Chapter 1037 Let him lose

Feng Lin immediately walked over, grabbed the middle-aged man by the shoulders, and dragged him out of the front of the car, "If you do this again, call the police, bro, call the police, and let them arrest him!"

Seeing Feng Lin's eyes, Wang Shuangwen nodded slightly, "Okay, I've never seen such an arrogant person before."

"Don't call the police, don't arrest my father!"

At this time, the little boy who was on the ground before got up crying and grabbed Wang Shuangwen's arm.

"Then let people get out of the way." Wang Shuangwen said.

The woman lying behind the car got up from the ground helplessly, "Forget it, husband."

"If something really happened, you can tell us, and I will find a way for you, but it's wrong for you to steal money."

Looking at them, Feng Lin seemed to have something hard to say, "Whose family's money is not money? Everyone's money is earned through hard work."

"Well said."

The old man at the front was very prestigious in this village. He said softly, "Let's all leave. They gave us money. We can't repay our kindness with revenge."

After his words, all the people around dispersed, and after a while, there were only three of them left here.

The middle-aged man clutched the wound he had just hit, and knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we really can't help it, that's why we got a wrong idea."

From their mouths, Feng Lin knew that this was Xiaojia Village.

The middle-aged man's name is Xiao Gang, and his family buys cloth.

But this village can't support them at all, so he often drives his electric tricycle to some village markets to sell.

But a month ago, after he went to a village in another place to sell out, it was dark.

Because he didn't pay attention, his car scratched a Porsche luxury car.

He was dumbfounded at the time.

The driver immediately called the police, saying that their car would cost 25 yuan after repairs.

Over the years, he has been doing business frequently, and has saved nearly 20 in his hands.

I often get up early and stay late, and I have been working for nearly 20 years.

But still not enough to pay.

People in the village, as well as relatives, borrowed all of them, and finally raised enough 20 yuan.

But there is still a shortfall of 5 yuan. A penny is hard for a hero, let alone [-] yuan.

People from the court have already come to the door, but they really can't get it out.

Just yesterday, that person directly asked his daughter to be taken away.

He said that if he didn't lose money, he would ask his daughter to accompany him.

They were at a loss for what to do now, and they found that Wang Shuangwen had come. When he checked in the village, he took cash.

It was found that he had a thick pile of [-] to [-].

That's why they got their heads dirty.

"Since your daughter was arrested, why didn't you call the police?"

Feng Lin asked, he is not a saint, there are many people who borrow money like this in the world, did he take the initiative to pay back the money when he met one?
If it's a normal little thing, like the man he met today, it's okay to delay for a few minutes.

This is money.

Although he is not short of money, giving money to others for free is not something anyone would do.

"We owed money to other people, and they threatened us, saying that the quotation for the car was set by him."

"If we dare to call the police, they will set the price at 30 or 40, which will ruin our family."

Xiao Gang cried and said.

"Young master, look..."

Wang Shuangwen looked at Feng Lin, waiting for his intention.

Anyway, now their company is getting bigger and bigger, tens of thousands of dollars is nothing to worry about.

"Let me think."

Feng Lin stroked his chin, looked at Xiao Gang and asked, "Do you know the guy who drove the Porsche?"

"Yes, he is a young man in the town. That man's father has a big project in other places, and his family is not short of money."

Xiao Gang replied.

"Well, this is a bit interesting."

Feng Lin shrugged with a smile, "No wonder they took your daughter away, are you sure you bumped into his car?"

"I'm sure of this. It was almost dark at the time, and there happened to be a piece of glass shards over there. I instinctively turned and ran into it. I remember very clearly that his car was parked."

Xiao Gang replied.

"Young master, this glass slag is more interesting."

Wang Shuangwen also roughly guessed that maybe they were deliberately blackmailing people.

It just happened to be met by Xiao Gang.

Someone touched his car and asked them to pay, but they can claim insurance.

"Where is that person?" Feng Lin asked.

"They are usually in a black casino in the town. I heard that he also has shares in that casino."

Xiao Gang wiped his tears and said.

"Okay! I like to play this. I can help with your affairs, but you have to pay the price."

Feng Lin patted Wang Shuangwen on the shoulder, "You guys are really too much, I hate the kind of person who repays kindness and revenge in my life."

"As long as you can save my daughter, I am willing to pay any price." Xiao Gang kowtowed to Feng Lin excitedly.

"Being like this, get up, follow me, and take us to that casino."

Feng Lin took out a bandage from his body and asked Xiao Gang's wife to wrap his head around it.

After waiting here for a while, Feng Lin took Wang Shuangwen's car and took Xiao Gang to that place.

Feng Lin was sitting in the co-pilot, he tilted his head and smiled and said, "Do you have any abilities? In terms of gambling?"


Wang Shuangwen chuckled a few times, looked at Xiao Gang outside the window through the interior rearview mirror, and said in a low voice, "I have all-round images."

While speaking, Wang Shuangwen displayed his spiritual power.

Feng Lin looked around strangely, he clearly noticed that he was surrounded by spiritual power.

"In this range, I can see everything, even the young master's black trousers." Wang Shuangwen laughed.

"Damn it! Such a disgusting ability?" Feng Lin got goosebumps.

"Not only that, as long as there is a gap, my spiritual power can penetrate it and move." Wang Shuangwen paused, "Of course, the young master is so strong, I just need to bounce my spiritual power away, and I can't do it."

"That's good, then we'll divide the tables into two."

Feng Lin nodded.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. Here, they saw the Porsche. There were several long roads from the door to the parking space.

So far no repairs.

"So, the opponent is also inside." Feng Lin said in a low voice, "Win three or four rounds, and deliberately lose one round."


Wang Shuangwen walked in first.

Feng Lin took Xiao Gang and walked inside, "You come in with me, don't say anything."

"it is good!"

Xiao Gang nodded.

Feng Lin took out more than 3000 yuan from the space ring, and he had spare cash with him.

When I came to this place, I found that it was in the basement. When I went in, I found that there were three doors around, which should be convenient for escape.

"Hey! Isn't this Uncle Xiao Gang?"

At this moment, a young man with yellow hair smoking a cigarette came over with a smile in the distance. He was wearing two black earrings, and three or four people followed behind him.

"He is the chief culprit who kidnapped my daughter, Guo Tiantian." Xiao Gang said in a low voice.

"What are you doing here?" Guo Tiantian asked.

"Brother, my uncle said that he used money recently, but it's still tens of thousands of yuan short, so he came here to try his luck."

Feng Lin looked around, Wang Shuangwen was already sitting in a guessing place, he pretended to walk over, and whispered in his ear, "Is there a problem?"

"Yes, there are a lot of wires in the table, all of them." Wang Shuangwen murmured.

Feng Lin nodded, sat on another table, and waved to Xiao Gang, "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely win the money for you."

Xiao Gang was at a loss, in fact he still didn't understand.

Nine out of ten bets, why did Feng Lin come back here?

Guo Tiantian in the distance whispered to the younger brother beside him: "Let him lose."

(End of this chapter)

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