My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1321 Actually Knowing

Chapter 1321 Actually Knowing
"It turns out that you are Feng Lin's biological mother. I've been guessing before, but I never thought it would be you."

The goddess shook her head slightly, and said to Feng Lin, "Call Miaoxuan here."


Feng Lin glanced at the two of them, then walked into another cave.

Jin Huili and Jinguji Mina looked around, shocked in their hearts. There are three holes in this secret realm.

It seems that in addition to a connection to the outside world, there is also a connection to the secret realm.


After seeing Feng Lin leave, Wuqing's expression was slightly surprised, "It's really a long-standing name."

"Hahaha! Actually, I'm also very honored. If it were me, I would not be qualified to stand in front of you."

The goddess's slender fingers plucked on the strings.

"The Tianming clan is divided into two factions, which one do you belong to?" Fifth Love suddenly asked.

Celestial family.

Jin Huili's face darkened, she didn't expect there to be such a powerful race.

No wonder Feng Lin kept calling her a goddess. Originally, she thought this "goddess" was one of Feng Lin's wives.

"Sea of ​​Heaven." The goddess replied with a smile.

"Well, I still want to thank you for making my child grow up. Many times, every word and deed of a parent will affect the child."

Fifth Love had a grateful face on his face, "I'm also very pleased that this child Feng Lin has such a character."

"I never thought that a general who shocked thousands of worlds by force would have such a high awareness."

The goddess suddenly asked, "Do you usually call Feng Lin, Feng Lin?"

Goddess, as a member of the Tianming family, is very interested in the aspect of names.

Fifth Love is a mother who is still surprised to call her son by someone else's name.

"For me, the name is just a code name, as long as she is my son."

Fifth Love said calmly.

"Feng Lin! What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was teaching them how to play games? Finally became a master."

Miaoxuan was pulled by Feng Lin and walked out from another secret realm.

Her long dark red hair was dragging on the ground, and her original expression was a little angry, but when she saw the fifth love in front of her, she froze in place immediately.

Miaoxuan's special eyes shone slightly, even a little red.


Her voice was crying, and she appeared in front of Fifth Love in the blink of an eye.

He hugged her and put his face in Fifth Love's arms.

"You guys actually know each other?" Feng Lin was extremely surprised.

"When we were chatting, Miaoxuan mentioned the fifth love, but the acquaintance is normal, after all, they are all mixed in the top circle."

The goddess explained next to her.

Feng Lin nodded secretly, this sentence is not bad, every person has his circle.

Just like ordinary people, they may not be able to contact the richest man in their entire life, or even say a word.

Because they are not in the same circle.

But the top ten rich people, they must know each other, it is normal to meet each other and eat together.

This is the circle level.

"I didn't expect to meet you in this kind of place, which makes me feel a little bit happier."

Fifth Passion wiped away Miaoxuan's tears flatly, "You disappeared suddenly back then. I investigated for a while, but I couldn't find it."

"I was sealed because of a traitor, and I am still the person I trust the most!"

Miaoxuan gritted his teeth, his face was full of hatred.

"Why did you appear here in the end?" Fifth Love asked strangely.

"It's because of Feng Lin. It was Feng Lin who saved me. Back then, it was because Feng Lin had Jin Yuan's blood that I had a good relationship with him."

Miaoxuan pointed to Feng Lin and said, lying in Fifth Love's arms again, like a spoiled little girl.

"Mother, is your relationship so good?" Feng Lin squatted beside the two of them.


Miaoxuan suddenly jumped up in shock, "Feng Lin is your son?"

"That's right! Otherwise, how did he get the blood of the Jinyuan clan?" Fifth Love showed a faint smile.

"I didn't expect that the eldest sister's son was Feng Lin. I really didn't expect it."

Miaoxuan looked at Feng Lin, no wonder he has such a strong talent, but now he is normal.

At this moment, Feng Lin's cell phone vibrated, and he took it out to take a look, it was a text message from Miyamoto Liulizi.

She told Feng Lin that she has arrived in Yangshi now.

Feng Lin patted Jin Huili on the shoulder, signaling her to leave here.

Don't stay here all the time, disturbing them to reminisce about the old days.

Seeing Feng Lin leave, Jinguji Mina also left with her, she couldn't say a word while staying here.

It's better to go back obediently.

After several people returned to the secret realm of Fifth Love, Jin Huili asked, "What's wrong?"

"A friend from the island country came here to seek refuge."

While Feng Lin was speaking, he also looked at Jinguji Mina next to him, "It's Miyamoto."

"It turned out to be Ms. Miyamoto." Jinguji Mina nodded with a smile. At the shrine, the two often chatted together.

Later, she followed Feng Lin to Huaxia, but she didn't know how Miyamoto Liulizi was doing there.

"What realm?" Jin Huili asked.

"Dacheng Realm."

Feng Lin led the two of them through the entrance of the secret realm and came to Yang City.

Seeing this situation, Feng Lin sighed in his heart, he should have done this a long time ago, how convenient it is now.

After coming to this desert, Feng Lin left first and went to his own community.

It was found that Ruriko Miyamoto was wearing a black sportswear, standing in front of his house.

"Feng Lin!"

Seeing Feng Lin appear, she walked over, "I'm here."

"Well, come with me, Jingu Temple is also here."

Feng Lin took Miyamoto Liulizi to Jin Huili's house and entered the secret realm.

The intense temperature in the desert made her squint her eyes, and saw Jinguji Mina walking towards her from a distance.

"Miss Miyamoto!" Jinguji Mina said with a smile.

"Don't call me Miss anymore, just call me by my name from now on."

Miyamoto Ruriko has become very mature now.

Maybe it's because all the family members disappeared.

"This should be the first meeting." Jin Huili walked over and said with a smile.

"Who is this?" Miyamoto Liulizi asked.

"My current military adviser, one of the founders of the death list."

Feng Lin said with a smile, "Her name is Jin Huili. As for your name, she already knew it."

"Liu Lizi, follow me from now on, I will quickly improve your strength temporarily." Jin Huili smiled.

Feng Lin's affairs are almost over.

He can also do his own thing, the current black tower is frozen in his sleeve by his ice cube.

If I have time in the future, I plan to ask my mother how to engrave it on the body.

But now, there are more important things.

After leaving the secret realm, Feng Lin called Ji Yishun to ask if Tian Su was still there.

Knowing that she was still there, Feng Lin rushed over without stopping, preparing to enter the Black Tower again and release the others.

(End of this chapter)

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