Chapter 1298 Exchange
No one thought that there was such a thing on Feng Lin's body.

If they knew, they would never let Feng Lin get close to Yang Xiaoxiao.

"Feng Lin! Let go of Miss!"

One of the old men in the Dacheng realm gestured to the surroundings.

The dozen or so people around all raised their guns and aimed at Feng Lin.

"Who dares to shoot? I'll let her die first!"

Feng Lin put the dagger on Yang Xiaoxiao's neck, "Come on!"

"Everyone put down their guns, stop Feng Lin, and I'll report to the sect master."

Seeing this situation, the old man was afraid that the people around him would do something stupid.

If Yang Xiaoxiao dies, all of them will be buried with him.

You must know that the sect master doesn't care about their lives, just like the people who consumed Feng Lin before.

He didn't have any distress.

"Brother Feng Lin, I was wrong."

Yang Xiaoxiao found herself in Feng Lin's hands, shaking with fright.

She really didn't expect that a master like Feng Lin would carry a flash of light with him.

Is this a normal person?

"Now you know how to call him big brother?"

Feng Lin pinched Yang Xiaoxiao's butt.

"Ah! You... bastard!"

Yang Xiaoxiao's face suddenly became ashamed and angry. Just as she was about to attack, Feng Lin's blade penetrated a millimeter into her neck.

There was a trace of blood.

"Be obedient, otherwise I don't mind killing you!"

Feng Lin snorted coldly, "There is no spiritual power here, just stab into the heart casually, and you will die."

Yang Xiaoxiao was really frightened and shut her mouth immediately.

Feng Lin dragged her body and swam to the distant shore.

He put Yang Xiaoxiao on the shore and carefully searched what equipment she had on her.

Finding nothing, Feng Lin also heaved a sigh of relief.

He sat next to Yang Xiaoxiao, pinched her cheek and pulled her several times, "You scolded me just now, didn't you?"

"No! I just...I was wrong, Brother Feng Lin, please forgive me."

Yang Xiaoxiao didn't know how to explain it anymore, she cried and said, "Please let me go."

"Of course I'll let you go, don't worry, I'm a sympathetic person."

While speaking, Feng Lin immediately put the dagger on Yang Xiaoxiao's neck, because he saw several people appearing in the distance.

The leader is Yang Xiaoxiao's father, Yang Buwei!
"Father! Help!" Yang Xiaoxiao cried, "This bastard Feng Lin attacked me!"

"What did you call me?"

Feng Lin's hand was in front of Yang Xiaoxiao's body.

"You! Feng Lin! You are courting death!"

Yang Buwei in the distance saw this and roared angrily.

"Don't get excited, maybe we will still be a family in the future."

Feng Lin's body fell into the water and hid behind Yang Xiaoxiao, trying to minimize the exposed area of ​​his body.

"Father, what should I do! I'm so scared, woo woo!"

Yang Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying.

Seeing Feng Lin like this, Yang Buwei sighed deeply, "Feng Lin, let my daughter go, and I will let you go!"

"Brother Feng Lin, did you hear that? My father wants to let you go!"

Yang Xiaoxiao immediately turned her head and said to Feng Lin.

Feng Lin was thinking about what to do.

"Brother Feng Lin, talk, you just need to use me as a hostage, and you can get out."

Yang Xiaoxiao found that Feng Lin didn't make any moves, and became more and more frightened.

According to her understanding, Feng Lin only needs to get everyone at the entrance of the secret realm to retreat.

Just use yourself as a hostage, leave the formation, and spend the ten seconds of no spiritual power.

When Feng Lin recovers his spiritual power, he can naturally leave the secret realm easily.

"Feng Lin, what are you thinking? Are you afraid that my words will not count? My daughter is in your hands, and I am afraid that your words will not count!"

Yang Buwei stood with his hands behind his back and shouted loudly.

"No! You think too much, I don't need your daughter in exchange for my freedom, I want to exchange her for your fragment!"

Feng Lin said with a smile, "I think you should know what I'm talking about."

"What fragments? Feng Lin, are you a fool? You don't need me to trade your life, but what rubbish fragments?"

Yang Xiaoxiao didn't know about it, it was an absolute secret, it's normal for a person like her not to know.

In the distance, Yang Buwei fell into deep thought.

Who doesn't cherish their own life?
Feng Lin didn't want to go out, he only wanted the fragments, which proved one thing, Feng Lin could go out.

He can't use his spiritual power now, not to mention him, even he can't get out of the Infernal Realm.

Therefore, Feng Lin should really have reinforcements, and his strength is not low.

He should be quite sure.

For example, a master in the third level of the field, just like Mu Linsen who escaped last time, that's what he did.

After his prisoner formation trapped him, he didn't panic until the outside world came to a master of the triple peak in the field.

Catch Mu Linsen and escape.

The master of the triple peak in the field, the entire gate of hell, except for the gate master, no one can achieve instant kills.

He, who is also a triple peak, can't do it either.

Thinking of this, Yang Buwei's voice gradually became serious, "Feng Lin, the fragment is not on me, but in the hands of the gate master."

"Then there is no other way, your daughter will die."

Feng Lin had an indifferent expression on his face, "I can tell you, unless your gate master has been guarding the entrance of the secret realm, my people will definitely rescue me!"

Yang Buwei's face darkened, he secretly hated that his daughter should be disciplined.

Big mistake!

Everyone knows that he has a bad relationship with the door master, and the other party will definitely not rescue Yang Xiaoxiao.

"I said, brother, your time is running out. When my people come in, it will be your daughter's death."

When Feng Lin said this, he grabbed Yang Xiaoxiao, came back to the shore, and hid in the wall of people he came in before.

"What's your name?" Feng Lin pointed to Yang Xiaoxiao and asked.

"My name is Yang Xiaoxiao, and my father's name is Yang Buwei." Yang Xiaoxiao said immediately.

"Yang Xiaoxiao, it seems that you are not important in your father's heart! If you exchange a few pieces of rubbish, your father won't change them!"

Feng Lin's voice was very loud, just for Yang Buwei in the distance to hear him.

"What the hell is that thing?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked puzzled.

"Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with a small person like you, you just need to pray carefully now, your father thinks you are more important than the fragments."

Feng Lin let go of Yang Xiaoxiao, and sat opposite her, staring at her.

"Hmph! My father loves me the most, and he will definitely give you those fragments, but you can't count your words."

Yang Xiaoxiao said coldly.

"I hope so!"

The corner of Feng Lin's mouth slightly curled up. From his point of view, there may not be many Yang Buwei, the head of the second sect, but there will definitely be.

Above the high place in the distance, Yang Buwei's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he sighed and said loudly: "Feng Lin, I promise you!"

When Yang Xiaoxiao heard this, she immediately smiled, "Look, I just said that my father loves me the most!"

"Feng Lin, I'd like to give you a piece in exchange!" Yang Buwei shouted in Feng Lin's direction.

"I don't believe you only have one piece, I want you to take out all the pieces and exchange them for me!"

Feng Lin poked his head out and said.

"Impossible! I do have more than one in my hand, but I will only take out one."

Yang Buwei said sharply, "Whether you change it or not, you won't get one if you don't."

Yang Xiaoxiao, who was still smiling, suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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