chao spent all kinds of questions, and it was almost eleven o'clock after the meal.

Sun Chao drank some red wine during the meal, and everyone left the Peace Hotel together. Sun Chao called Zhao Liang, who would have thought that Zhao Liang would have already driven over before the call was made.

Sun Chao greeted all the bosses, and got into the car driven by Zhao Liang.

"Xiao Chao, have you been drinking?"

"Everyone is drinking, and it's not good if I don't drink alone. I only drank two glasses of red wine."

Sun Chao put down the back of the seat directly and lay down on the co-pilot.

"You go to sleep when you go back, you have to get up early tomorrow morning, and you have to go to the film and television paradise tomorrow."

Zhao Liang explained.

"The other thing is to dress a little more formally tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is a formal occasion."

"and also……"

Zhao Liang didn't hear Sun Chao's voice, so he turned his face to look, and found that Sun Chao had fallen asleep.

Zhao Liang silently turned off the music.

Slow down, and drive quietly to the hotel where Sun Chao lives.

The next morning, Sun Chao woke up in a daze. He didn't wake up, but he was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone, and the sound of the mobile phone in [-] was very loud.

Sun Chao slowly closed his eyes and began to fumble for the phone.

Squinting one eye, he connected the phone, and lay on the bed to pick up the phone.

"Which one?"

"It's early in the morning, what's the matter?"

"Brother, it's getting late, you are so sleepy, I have already called you more than a dozen times!"

"You forgot about casting today!"

When Sun Chao heard about the casting, he immediately woke up and started to do it.

He took his phone away and looked at the time.

I rely on!That's too late!
He hung up the phone in a hurry and ran to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Sun Chao appeared at the entrance of the hotel. Zhao Liang saw that Sun Chao had come down and drove directly to the hotel entrance.

Sun Chao opened the door and set off in one go.

"Why don't you answer the phone? I'm so anxious!"

"I was so sound asleep that I didn't even hear it!"

"Is the time still in a hurry? What time is it?"

Zhao Liang looked at the time and said, "It's 08:30 and we'll be a little past nine at the earliest."

"Then come in, it's a little bit faster."

"Brother Zhao, pay attention to driving safely. My head is still a little dazed. I'm squinting for a while."

When Zhao Liang saw that Sun Chao was asleep, he turned up the temperature of the air conditioner.

He was afraid that Sun Chao would catch a cold while sleeping, it would be even worse, if he caught a cold here, the editor-in-chief would have to eat himself.

At [-]:[-], the car stopped in the film and television park and stopped at the entrance of the audition building. Zhao Liang found a seat and stopped casually.Hastily called Sun Chao up.

Sun Chao was a little dazed when he was woken up by Zhao Liang, and it took him half a minute to wake up.Knowing that it was too late, he hurriedly opened the door and got off the car.

Seeing that Sun Chao's hair was like a chicken coop, Zhao Liang hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Xiao Chao, pay attention to your image. Look at your hairstyle! It's like a chicken coop!"

When Sun Chao heard it, he turned around and took a picture on the glass of the car, wow!That's how I go out!my image!
I hurriedly cleaned it with my hands, but found that the effect was not great, so I hurriedly asked Zhao Liang: "Brother Zhao! Do you have mineral water? Bring me a bottle."

"Is it okay to drink it? There is no new one."

"It's okay, I just use it to wet my hair."

(End of this chapter)

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