Chapter 1318

After hearing Zongzheng level's words, Feng Lin also began to sigh, when did he become so strong.

But if you think about it carefully, what he said is true.

This is true.

He has everything that a top power should have.

To be honest, the only thing not there should be the ambition of the top forces.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Wu Yun clapped his hands and said to several people, "We can talk freely, if you have any questions, you can also ask me."

Feng Lin folded his arms, the situation in front of him should be the legendary top meeting.

According to the situation of the modern outside world, it should be a country's think tank team, which is helping the country solve problems.

Often their decisions directly affect the entire country, or even the world.

"No one is talking, so I'll start first. Does any of you know the Zhao family?"

Feng Lin raised his hand suddenly, he has always been thinking about the people of the Zhao family.

"The Zhao family? Zhao Changfeng?" Zongzheng asked, frowning.

"That's right. As far as I know, the Zhao family has a close relationship with Jiuchongtian of Jiutian. Back then, the people of Jiuchongtian were willing to serve as Zhao's bodyguards outside."

Feng Lin paused and said, "I have seen these with my own eyes."

"Really? It seems that this Zhao family should also check it carefully. They were very low-key before, and we didn't take it to heart."

The Zongzheng class also pondered.

"On the other side of Jiutian, I just saved a person from the gate of hell, called Tian Su."

Feng Lin didn't mention the black tower, but only explained one-sidedly, "She was sealed at the time, and I saved her."

"What? Are you sure it's Tiansu?" Zongzheng level's expression was startled.

Wu Yun also looked confused. Could there be more information that he didn't know?
"Old Zongzheng, who is this Tiansu? Why don't I know him?" Wu Yun asked.

Not only Wu Yun, Feng Jue here, but also Chen Xinggang all looked puzzled, remembering that there is no big man named Tian Su in Jiutian.

"That's because you were not born back then. Tian Su was the previous Eighth Heaven Sect Leader. In 200 years, he disappeared during the battle with the Gate of Hell."

Zongzheng level explained, "This person's strength is very terrifying. I thought she was dead, but I didn't expect that she was still alive."

"It turned out to be 200 years, no wonder I don't know."

Chen Xinggang lowered his head and whispered, he is not yet a hundred years old.

"That's great. Since you saved her, she must be grateful to you, and this woman has a pretty good personality."

Zongzheng level nodded slightly, looked at Feng Lin and said, "If Yachongtian has something to do today, I will entrust this task to you."

Feng Lin nodded and continued: "Since senior knows what happened before, he should know about the hell mask, right?"

"I know!" Zongzheng level said in a deep voice.

"There is a man named Chen Luo who put on a mask. Be careful in the future, his purpose is probably to come to China again." Feng Lin explained.

"Well, it seems that everyone is preparing for the worst."

Zongzheng level said to everyone, "If no one speaks, we will disband. Fourth brother, Feng Jue, let's have a chat."

After speaking, the light in front of them disappeared.

Feng Lin glanced at Huangfu Shen, and shook his head lightly, if it hadn't been for the last Zongzheng level to call this person's name.

He even forgot that there was a master standing here.

From appearing to now, it seems that he didn't say a few words, maybe this is the arrogance of the emperor.

"Did they discuss something important? What you said before was so nice, but you still don't let me know at the critical moment." Feng Lin curled his lips.

"You are still a seedling, and many things cannot be done for you."

Wu Yun patted Feng Lin's shoulder with a smile, "You can leave if there is nothing else, and I will send you a message for any important information in the future."


Feng Lin nodded, and didn't talk much here, he stepped on the flying sword and left invisibly.

The destination this time is Ao Xiyu's secret realm. Speaking of which, speaking of returning this time, they did not visit them.

After coming to Ao Xiyu's secret realm, it was still in the same state.

"Feng Lin."

Seeing Feng Lin coming in, Ao Xiyu immediately walked over and asked, "Do you know where Yuan Ming is now?"

"I don't know, he is so careful, he will definitely not expose himself easily." Feng Lin shook his head.

"Hey! Actually, now I thought of a way to kill Yuan Ming."

Ao Xiyu turned her head and pointed at Yuan Yaoyao who was lying on the grass in the distance, "Use her to directly lead Yuan Ming over."

"You mean to fight Yuan Ming directly?" Feng Lin asked.

"That's natural! Let me tell you, it's all in the Infernal Realm now, and I'm really not afraid of him."

Ao Xiyu is very confident in herself now.

Feng Lin thought about it carefully, maybe this method can really be used.

However, the location of the battle was chosen to be inside the Black Tower, as my mother had said before.

This small world's formation defense is very powerful, and it can completely withstand the full-scale battle of the Infernal Realm.

"Don't worry, if I know his whereabouts, I will definitely tell you." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Feng Lin, it's really boring here, can you find something for me to do?"

Ming Xun, who was fishing in the distance, came over, "I want to go back to find your mother now. Although it is very oppressive, at least it is not so boring."

"Actually, I am the same, you just send us to a place where life is more romantic."

Ao Xiyu had discussed with Ming Xun for a long time before, anyway, now he regards Feng Lin as one of his own.

There are times when people who really should reach out to him.

"I have long regarded you as my people, of course I can take you to my base camp, but!"

Feng Lin emphasized these two words, "You guys have to think about it, especially you, Ao Xiyu, when the time comes, you might not be the boss anymore."

"Of course I know, the other party is your mother after all, I will lower my profile." Ao Xiyu nodded.

"You're thinking wrong, the place I'm taking you to is not my mother's secret realm, but another secret realm."

Feng Lin was naturally planning to take them to Miaoxuan's secret realm.

It will definitely relieve their boredom there, and they can still be idle and have fun in that Rubik's cube world.

Inside, you can completely release your spiritual energy.

"Don't worry, I will save face for you." Ao Xiyu nodded.

"That's all right, I'll take you over there, I don't usually have to run here on purpose."

Feng Lin shouted to the people in front of him, "Get up, change to the secret realm!"

You must know that although Miaoxuan's secret realm is not as huge as the unknown secret realm, it is still several times larger than here.

The key is to have the Internet and computers, so it won't be so boring.

"I said boss, is there something wrong with our secret realm?"

Yuan Wu came over from a distance and asked, she was watching a TV series, and there was no internet here, so she could only cache it on her mobile phone to watch.

"Stop talking nonsense, the few over there, you follow me first!"

Feng Lin grabbed Yuan Yaoyao by the back of the neck and lifted her up from the grass.

"What are you doing? I'm counting ants!" Yuan Yaoyao shook her body vigorously.

"Stop talking nonsense, and you will thank me later."

A group of people from Feng Lin brought Yuan Yaoyao, Yuan Wu Yuan Qi, Guan Mengqing, Wang Feiyan and Wang Mingjun.

This place is closer to the goddess' secret realm, Feng Lin just covered Yuan Yaoyao's eyes.


After entering the secret realm, everyone here looked carefully and found that the area here was about the same size as their secret realm.

But the aura here is indeed very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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