Chapter 98

Sun Chao looked puzzled: "Why do you circle around me?"

"Don't you know? Now you are more important than me in the eyes of my parents. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the current grades."

Sun Chao had a frightened expression on his face: "Then I have to run far away. I dare not appear in front of your parents after being described by you."

Wang Bin hurriedly said, "Don't disappear, or my parents will eat me."

"I'm just joking with you. You really don't need to thank me. Don't you say that the master leads you into the door and cultivates on your own. Your current achievements are all due to your hard work, and I am at best a guide."

"Don't get excited, there are still two papers to be written!" Sun Chao immediately pulled back the two of them who were flying away.

Sun Chao didn't realize that Fatty was not very interested when he mentioned this question.

There are thirty or forty days until the college entrance examination.

This time the monthly exam was very formal. Sun Chao found the class he was going to and then looked for a seat according to this number.

The monthly exam was completely in accordance with the standards of the college entrance examination. This time, Sun Chao was assigned to the second and fifth classes of senior high school.

Everyone sat in their seats and waited for the invigilator to arrive.

The first subject is mathematics.

When Sun Chao got the math test paper, he scanned all the math papers first, and found that the last question was still a super-syllabus question.

Sun Chao thinks he can do it, but Fatty and Wang Bin don't think about it, the points for this question can only be lost.

Sun Chao finished the previous multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions in about ten minutes, but the ones that needed to be written later took a little longer than the super-outline questions.

Sun Chao did not use the simple solution of high numbers, but honestly solved it with normal steps.

Sun Chao had finished writing in a little over an hour, and had been sitting in his seat waiting for the paper to be handed in.

It's okay to go out, everyone is taking the exam, Sun Chao is wandering there with his chin in his hands, "Tomb Raider Notes [-]" should be off the shelves by now, and the time is not short.

"Tomb Raider Notes III" has not been published yet, and I don't know why.

Zhao Liang didn't call himself either.

It has been almost a month since the filming of "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" started, Zhang Xiao even made a special phone call to herself on the day of filming.

"Tomb Raider Notes [-]" hasn't been serialized for such a long time, I don't know if those readers will make trouble, especially Qian Duoduo is the most troublesome guy, last time I asked him to change his nickname, I don't know if he has changed it .

During this period of time, Sun Chao seemed to have lost contact with the outside world. Apart from charging the computer sooner or later, Sun Chao hadn't turned on the computer for more than a month.

Sun Chao really guessed right, Qian Duoduo was chatting with everyone in the group.

"You said, is it because we didn't change the nickname of Xianyu that Sun Chao never released the fourth part?"

"I don't know, then you can change it first and take a look."

"I think he should be in school, and now there are more than 30 days before the college entrance examination."

"Then let the responsible editor post it!" Qian Duoduo was puzzled.

"He must have time to write! I think he must be getting up earlier than chickens and going to bed later than dogs."

"Everyone understands that it's hard to force the third party in high school. Isn't that how we all came here? Who doesn't take off half a layer of skin in the college entrance examination."

"That's not right! Didn't you say that Sun Chao is a super student? Didn't he take the college entrance examination?"

"The situation you describe is about ordinary people like us, and it doesn't match Sun Chao at all."

"The main reason is that he is still so low-key. After the autograph session is over, he is specifically told to keep it secret. It is really rare at this age."

The oldest fan among the book fans said with emotion.

"There is no harm without comparison. Look at Sun Chao's achievements at this age. When you think back to your high school..."

"According to what you say, it means that people will die when comparing people, and goods will be thrown away!"


Finally, Sun Chao ushered in the submission of papers amidst Sun Chao's wild imagination.

The next test was Chinese. Sun Chao went to the bathroom, stood at the door for a while, and then started the next test.

When Sun Chao got the test paper, he read the composition topic first.

Read the text below, according to what the article says
①Go your own way, let others say it! (Dante)

② People who often ask for directions will not lose their way. (Polish proverb)

③ You should listen to the opinions of others patiently, and seriously consider whether the person who accuses you is justified. (Da Vinci)
④ It is the same mistake to believe everyone and to doubt everyone. (senac)
Faced with various opinions, some people think: whose words should I believe?There are also people who think: Believe in yourself is the most important thing.Please write an article with no less than 800 words on the topic of "Believe in yourself and listen to others' opinions".

Sun Chao saw this question, isn't this the composition question for the 04 National Paper?The Chinese teacher was too careless about the questions.

Sun Chao wrote nearly [-] words with eloquence.

After finishing the composition, Sun Chao turned around and started writing from the first question. Sun Chao finished the test paper in two hours.

After handing in the test paper, Sun Chao went to the cafeteria and met Fatty and Wang Bin on the way.

"How did you two do in the exam?"

The fat man said stinkingly, "It's better than Wang Bin anyway."

When Wang Bin heard Zhang Wei say that he did better in the test, he answered, "Fatty! Are you so sure that you must be better than me in the test?"

"It's not obvious!"

"What if I do better than you?"

Sun Chao watched Wang Bin dig a hole for the fat man, but smiled and didn't speak.


Zhang Wei half saw Sun Chao's expression and realized that something was wrong: "Wang Bin, you cheated on me again, so I won't block you. You just need a higher score."

Seeing that the fat man is not fooled, there is no way to continue playing.

The three of them ate a small stir-fry in the cafeteria together. It was newly added after the Chinese New Year. Although the price was a bit expensive, the taste was still good.

After chatting all the way, they went to their respective examination rooms when they arrived at the teaching building.

In order to save time, I finished four exams in one day.

Two and a half hours for comprehensive science and two hours for foreign language.

As soon as the exam was over, the teachers began to correct the papers non-stop.

When I came back from the winter vacation, I was notified that the school had compiled an honor roll. Every time senior high school students took a major exam, they could immediately see their rank on the honor roll after the results came out.

When the teachers in each class were correcting the test papers, the students were not idle, and the test papers of each subject were handed out to the students as if they did not need money.

In the first class in the afternoon of the second day after the exam, the head teacher came in with the test paper with a smile.

This time the head teacher directly asked the class representative to hand out the papers.

While distributing the test papers, the head teacher said, "I won't read the rankings this time. After class, go to the honor roll to see for yourself."

"The grades of most of the students in this class have improved, but some students' grades have declined. Think about why you didn't do well in the exam."

Sun Chao scored 149 points

Zhang Wei 146 points

Wang Bin 145 points

Fatty and Wang Bin were there for a class.

"Wang Bin, what did I say! I'm still taller than you!"

"Okay, isn't it just a higher score, what's the matter?"

The fat man said longingly, "It would be great if I got this grade in other subjects."

"I think so too! It shouldn't be much worse."

(End of this chapter)

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