My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1204 Sikong Crisis

Chapter 1204 Sikong Crisis
At this time, Feng Lin has nothing to help. If there is only one video camera, Feng Lin can use his spiritual power to burn their video camera.

However, there are three or four cameras here, all of which are broken, which is a bit strange.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, a girl's voice came from the elevator in the distance.

Feng Lin remembered this voice, it was Sikong Mingyue.

According to common sense, Sikong Mingyue couldn't see Feng Lin now, because her sight was blocked by the crowd.

However, Sikong Jing heard this voice very clearly, she believed in her daughter.

After being reminded, she finally found Feng Lin among the crowd.

Si Kongjing didn't know why, but she looked at Feng Lin asking for help. In the current situation, it seemed that only Feng Lin could save them.

Seeing this, Feng Lin sighed deeply, it seemed that he could only do it himself.

Having communicated with Si Kongjing before, she should not be that kind of black-hearted boss, so what is certain is that these reporters took money.

He released his spiritual power lightly, and a sparrow suddenly flew to the edge of a photographer and pecked at the photographer's face violently.

The photographer jerked violently in pain.

At this moment, Feng Lin used his spiritual power to make this person's body hit to the right, because he was always on the far left.

One after another, the four photographers fell down one after another like dominoes.

The cameras in their hands all hit the ground.

At this moment, Feng Lin cast a tiny spiritual current, destroying the inside of the camera.

Mainly memory, what Sikong Jing said just now is really too lacking in EQ.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? My camera costs tens of thousands. If it breaks, you have to pay for a new one."

"Damn it! Why can't my camera be turned on?"

"Mine can still be opened, but why is there nothing stored in it? Nothing?"

"It's none of my business. Just now a sparrow pecked at me suddenly. I couldn't stand still for a while, so I fell down."


When they were arguing with each other, Sikong Mingyue squeezed out from the crowd, came to Feng Lin's side, raised her head and shouted: "Brother!"

Feng Lin picked up Sikong Mingyue with a smile, and walked to the interior of the company. When passing by Sikong Jing, he whispered, "Security please, don't talk too much."

Si Kongjing knew that Feng Lin was responsible for everything just now, so she said loudly: "Security, please let these reporters go out, we will call the police immediately and then appeal."

After finishing speaking, Si Kongjing followed Feng Lin and got on the elevator together.

In this elevator, there are only three people including Feng Lin.

Si Kongjing also told Feng Lin what happened to her: "This time it's really not my fault, and we didn't know it would happen."

"Did the other party really eat your health care product?" Feng Lin asked calmly as he put Sikong Mingyue on the ground.

"I don't know about this. Our new health care products, because they are old brands, sold tens of thousands of them when they first came out. I don't know if they have eaten them or not."

Sikong Jing scratched her hair a little irritably, "But I can guarantee that our health food will never have quality problems."

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and they came to the top floor together, the general manager's office.

"Mr. Feng Lin, please sit down. I'll show you a joke. This time I'm back with troubles, which made me very irritable."

Sikong Jing sighed helplessly.

Before Feng Lin came, he had already thought up the wording, and was going to explain to Sikong Jing about Sikong Mingyue.

"I'm here this time to carry out our last conversation. Let me tell you the conclusion first. Mingyue is not a monster. He is of mixed blood."

Of course, what happened to Sikong Mingyue was not that simple at all, but it would be great if it could be explained with the simplest things.

"Mr. Feng Lin, what do you mean? Mixed blood? You mean, does she have foreign blood in her body?"

Sikong Jing asked strangely.

"No, it stands to reason that a large group like yours should have contact with such a powerful family."

Feng Lin said in a low voice, "Haven't you heard of some powerful families? They are usually called hidden families. They are very low-key, but they are very powerful. Those who provoke them die very quickly."

"Of course I know about these big families. If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Feng Lin is also such a big family?" Sikong Jing asked.

"Yes, I am, so I have this power."

Feng Lin raised his palm, and a red light shone from it.

"You mean, these big families all have the power of Mr. Feng Lin?" Sikong Jing asked in shock.

"That's right, so you should understand that half of Mingyue's blood is practitioners, so she has this power."

"For example, if you and I have another child, it is likely to have a power similar to Mingyue."

Feng Lin looked at Sikong Jing and said.

"So that's it, that's it! I understand. No wonder Second Uncle is so aggressive. It's because he has people like Mr. Feng Lin by his side."

Sikong Jing said in a low voice, she had always naively thought that those big families were just pure financial resources and power.

Now I finally understand that they are mainly because of power.

Once you have strength, you will have a steady stream of financial resources and rights.

"Your second uncle? What do you mean?" Feng Lin asked puzzled.

"My grandfather has two sons. My father is the eldest, and I have a second uncle. The original company was founded by my grandfather and father."

"The second uncle is an idler. He had a girlfriend and had a child when he was in college, so grandpa kicked him out and let him work hard on his own."

"Later, the company succeeded and how much money it made. After all, the second uncle is grandpa's son. At that time, the grandfather gave the second uncle [-]% of the shares."

Si Kongjing stood in front of Feng Lin, telling the story of his family.

"That is to say, your grandfather gave him [-]% so that he would not starve to death?" Feng Lin asked.

"That's right, but under the management of my father and grandfather, I didn't expect the company to become more and more powerful and successfully listed. My grandfather and my father control 50.00% of the shares."

When Si Kongjing said this, he suddenly said: "Later, grandpa died, and his will clearly stated that all his shares were given to my dad."

"It should be, after all your second uncle didn't do anything." Feng Lin nodded.

"But the second uncle is not willing. He said that my father changed the will secretly. He is also a member of the family. Why can't he get a share."

"In the end, my dad didn't want to make the brothers turn against each other, so he gave him another [-]%, and he became the second largest shareholder of the group."

Sikongjing sighed slightly, "But my dad also lost the right to control the absolute holding."

Feng Lin nodded. Originally, his father had 50.00% of the money, but if he gave away another 40.00%, he would only have [-]% of the money left.

Although it is still the absolute largest shareholder, there have been variables.

For example, Sikong Jing's second uncle can win over other shareholders and prevent her father from making some decisions.

(End of this chapter)

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