Chapter 90 He Yichen

Sun Chao saw Zhong Liang's eyes light up. At this time, Zhong Liang was only about 30 years old, and he took care of college students and elites a few years later, without any sense of disobedience.

Now let's see how his acting skills compare with those of later generations.

This time, Sun Chao took the initiative to go to Zhang Xiao's side and whispered, "I recommended this one to you. What do you think?"

"The appearance is really suitable, but I don't know how the acting skills are."

This time Zhang Xiao, the director, came up with a question, you act it out and know that Zhao Mosheng came to your house to look for you after getting married, I will cooperate with you.

As soon as Zhong Liang spoke, Zhang Xiao frowned.


Mandarin is too non-standard.

Zhang Xiao stopped immediately.

Sun Chao remembered that he forgot to tell Zhang Xiao that Zhong Liang's Mandarin was not standard.

Then he leaned into Director Zhang's ear and said, "You watch his performance first, I have also found a voice actor."

"I used to choose actors for the script for my own entertainment, including Zhong Liang's Mandarin is not standard and I also found a voice actor."

After Sun Chao received Zhang Xiao's call, he looked for a voice actor on the Internet.

At that time, the actor who voiced the protagonist Zhong Liang in the previous life was not found. Sun Chao thought that this person was not well-known at this time, and now it may be because of his own existence that some unknown changes have taken place.

"Didn't I give you the list of my favorite actors? In addition to the hero and heroine, there is also a list of two supporting actors who have an office with Zhong Liang."

These four people are the only actors for this drama that Sun Chao can find.

"Okay, then go ahead and try."

Zhong Liang could tell that this boy who had a dispute outside just now is the one who decides here.

One sentence can decide whether to use him or not.

After trying some lines, Zhang Xiao found that Sun Chao's vision is really good, and his acting skills are absolutely passable.

Sun Chao was also quite surprised, he didn't expect his acting skills to be so good now.

Zhang Xiao and Sun Chao discussed again, and directly decided to use Zhong Liang.

Zhong Liang will wait for the result. He is more nervous than when he was performing, and his palms are sweating.

Clenching his fists firmly, he stared at Zhang Xiao, waiting for the final result.

Zhang Xiao finally spoke: "Congratulations, Zhong Liang, under Sun Chao's strong recommendation, we plan to hire you as the number one male."

Zhong Liang is very grateful to Sun Chao in his heart now, this is the first time he has played the leading role in mainland China.

He directly bowed to Sun Chao.

Sun Chao also directly accepted this bow. If Zhong Liang appeared in this drama this year, his acting career would save several years of detours.

After confirming that Zhong Liang was settled, the staff went outside to announce it.

The other judges also went out to eat one after another.

Sun Chao took out from his pocket the notebook that the Great God of Qidian had signed last time, dropped it in front of Zhong Liang and said, "Future big star, please sign me in advance.

After finishing speaking, Sun Chao also took off his mask. There were so many people before, it would be too rude not to take it off when he was speaking.

Seeing Sun Chao take off his mask, Zhang Xiao introduced: "The [-]-year-old boy in front of you is the author of "Why Shengxiaomo" and the screenwriter of this TV series. His full name is Sun Chao."

He was surprised to hear that Sun Chao was the author of "Why Shengxiaomo", Zhong Liang, but he didn't expect that the screenwriter was also Sun Chao.

He reached out his hand and shook Sun Chao's hand and said in substandard Mandarin: "It's true that you can't be judged by appearances. Just now that buddy thought you were an [-]th-line starlet. Who would have thought that you were a writer."

"But your appearance is considered outstanding among celebrities. He should be jealous of your appearance, so he will trouble you."

"I'm also a fan of your book. I've read both of your published novels. Next time I see you, I'll definitely sign your name."

Zhong Liang took the pen and paper as he spoke and signed it, "I accept your good words."

Sun Chao still likes several powerful stars in his previous life, and Zhong Liang is one of them.

"Let's go, it's time for lunch, Zhong Liang should join us."

In fact, Zhang Xiao didn't know Zhong Liang, but seeing that Sun Chao liked him so much, let's have a meal together as a good relationship.

Zhong Liang was still very excited to hear that they had dinner together, but he still asked, "Is it okay?"

"Of course, let's go!" Sun Chao waved his hand.

The four of them used the elevator together to go upstairs.

An hour later, Sun Chao, Zhang Xiao and Zhao Liang took the elevator upstairs together.

This time, I didn't run out without looking for a sense of presence.

One is to choose the heroine in the afternoon, and the other is to have director Zhang Xiao by my side.

Sun Chao was still dressed in the morning, and put on the mask early.

Before Sun Chao entered the room, he turned around and scanned the hall, but looking at Tang Yan, who was still very young, Sun Chao knew that the heroine had changed.

Entering the interview room together, Zhao Liang was still sitting on the sofa beside him playing with his mobile phone, and Sun Chao was still sitting next to Zhang Xiao.

Sun Chao, who was the first girl to come in for the interview, had a bright spot in her eyes, which was a bit like Tang Yan's leading lady.

Sun Chao lowered his head and found out from the information that this is Li Xiaoling, Shencheng Academy of Drama, 25 years old. Sun Chao read the TV series he starred in on his resume, but they were all small roles.

Sun Chao looked at Li Xiaoling's resume and found that she starred in many TV dramas that Sun Chao had never heard of.

It's like the one written by Li Xiaoling, "Queen of the Nation", which sounds like a costume drama, but Sun Chao has never heard of it.

This girl's condition is quite good, but why didn't Ke Tian Ke Yu hear of it in her previous life?

It didn't cause any splashes in the film and television industry. From the looks of it, she either changed careers or got married.

Sun Chao saw that the performance was also remarkable. Although he was not particularly brilliant, he was not without acting skills at all.

Sun Chao was curious about where Zhang Xiao found this one, so he asked, "Director Zhang, where did you find this actor?"

This is really what happened to Zhang Xiao, and he deliberately let him in first, and he almost fell asleep when he saw Sun Chao in the morning.

"On the day I came here, I accidentally saw this when passing by a production crew. I feel that it fits the temperament of our leading lady."

"what do you think?"

"Not bad. His acting skills are online. If he plays well, it's not impossible to become famous in one battle."

"Then shall we continue watching or settle down directly?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Let's go to the interview and see if there is a more suitable one."

Sun Chao discovered that the showbiz was really based on chance, if Zhang Xiao hadn't come here, he wouldn't have met this girl, and he might have changed careers before he got this opportunity.

The next few are all second- and third-tier stars, and there are only a few familiar faces, but Sun Chao found that many of their faces have moved, and the expressions that are too rich are...embarrassing.

Sun Chao sat for another two hours, but he didn't see the bright actor in front of him.

In the end, Li Xiaoling was settled.

After the end, Sun Chao saw the girl again.

I found that the speech is generous, neither humble nor overbearing, and the temperament is not bad.

"I called you just now and thought you were gone."

A little nervously said: "I just want to wait and see if it is possible to be selected."

"I did it for a while at the stairs, and I really waited for it."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "The wait is worth it. You can go to the legal department to sign a contract later. The content is all there. It costs [-] yuan per episode. Do you have any comments?"

"No comment!"

"Since there is no objection, let your company's legal department come to sign the contract with you in the afternoon."

Li Xiaoling hesitated and said, "I haven't signed a company yet."

"I'll just sign it myself."

Zhang Xiao frowned and said, "That's fine, but do you consider coming to our company?"

When Sun Chao heard it, he suggested: "Director Zhang, can you see if this works? Let him take over the show in his own name. If she becomes popular, he can sign a better contract. If she doesn't, you don't need to." Sign is not."

(End of this chapter)

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