Chapter 92

"I will be responsible for all your affairs when you come back after the new year. I haven't gone to work during this time, and all the emails are in my computer."

I just called the editor-in-chief and asked him to check it on my computer. "

"No one tidied up during the Chinese New Year, and I was responsible for going to work after the year, so no one replied."

After Zhang Xiao heard the exact news, she said, "My friend thought you didn't have the idea of ​​selling this film and television adaptation, or you were not satisfied with the price."

Zhao Liang hesitated and said, "Our editor-in-chief is not satisfied with the price. The other party only offered 200 million yuan. Our editor-in-chief's price is 300 million yuan."

"Xiao Chao, your value has risen fast enough. When I bought this film and television adaptation, it was only 200 million yuan, and it has risen to 300 million yuan in the blink of an eye."

"We are responsible for all these things, and they are also the prices our company has assessed." Zhao Liang immediately replied.

"I don't get involved in these things."

He waved his hands as he spoke, with an innocent look on his face.

Seeing Sun Chao like this, Zhang Xiao really felt that the starting point had become Sun Chao's big housekeeper, and he didn't care about anything.

"It's okay! Let me ask you, the director who wants to buy your film and television copyright is very generous, and the money should not be a problem."

"Then thank you Director Zhang." Zhao Liang quickly answered.

Sun Chao just sat there without speaking, watching the two of them come and go.

Zhang Xiao found out that Sun Chao really didn't like to talk, and when he wanted to talk, he said it when he needed to talk, and even if he spoke, he said a few words concisely.

"Has Director Zhang decided where to shoot the scene?" Sun Chao asked curiously.

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao immediately became excited, and the expression on his face became more vivid, smiling like a little girl getting her favorite toy.

"I also considered coming to Shanghai for filming before, but there are suitable places in other cities, so I didn't come here alone."

"But this trip, I found that I can almost finish filming this drama in Shanghai."

Seeing Zhang Xiao so happy, Sun Chao also thought that Shencheng was very good, after all, the original TV series was filmed here.

"Then just after the selection, you can shoot directly?"

"The male and female protagonists that Director Zhang has selected for this drama are all newcomers."

"Aren't you afraid that the ratings will hit the street?"

Zhang Xiao heard Sun Chao's words and said: "I often recruit newcomers, as long as they perform well, there is no problem with good ratings."

Zhang Xiao's first youth TV series is a group of pure newcomers, from the director to the actors.

But Zhang Xiao still became popular thanks to this drama, and the value of the actors also soared, especially the two protagonists.

Sun Chao was worried that he would not be as popular as he was in his previous life.

But it's all sold, and these are not things I need to worry about.

For several hours in the afternoon, I have been picking important supporting roles.

When Sun Chao returned to the hotel in the evening, he started writing the script, and immediately sent the script to Zhang Xiao after finishing writing.

Sun Chao called Zhang Xiao.

A few seconds later, laughter came from the other side: "Xiao Chao, is it because the script has been sent to call sister so late?"


Zhang Xiao giggled and seemed to be in a good mood.

"I thought I'd have to wait until tomorrow. I'll send it to my friend now and I'll call you back tomorrow."

Sun Chao lay down on the bed after washing up.

Sun Chao is now wondering, how could his own rebirth bring about such a big change?
Sun Chao originally thought that only the Internet literary circle was affected by him, but he didn't expect that the film and television circle would have such a big change. Now Chao Sun wondered if he was still on Earth, or was he reborn in a parallel world?

Thinking wildly, thinking about Sun Chao, he fell asleep.

This is big enough.

Sun Chao fell asleep, but some people couldn't fall asleep.

Ding Wen is a well-known director who mainly shoots some commercial films. Although he has not won any awards, he is still well-known in the circle of TV drama directors.

It is now eleven o'clock in the evening.

Today, his daughter was very energetic. Although she was lying on the bed after nine o'clock, she just didn't want to go to bed. She told stories one after another before going to bed, and finally waited until her daughter fell asleep.

While his daughter was slowly falling asleep, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Ding Wen hurriedly pressed the mute button and looked at his daughter in fear. Fortunately, her daughter was not woken up.

He tiptoedly took out his cell phone and looked, it turned out to be Zhang Xiao's call.

He and Zhang Xiao are about the same age, and they can usually chat together, but the TV series they shoot are two completely different types.

The last time I saw a script adapted from a novel at a gathering at Zhang Xiao's house.

Zhang Xiao is also very optimistic about the script. Ding Wen looked through it when he was bored and found that it is really good and the content is very novel. The script is also very professionally written.

In this party, there was another director who also took a fancy to another novel by this internet writer, and wanted to adapt it.

Ding Wen saw that everyone was so sincere about this writer, and Ding Wen also moved a little bit.

At that time, although Ding Wen also expressed his request to director Zhang Xiao, he asked her to help find an author to write a script.

In fact, Ding Wen didn't have much hope, it was purely a chance to try his luck.

Ding Wen has read many screenwriters' scripts, but none of them are particularly fancy.

He is not sure that an author who writes youth novels can write a script that he is satisfied with.

Even though the author's script was well written, he still didn't have much hope for it.

After all, all screenwriters have their strengths and weaknesses.

He gently closed the door of his daughter's room, and only after walking to the living room did he answer the phone.

"Hello, Director Zhang, can you call me now?"

Zhang Xiao smiled brightly: "Didn't you ask me to ask if the author of this script can write the script you requested? I asked you today, and he really has a completed one in his hand, and it is very Meet your requirements."

"But authors also have their own requirements."

"You read the script first. Are you sure you want it? We'll talk about other scripts. I've already emailed you. You read it first before we talk about it."

"Okay! I'll take a look first."

Zhang Xiao directly sent the script to Ding Wen, fearing that she would be reluctant if she liked it too.

It would be better not to watch it.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Wen walked into the bedroom and talked to his wife.

"Daughter-in-law, I want to read a script here, so go to bed first."

The daughter-in-law looked worried, "Haven't you found a script you like? Don't ask too much."

Hearing his wife's concern, Ding Wen felt warm in his heart: "Understood, I have already pre-selected a few books. If you really don't like it, just choose one among them."

"Do not worry."

"Then go to bed early, don't stay up too late."

Ding Wen walked to the study.

Ding Wen installed a desktop computer in his study, and he usually stays in this study when he is working.

Turn on the computer and find the email from Zhang Xiao.

Click on it, and Ding Wen watched it for two hours.

It's not that this script takes two hours to finish, but that Ding Wen has read it several times.

The script Sun Chao gave this time is not particularly detailed, and there is no storyboard.

In this way, Ding Wen also watched for two hours.

When Ding Wen came back to his senses, he called Zhang Xiao, but the phone was always turned off.

In order to sleep at night without being disturbed, Zhang Xiao has always been used to sleeping with the phone turned off.

It was almost one o'clock now, but Ding Wen was very excited and didn't mean to sleep at all.

Ding Wen just stayed in the study and kept looking at the script, without closing his eyes all night.

God knows how satisfied he was with the script.

It was worth the wait for so long, and finally got this book.

Ding Wen spent the whole night thinking about how to make the best shot.

In the morning, Ding Wen's daughter-in-law checked that there was no one around, and walked to the study suspiciously.

As soon as Ding Wen's daughter-in-law entered the study, she saw that Ding Wen was looking excitedly at the computer screen with dark circles under his eyes.

"You haven't slept all night?" Ding Wen's daughter-in-law asked with concern, frowning.

Ding Wen saw that it was his wife who got up, so he stood up and hugged his daughter-in-law several times.

While laughing, he said, "Honey, I have found a script that I am satisfied with. I am very satisfied."

This move startled Ding Wen's wife, and said quickly, "Put me down quickly."

She also beat Ding Wen's shoulder coquettishly.

After Ding Wen put his wife down, he kissed her face again.

Amidst his wife's whispered complaints, he walked to the bathroom.

While brushing his teeth, Ding Wen didn't forget to call Zhang Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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