My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 12 Do you still want a hero to save the beauty?

Chapter 12 Do you still want a hero to save the beauty?

All the strong men around the middle-aged man were gearing up, and the leading man shook his neck and walked towards the king.

"I tell you! I'm not afraid of anything because of Xiaolan!"

The kings took two steps back nervously, looked at Gongsun Lan affectionately, and then glared, "Made! I will fight with you!"

The kings rushed towards these people suddenly.

"Stinky boy!"

One of the strong men grabbed Wang Zhong by the neck and punched Wang Zhong in the stomach with his fist the size of a sandbag.


Wang Zhong let out a low growl, and desperately hammered the opponent's head with his fist.

Standing here, Feng Lin couldn't stop smiling. As a person who is often on the battlefield, he is very clear about the muscles of the human body.

The fist of the strong man in the distance seemed to be hard, but it didn't hurt at all.

But Wang Zhong's fist is real, as the boss this time, he also has the qualifications.

Feng Lin gently flung down his sleeves, and a black dagger landed in his palm, only a small section of the blade was exposed.

With a light swipe, the rope binding Gongsun Lan broke.

Gongsun Lan is not a fool, this is a dead end, and there is no way to escape now.

So instead of leaving the broken rope on the ground, I held it in my hand.

She was leaning against the wall, and she couldn't find it without checking.

Feng Lin smiled at Gongsun Lan, and walked towards Wang Zhong. Now everyone here is still performing, and Feng Lin followed them and punched them.

This place happens to be an acupuncture point. As long as the speed is fast enough, the reflex nerves will generally be delayed for a few seconds.


Three seconds later, Wang Zhong suddenly clutched his stomach, took a deep breath, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The kings roared, their eyes were bloodshot, and they glared at the people in front of them.

Seeing this, these strong men nodded one after another. They didn't expect that Wang Shao's acting skills were so good, and he looked like the real thing.

As a result, the leading few people also began to show off their acting skills.

"Hey? Are you crazy? It's amazing to be able to stare?"

"Yes! You still want to be a hero to save the beauty? I want you to be a hero to save the beauty!"


Feng Lin felt that the matter was over, and slapped Wang Zhong on the face.

The terrifying power caused his body to fly out and hit the wall beside him.

For a moment, the audience was dumbfounded.

Including Gongsun Lan who was watching from the side, even she didn't know why Feng Lin did this.

But immediately, she suppressed a smile.

Feng Lin is too bad!
At this juncture, even if he was really slapped, what else could he do?
"You dare to hit me?"

Wang Zhong covered his face and shouted, his eyes were full of anger.

"What's wrong with me beating you? Are you crazy in front of our brothers?" Feng Lin deliberately used a low voice, and kicked Wang Zhong in the stomach again.

His body flew upside down, hit the wall next to him again, and then fell to the ground.

"Little rich woman, didn't you show any signs of seeing this man save you?" Feng Lin looked back at Gongsun Lan and asked with a smile.

"Wang Zhong, hurry up! This matter has nothing to do with you!" Gongsun Lan also began to perform acting skills.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't say anything, now, the kings who originally wanted to escape can't leave.

He raised his face and glared at Feng Lin angrily, "Brat, hit me again..."

Feng Lin slapped again, and kicked his brother again.

The pain made him almost go into shock, and he fell to the ground and rolled.

Feng Lin shrugged, anyway, he is covering his face now, who knows who he is?

"Stinky boy! You are looking for death! You guys, catch him for me!"

The kings couldn't take it anymore, this man is simply too deceitful!
With such a big body, who would dare to beat him in Yang City?


The few strong men present look at me and I look at you. This time the boss made it very clear that only by making them cooperate in acting can they be paid.

If you catch Feng Lin now, doesn't that mean you have no money?

They didn't just fight this time, it was kidnapping this time, and they might be sentenced to heavy sentences.

"Hurry up! Do you still want money?"

Wang Zhong was going all out, no matter what Gongsun Lan was, now he just wanted to teach Feng Lin a lesson.

The leading strong man nodded to the others, as long as he could get the money, the rest of them went to arrest Feng Lin one after another.

"Wang Zhong! So you did this all by yourself?"

Gongsun Lanqiao's face was full of anger, and she was a little skeptical at first.

Now the truth has been exposed.

"It's me! What's the matter?"

Anyway, Wang Zhong didn't bother to explain. He glanced at Gongsun Lan and sneered, "I'll get rid of this brat first, and then settle the score with you."

Gongsun Lan's originally relaxed expression became tense again.

She took a deep breath to keep herself calm.

If he begged for mercy, Feng Lin would definitely be able to escape, and it would be fine to let him call the police.

Thinking of this, she tore off the rope on her wrist and threw it to the ground.

At the same time, everyone here heard the sound of sirens.

The kind of voice that can make bad guys panic when they hear it.

The few people present were suddenly in chaos, especially Wang Zhong, whose legs were so frightened that they went limp.

This is a dead end, there is only one road, and the other road is blocked by a five-meter-high wall, and they cannot escape at all.

While everyone was in a panic, Feng Lin Xianting strolled to the five-meter-high wall.

He stepped on the wall, jumped hard, and bounced high.

One arm grabbed the top of the wall and climbed up easily.


Feng Lin roared vigorously, then bent down and observed the distance.

Before they find this place, they must keep Gongsun Lan.

At the same time, several police officers rushed in, led by Wu Xuanyi who snatched her cell phone.

When she was running, the capital in front of her was almost thrown out.

"Help! Help!"

Gongsun Lan saw the police officer rushing in, turned to look at Feng Lin on the high wall, and found that his figure had disappeared.

As for Wang Zhong, none of them dared to resist.

In this case, your own crime will be lighter.

"Everyone squat down for me!"

Wu Xuanyi rushed over, first grabbed Gongsun Lan's wrist, and protected her behind her.

The other police officers who followed immediately notified their superiors and sent more people to arrest him.


Feng Lin threw away the outfit he was wearing, stopped the taxi and prepared to go back, he knew this matter too well.

Even if Gongsun Lan was not harmed, he still needed to be taken back for questioning.

He remembered that there was only one class today, and when the time was up, he was going to go home and wait for Gongsun Lan.

Humming a ditty, just as he opened the door, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and took a look, thinking it was Wu Xuanyi calling.

It was found that it was not my own number, and there was no note.

"Could it be that my mobile phone is out of battery, and I called from someone else's mobile phone?" Feng Lin muttered and pressed the answer button.

He didn't speak first, but waited for the other party to speak first.

"Hey, girl, why don't you talk?" A somewhat majestic female voice came from the opposite side, and the voice seemed to be about 40 or [-] years old.

(End of this chapter)

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