My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1213 The Reason Qi Guanyao Escaped

Chapter 1213 The Reason Qi Guanyao Escaped

Yuan Qi couldn't help trembling when she heard this, but then she gritted her teeth, "Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

Feng Lin frowned slightly, he didn't expect such a woman to exist, but he wasn't just trying to scare her.

This kind of person should be killed as soon as possible, Feng Lin will not be lenient.

So it won't stand on her mind.

He raised his finger, and a blade of spiritual power appeared on it. Feng Lin swiped it vertically, and her leather jacket split instantly.

Just when Yuan Qi was about to block her, Feng Lin suddenly grabbed her by the neck, pressed her to the floor, and froze her limbs with ice.

Can't move at all.

Although Yuan Qi's face was extremely pale, she closed her eyes tightly and didn't make any fierce resistance, just lay down like this, lifeless.

Feng Lin looked in front of her. In fact, he was of average stature. After all, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Feng Lin waved to Qi Guanyao who was beside him.

Qi Guanyao walked over with a smile on her face, now she looks like a little devil.

She squatted beside Yuan Qi, holding Yuan Qi's body tightly with both hands.

Yuan Qi didn't open her eyes, she closed them tightly without saying a word.

When Feng Lin saw this, he knew that he had encountered a problem this time. This woman was different from other women.

She is so calm, she must have kept these hatreds in her heart, and if she can take revenge in the future, she will definitely double it.

"Feng Lin, do you have a pen? I want to paint on her body."

Qi Guanyao said to Feng Lin.

Hearing this voice, Yuan Qi opened his eyes and realized that it was not Feng Lin who had arrested him just now, but Qi Guanyao who was beside him all along.

Feng Lin took out the black pen from the space ring.

Qi Guanyao immediately beamed with joy, and drew a little turtle on Yuan Qi's body.

"Are you bad?"

Bai Xue came over and squatted beside Yuan Qi.

"Hmph! Don't you know that I have treated her very well, and I have been very conscientious without using a knife."

Qi Guanyao snorted coldly.

"What exactly did you experience in Tiandi?" Feng Lin was also curious.

Qi Guanyao never said why she left Tiandi in the first place.

"I... Anyway, I am often insulted by them!" Qi Guanyao didn't want to mention the sad past.

But it's not an option to suppress this kind of thing in her heart all the time, so she told Feng Lin and Bai Xue about it.

In terms of her strength, she is not considered top in the world.

The reason why she knew so many people was that she was the first to join Tiandi, and there was another reason.

That is her race.

Therefore, Yuan Ming took a fancy to her at the beginning, and let her live in the secret place where Yuan Ming was.

Because of her young age and being a woman, she had a good relationship with Yuan Wu and Yuan Qi at first.

After all, they are all women.

Because of her privileges, in the eyes of other heaven and earth personnel, her identity is no different from Yuanming's child.

So I met a lot of people with Yuan Ming.

But until a woman was taken to the secret realm by Yuan Ming.

That woman is Yuan Ming's daughter, which is different from Yuan Yi to Yuan Shi.

She is Yuan Ming's daughter in the world of thousands of worlds.

She is delicate and rude, and always bullies other people, but every time Yuan Ming stands by that woman's side.

Because Qi Guanyao is an outsider, Yuan Ming is not so biased.

But people from Yuan Yi to Yuan Shi, whoever dares to disrespect that woman, will be punished for a while.

As time passed, these children of Yuanming understood in their hearts that his daughter had a higher status than them.

In fact, this is very normal, just like some high-ranking officials in ancient times, the son of the main wife, and the son of the concubine are not at the same level at all.

That feeling is like being born inferior.

Afterwards, Yuan Wu and Yuan Qi became the woman's attendants, and she always wanted Qi Guanyao to follow her.

What is Qi Guanyao's identity?Just don't dump her.

Later that woman has been uniting with other people to bully her.

Like Yuan Qi now, order some people to tear up her clothes and control her to scribble on her body.

Qi Guanyao was not easy to provoke, but the other party went too far.

From painting before, to cutting hair, and finally even dared to draw on Qi Guanyao's body with a knife.

But there is no way, the opponent's strength is always overwhelming Qi Guanyao.

I can't beat it again and again, and I still have a younger brother.

To file a complaint with Yuan Ming, he just said one thing, but he couldn't do anything about it, let her take care of it and settle the matter hastily.

Qi Guanyao was angry, she must take revenge, originally she was somewhat grateful to Yuan Ming, but after a few times, her gratitude was wiped away.

Later Qi Guanyao pretended to surrender to that woman.

That woman must be very happy, and she wanted Qi Guanyao to lie on the ground on the spot, and she wanted to ride on Qi Guanyao's back, making her a horse.

Qi Guanyao complied, and she was always enduring in her heart.

Finally, when the opportunity came, Yuan Ming and some others went to the meeting.

Qi Guanyao lied to the other party and asked her to leave the secret realm.

The other party didn't think much about it either, after all, Qi Guanyao, like her, is a person from the secret realm, and can't cause harm to the outside world.

But the other party did not expect that Qi Guanyao had prepared a dagger early on.

As soon as she came out, she stabbed him with a knife, taking advantage of her illness to kill him, she slashed the opponent's face and body several times.

She was screaming in pain and kept shouting.

Feel someone coming.

Qi Guanyao could only run away, but failed to kill the opponent.

The news at that time was not as fast as it is now. In the eyes of other people in Tiandi, she was still a big shot.

She once saved Li Bu, and the two left the world together.

Qi Guanyao escaped like this in the end, and later met the Jiuli tribe by chance.


Feng Lin and Bai Xue looked at each other after hearing this.

I didn't expect this little girl to have such a thing happen in the world, no wonder she left the world.

"Not long after I escaped, Heaven and Earth issued an order to hunt and kill me, so I have been hiding in the secret realm."

"It's because games have appeared outside these years that I come out from time to time."

Qi Guanyao explained.

"Are you bragging, even if you are outside the secret realm, you, a dwarf, shouldn't be able to beat others?"

Feng Lin asked puzzledly.

"You know what! The other party is also from the secret realm, and she is of the same race as Yuan Ming. She is the same height as me, and she looks about ten years old."

While Qi Guanyao was speaking, she grabbed Yuan Qi vigorously, "Does she still make you a horse now?"

Yuan Qi closed his eyes, but still didn't say a word.

"It's amazing."

Feng Lin thought about the scene at that time, the scene where the two little kids were fighting there, luckily Qi Guanyao was able to escape.

"Cut! I feel uncomfortable when I talk about it, and I'm not interested. It's meaningless to bully this little follower."

Qi Guanyao returned the pen to Feng Lin, pouted, and sat on the sofa beside her.

Feng Lin began to attack here. He wiped the handwriting on Yuan Qi with his own saliva, "Yuan Qi, you are really pitiful! You don't even know how to resist."

"All men are created equal, you and she are both Yuan Ming's children, why should she ride on your head?"

Feng Lin used his instigation skills.

"Don't say it, it's useless. In fact, they all accepted it in their hearts. They and Yuanming are only related by blood. There is no family relationship. They are just created tools."

Qi Guanyao said from the other side of the sofa.

"You nonsense!" Yuan Qi suddenly opened his eyes and roared.

Feng Lin's eyes lit up, and he winked at Qi Guanyao, continue!
(End of this chapter)

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