My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1045 The Closed Orphanage

Chapter 1045 The Closed Orphanage
Feng Lin opened his eyes and found that the person calling him was a flight attendant.

Because this flight is domestic, the flight attendants here are also Chinese.

She looked at Feng Lin apologetically, "Sir, I'm sorry, because there are thunderclouds on the way forward, we will temporarily land elsewhere."

Feng Lin rubbed his eyes, nodded slightly: "Yes."

The plane gradually landed, and Feng Lin also took out his mobile phone to check, he had already arrived in Europe.

In terms of area, Europe as a whole is slightly larger than China.

In fact, after arriving here, Feng Lin can walk directly like in his own country.

But considering that they boarded the plane and took off again, they still had to count the number of people, if they found that they were no longer there.

It will be very troublesome.

Feng Lin still chose to wait here.

When he got up, he looked towards the economy class, looking for the two fluctuations of spiritual power.

It was found that they were not Chinese, but white men.

I don't know what I was doing in Huaxia before, but Feng Lin didn't bother to pay attention to them.

After waiting here for several hours, the plane took off again.

This time the journey was smooth and Feng Lin finally came to England.

After getting off the airport, Feng Lin closed his eyes as usual, and carefully felt the words of the people around him.

Then he took a deep breath and left.

He didn't let Mo Sheng pick him up, but decided to go there by himself, and it's been a long time since he said it.

Before non-stop execution of missions, running around the world.

At this moment, Feng Lin's cell phone rang, and he looked at the number, it was a string of dozens of digits.

Usually this kind of number is written by Alice.

If it is in the same country, this is not required.

But after crossing the border, it is easy to be monitored by other places, so Alice uses this encrypted call.

"Feng Lin, have you gone abroad? And in England?"

Alice's voice came from over there.

"That's right, you're not watching me all day, are you?" Feng Lin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Whoever is watching, just need to set up a small program, and I will remind you here."

Alice said over there: "Since you're in the past, do something for me."

"What's the matter?" Feng Lin asked.

"Remember the orphanage I mentioned a long time ago? Since I came to you, I haven't accepted the order, and I haven't donated money to the orphanage."

"Last time I helped someone solve a loophole, earned tens of thousands of dollars, and sent money to the orphanage. Later, I found that the money came back, saying that the bank card was frozen."

"I'll send you an address, you go and see what's going on, anyway, the area there is not big."

Alice said on the phone.

Feng Lin also knew that Alice grew up in an orphanage, and the dean there treated her very well.

Except for her own food and living, she donated almost all of the money she earned to the orphanage.

"When did it happen?" Feng Lin asked.

"It was remitted two months ago, and it was refunded a month ago. You know, I gave them enough money, so I thought it would be fine."

Alice said over there, "But you finally went there, so go and have a look, anyway, it won't take much time."

Feng Lin nodded, "Yes, you can give me the address first, and I will handle your business first."

"really love you!"

Alice smiled and hung up the phone. After a while, an address came from him.

Feng Lin took a look, it wasn't very far from here.

Of course, this is compared to Huaxia.

The area of ​​England is equivalent to a province of China.

With Feng Lin's current speed, it doesn't take much time to go back and forth in one province.

Finding a corner where no one was around, Feng Lin used his invisibility, and rushed to the location on the map.


Finally, Feng Lin arrived at the destination.

Here is located in a second-tier city, Feng Lin looked at the huge orphanage in the distance.

The area is not much more than a school.

Maybe it was built because of the money Alice gave at the beginning.

He felt it carefully and found that there was not much atmosphere inside, unlike an orphanage full of children.

Feng Lin walked over, and looked inside through the patterned holes in the steel gate.

Until a black woman came from inside, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, my wife used to live here. Over the years, she has donated anonymously every year."

Feng Lin smiled at her, "Some time ago, when we donated, we found that the account was frozen, so we came here to see what happened."

If it's someone else, maybe this woman doesn't believe it.

But Feng Lin's voice is a standard British accent, and it sounds like he grew up in this country.

The black woman sighed slightly, and opened the door, "Come in, this orphanage can no longer be opened."

Feng Lin asked suspiciously: "What's going on? We have made a lot of money from our transnational business over the years, and we donate a lot every time."

He remembered Alice before, but it was a donation of 10,000+20.

You know she donated in pounds sterling.

One pound is equivalent to almost nine dollars.

That is Huaxia coins, 100 million 200 million donations, almost every business she does, she keeps some, and donates the rest.

"Could it be that you are the gold masters here?"

The woman invited Feng Lin into a convenient room and made Feng Lin a cup of coffee.

"What happened here?" Feng Lin couldn't help asking.

"Hey! Half a year ago, the old dean here retired, so her daughter inherited the orphanage."

"I didn't expect her daughter to secretly embezzle donations to help her invest in stocks. In just three months, she lost everything and owed hundreds of thousands."

The woman sighed deeply.

Feng Lin knew that the hundreds of thousands she mentioned were equivalent to millions in her own country.

"At that time, she made the old dean very angry, but they all remembered that after a while, a large amount of money will be credited to their account."

"But another month has passed, and the money hasn't come yet. The people above can only seal this place, and there are still channels for donations."


After listening to the woman's explanation, Feng Lin finally understood that he took the money donated by Alice as his own.

Still waiting for Alice to donate again to make up for her loopholes.

Fortunately, Alice did not give any more money.

"Where are the children here?" Feng Lin asked strangely.

"The child has been picked up by the local authorities and sent to the public orphanage. The land will be auctioned in a few days."

The woman smiled wryly, "I originally opened the door here, and I'm also looking for a job these days. I hope I can find it before the auction."

"I want to know where they are now?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"It should be in Diamond International, which is the largest group in our county. It does a lot of charity every year. The old dean has some friendship with their CEO. It should be to borrow money."

the woman explained.

"Okay, thank you, I wish you a good job."

After Feng Lin left here, he called Alice and told her what happened here.

"What? What should I say, Feng Lin, you are in charge now, what do you say?"

inquired Alice, who felt he had done all he could.

"I'm on my way to that group, you send me their photos first."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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