My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1302 You Can See People's Hearts Very Well

Chapter 1302 You Can See People's Hearts Very Well

"You may not believe it if you tell it, he is the fifth level of the domain realm, and it is true!"

Yang Buwei introduced with a smile, "My brother, Cui Yin."

"How long can you deal with him in your current state?" Feng Lin asked puzzled.

"I can't beat him. Facing his attack, I can only retreat and run away." Yang Buwei smiled wryly.

"Feng Lin, I've already called the gate master, if you have anything to say, ask immediately, and let my father go!"

Yang Xiaoxiao's figure also appeared beside Cui Yin, shouting at Feng Lin.

"Gate master, your second sect master is a master. If Hell Gate is missing him, it will become a second-rate ancient fairy gate."

Feng Lin stood up, pointed the gun at Yang Buwei's head, "My request now is very simple, hand over your fragments, and I will let him go."

Cui Yin's eyes were very dark. He stared in Feng Lin's direction and said calmly, "Do you know that after I disarm this formation, you will also be unable to use your spiritual power for more than ten seconds."

"What do you want to say? Are you going to disarm the formation? Let me tell you, although I cannot use spiritual power, the weapon in my hand does not use spiritual power!"

Feng Lin fired a shot into the sky, "As long as you dare to disarm the formation, I will kill him."

"What's the use of killing him? If he dies, you will die too."

Cui Yin said calmly, "So the choice is yours. I will give you 1 minute. After 1 minute, I will unlock the formation."

"Gate master, you can't untie the formation, or my father will die!"

Yang Xiaoxiao cried to Cui Yin.

"What he wants is a relic left to me by my master back then. It is a priceless treasure. What does your father's death have to do with me?"

Cui Yin stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "It's none of your business here, just stay by the side."

"Master of the door! My father is your younger brother!" Yang Xiaoxiao said, wiping away tears.

"Brother has to settle accounts clearly, not to mention he is my younger brother, we are not a family in the first place, in order to save his life, I exchanged my treasure, do you think I am a fool?"

Cui Yin's voice was a bit gloomy, "It's none of your business here, if you talk too much, you will be served by the door!"


Yang Xiaoxiao's body was trembling with anger, he didn't expect that Cui Yin would be so heartless.

"Feng Lin, 20 seconds have passed by now."

Cui Yin reminded, "There are 40 seconds left. During this time period, you can choose the best way to get the best of both worlds. That is to escape by yourself, and I promise not to chase you down!"

"Don't you feel sad?"

Feng Lin continued to ask.

"Of course I am heartbroken, but if I exchange my baby, I will feel even more heartbroken about my baby, Feng Lin, this is a simple logic, I think you should understand, right?"

Cui Yin shrugged flatly, "Think about it for yourself, you are a multi-millionaire, and your own brother owes 1000 million to others, will you use your money to pay back the debt?"

Feng Lin fell into deep thought. In fact, Cui Yin's words made some sense.

The original 1000 million is already financially free in most places.

You can enjoy the rest of your life.

But for the sake of my younger brother, I have to take out the money, and I have to work and live a hard life.

I believe that 90.00% of people are unwilling.

Yang Xiaoxiao, who was beside her, also gritted her teeth, and she couldn't refute this sentence.

"Feng Lin, there are still about 20 seconds left, this is your last chance."

Cui Yin squatted on the ground and put his hand on the formation, "Junior brother, don't blame your senior brother, I will hold a grand funeral for you."

"Yang Xiaoxiao, you have only one way to save your father. I think you should understand."

Feng Lin began to hint frantically.

In fact, when Cui Yin came into contact with the formation, he wanted to go out suddenly and kick Cui Yin in.

But the same method must not be used twice.

Before Cui Yin came, he must have asked how Yang Buwei got in.

He must have been on his guard.

However, as long as Yang Xiaoxiao can help him attract the target, Feng Lin can still do it.

Because the distance is only [-] meters, for Feng Lin's current speed, it is only an instant.

"No one can save you. The time has come. It seems that the two of you can only perish together."

Cui Yin released his spiritual power without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaoxiao immediately rushed over, bit Cui Yin's shoulder, and took out a dagger from his body.

"you wanna die!"

Cui Yin snorted coldly and slapped Yang Xiaoxiao's body with his palm.

at this time!

Feng Lin turned into a string of electric currents and appeared beside Cui Yin.

In order to prevent the opponent from escaping, Feng Lin hugged his body directly and fell into the formation together.


Cui Yin's complexion suddenly changed, and before he could finish speaking, Feng Lin punched him in the face.

"Father! Run! Run!"

Yang Xiaoxiao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and shouted at Yang Buwei on the island.

Yang Buwei dragged his injured legs, immediately jumped into the sea, and swam frantically far away.

Feng Lin couldn't use his spiritual power, so he could only let the other party leave. He dragged Cui Yin's body and dragged him to the shore.

"Hey! Didn't expect that?"

Feng Lin took out the dagger from his body, pointed at Cui Yin's neck, and took off his interspatial ring with the other hand.

He had three of them in his hands, and after Feng Lin took them all off, he returned to the circle where he could use his spiritual power.

Check the fragments inside. I heard from Yang Buwei that he has four pieces in total.

"Actually, I just heard from Yang Xiaoxiao that you can use spiritual power in it. I think it's a blindfold."

"I didn't expect it, you can really use it."

Cui Yin sat on the ground and said to Feng Lin: "Since you took the things away, can you leave now?"

Feng Lin didn't answer him right away. After checking, he said flatly: "There are only two tablets, you should have two more! Where are they?"

"I'm not a fool. If my ring is lost one day, wouldn't all the fragments be gone? So there are still two pieces, and I hid them."

Cui Yin straightened his long white hair with a smile, "No one knows about this place except me."

Feng Lin took out the two fragments, put them into his space jewelry, and continued to ask: "Where is it? Someone bring it, and I will let you go."

"Is there a problem with your brain, or is there a problem with my brain? If I say it, can I still live?"

Cui Yin stood up calmly, pointed at Feng Lin and said, "You shoot now! I'm dead, and you will never find the remaining two pieces."

"It's interesting. Do you think that kind of fragment is so important to me?"

Although Feng Lin said so, he was thinking of a way in his heart, why was he suddenly turned against the general.

He was thinking about whether he should be responsible for these two pieces.

If you really kill him, you won't be able to find the item in all likelihood, because this kind of fragment is a thing, not a living thing.

Creatures still have breath, which can be searched for, but this kind of thing is simply buried in the ground, and there is no trace of it.

"Listen to my order! Untie the formation, hurry up!"

Cui Yin immediately shouted to the people outside.

Several sect masters all put their hands on the edge of the formation.

"I said door master, you can read people's hearts very well."

Feng Lin's figure came out suddenly, and the dagger quickly cut off Cui Yin's left leg and left arm, "Do you know why I didn't kill you? Think about it carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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