My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1304 Making a Deal

Chapter 1304 Making a Deal
Miyamoto Liulizi began to relax Feng Lin, but Feng Lin is a man after all.

Especially in this case, there must still be a reaction.

But Miyamoto Liulizi suddenly grasped Feng Lin's reaction.

Su Yun accidentally helped Feng Lin last time.

However, she worked much harder than Su Yun.


Feng Lin's energy was almost exhausted due to the long battle at the gate of hell.

After being consumed by Miyamoto Liulizi again, he slept very deeply this time.

When he woke up, he found that he was alone here.

Looking at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, and it was almost time to rest.

Feng Lin is going to go to the gate of hell again.

Just after leaving the room, I found Ruriko Miyamoto exercising in the yard of the villa.

After seeing Feng Lin, her face turned red involuntarily.

Feng Lin also shook his head slightly, it really worked hard for her yesterday.

"Let me tell you first, I'm just rewarding you mercifully, don't think too much about it."

Miyamoto Liulizi still mustered up her courage and walked towards Feng Lin.

"I didn't think much about it." Feng Lin nodded.

"What I told you before is not a lie. My first time is reserved for my future man, so I can't give it to you."

After Miyamoto Liulizi finished speaking, she ran away quickly.

Feng Lin looked at the back of the other party, shook his head with a smile, took a deep breath, and moved a little in the yard.

Just stepped on the long sword and flew into the sky.

This time, it is best to enter the second level realm.


Coming to the gate of hell again, Feng Lin was in the same state as before.

Go in stealth, because the unknown secret realm is very huge, and all the masters live in the deepest part. His appearance did not attract the attention of others.

Just when Feng Lin was about to fight inside, he ran into Chen Luo from before.

This time, he was sitting on a small island with his daughter, eating grilled fish.

There was still a bonfire in front of the two of them, which was still burning at this moment.

Feng Lin sat beside the two, lifted his invisibility, casually took out a hat from the space ring, and put it on his head.

"Hehe, we meet again."

Feng Lin nodded to Chen Luo.

"As expected of Feng Lin, you are really powerful, you can take away their treasure, and you have hardly been injured so far."

Chen Luo ate a mouthful of grilled fish with a smile, and did not forget to give Feng Lin a thumbs up.

"Brother! You are amazing!"

The little girl next to her also smiled at Feng Lin.

"I'm your enemy now, just sitting here, won't you be in danger?" Feng Lin asked puzzled.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger, they dare not kill me."

Chen Luo smiled at Feng Lin, "Do you want to eat grilled fish? I just caught a lot of fish here."

"No, I just ate before I came."

In fact, Feng Lin was thinking of the stink bomb he released, but he didn't know that it happened in an instant.

After all, there is so much water, just a few shots will be diluted in the end.

"How many fragments have you got in total?" Chen Luo asked suddenly.

"There are five pieces in total. Yang Buwei got three pieces from there. As for Cui Yin, he only took two pieces. He still has the remaining two pieces. I don't know where to hide them."

Feng Lin said truthfully, because this person was no threat to him.

Coupled with what they got in their hands, Cui Yin and Yang Buwei are well aware of it.

"Hehe, you were deceived." Chen Luo suddenly laughed, "Actually, Yang Buwei also has four pieces in his hand."

"What? But I only found three pieces in his space ring."

Feng Lin was startled.

"At the beginning, my father gave each of them four, and I was by my side, so I could see clearly."

Chen Luo ate all the fish on the branches, and then said: "They will definitely hide it. If they die, there will be an unknown treasure."

"Why should I trust you?"

Feng Lin asked strangely. He snapped his fingers lightly, and the bonfire in front of him became cold and went out instantly.

He also cast a range of invisibility, surrounding all three of them.

Just to prevent others from finding them.

"Hehe! Because they are afraid of death, they put Dong XZ up in order not to die."

Chen Luo threw the fish bones into the extinguished fire.

"Afraid of death? Obviously such a strong master! The key is to use spiritual power outside, do you think I will believe it?"

Feng Lin spread his hands with a smile. So far, there are only a handful of masters who have the realm of incomparable in the outside world.

Cui Yin's five-level domain is almost the strongest at the apex.

"The first time we met, I told you that they wanted me to die, do you remember?"

Chen Luo asked suddenly.

"Remember, you still said you were the Son of Hell." Feng Lin nodded.

"I told you just now that they didn't dare to kill me. Guess why I'm so confident?"

Chen Luo smiled, "Let me remind again, my father is their master, but I am their son, which one do you think is closer?"

Feng Lin suddenly remembered the so-called contract of the gate of hell, "Could it be that you..."

"That's right! You guessed it right, Cui Yin and Yang Buwei asked them to sign a contract with me before my father left."

Chen Luo raised his hand and clenched his fist lightly, "I want to kill the two of them easily."

"So that's the case, it really makes sense." Feng Lin nodded vigorously.

After all, he is his own son. If the father leaves without leaving protection for his daughter, how can it be possible?

"That's why they hid the fragments, because they were afraid that I would kill them suddenly, take away the fragments of the space jewelry, and leave the gate of hell." Chen Luo explained.

Feng Lin stood up, looking at the sea in the distance, "Something's wrong, why are you telling me this?"

"Do you think that I am reminding you to threaten me and kill the sect master and the second sect master here?"

Chen Luo shook his head slightly, "I saw the battle yesterday very clearly. In the Prisoner's Formation, you have every chance to kill them."

"That's right! Dad told me yesterday that my brother is planning to fight them, and he won't kill them directly."

The little girl next to him also said.

"You guessed it, that's what I intended."

Feng Lin nodded, "I'm ready to fight now, do you have any reminders?"

"No, I made it very clear yesterday that you and I are not enemies, but we are not friends either." Chen Luo shook his head.

"it is good!"

Feng Lin canceled his invisibility, and rushed to the depths of the gate of hell, always feeling that this Chen Luo was a little mysterious.

Many sect masters in the depths of the secret realm felt the fluctuation of their spiritual power, burst out their spiritual power one after another, and appeared in front of Feng Lin.

All five sect masters are here.

However, for Feng Lin, the only threats are Yang Buwei and Cui Yin.

But both of them were traumatized. Yang Buwei's hand was chopped off by Feng Lin, and he is still recovering.

As for Cui Yin's injury is more serious, now he is supported by the beam of light formed by spiritual power.
"Everyone, good morning, I think you know what I'm here for." Feng Lin said with a faint smile.

"Feng Lin, I want to make a deal with you." Cui Yin said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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