My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1324 Lan Xi's Acting Skills

Chapter 1324 Lan Xi's Acting Skills
"You can't think I'm a bad person just because I have black blood!"

The woman struggled with tears, "I'm a mixed race, and I don't want to have their blood, I'm a good person!"

"Shun, I have a little impression of this person, her name is Lan Xi, she is a very enthusiastic girl."

Tian Su also stepped forward and said to Ji Yishun.

"Do you understand or I understand? Don't you realize that she is begging for mercy? Is she seeking sympathy?"

Ji Yishun looked back at Tian Su, "You should know that even if they are of mixed blood, as long as they have black blood, their status is higher than that of men. Why isn't she on the fourth floor?"

Feng Lin also nodded, "It makes sense, stay on the fourth floor, those people will definitely protect her."

"So I conclude that she wants to deliberately distance herself from those people, and the purpose is naturally to save her life."

Ji Yishun continued, "Because she knows very well that the black-blooded people are punishable by everyone, decent people will kill them when they see it, and evil forces like the gate of hell will also kill them."

"No, please let me go, I am really innocent."

Lan Xi knelt on the ground, shedding tears while explaining, "I am really innocent."

"With such good acting skills, we may even be candidates for the queen in the future. Fortunately, we are not black blood, otherwise we will definitely be infected by your emotions."

Just as Ji Yishun raised his hand, Tian Su grabbed his arm.

"Shut up, stop! You can't kill her." Tian Su said sharply, "You used to tell me not to discriminate against people of mixed race, but now you take the lead instead."

"Feng Lin, say something to persuade her." Ji Yishun looked at Feng Lin beside him.

"Old man, let her go. Her strength is now in the middle of the sky. I have someone beside me who can read the memory."

Feng Lin took a look before, and the current Huanyan has entered the realm of the great heaven.

"Well, this is a good choice. If you find out that she is lying, it's not too late to kill her."

Ji Yishun nodded, but she looked at Tian Su again, "You were the one who stopped me from killing her. If something happens in the future, you can solve it yourself."

"Fix it yourself, you really think I can't solve it?"

Tian Su let go of Ji Yishun's arm, walked forward, and pulled Ji Yishun up, "I hope you don't blame him, I think you should know how much damage the black blood has caused to the outside world!"

"Well, I know all of this, so I am ashamed of this bloodline."

Lan Xi wiped away her tears and stood up from the ground.

"Shouldn't there be one at the top?"

Ji Yishun looked up.

"Well, no more."

Feng Lin nodded, "All of you go to the seventh floor, and I will open this place."

While speaking, Feng Lin brought everyone from the second and fifth floors up.

The people on the second floor didn't dare to go up, but after Feng Lin threatened them, they were forced to go up.

Finally, everyone here has come to the seventh floor.

A golden light shone from Feng Lin's body, and a window-like square opened in the space next to him.

Ji Yishun walked in immediately, and the rest of the people did the same and left the place.

Feng Lin was the last one to go out.

After leaving the hole, Feng Lin blocked the black tower with a formation.

Everything is over, there is no one inside, and all the scary things such as bones have been removed.

This small world now is Feng Lin's future base.

The group of people here are all standing in Ji Yishun's house.

Feng Lin looked at the people around him, their faces were full of excitement, he didn't expect that he would really leave.

Feng Lin said to the people around, "You are free now, you can go wherever you want, but you can't affect the survival of people outside."

Ji Yishun looked at Bai Kai, "Anyway, your fairy gate is destroyed, so you can live in our village from now on. There are several old friends here."

"Yes! Senior!"

Bai Kai nodded slightly to Ji Yishun.

As for the rest of the people, some left, and some still stopped here.

Because they have nowhere to go.

Ji Yishun did not refuse anyone who came, "If you people have no place to go, you can live in our village. Anyway, there are plenty of places in the back mountain, so you can build houses by yourself."

"Yes, senior!"

Hong Ming nodded to Ji Yishun, and suddenly came out of this world, feeling a little out of place, feeling very uncomfortable.

Some of the women here are going to go back to where they lived before.

But this Lan Xi, she can't leave.

Feng Lin put his hand on her shoulder, "Beauty, you need to come with me later."

Lan Xi's baby-fat face revealed a smile, she raised her head, and said to Feng Lin, "I see."

"It's okay, we are all good people, as long as I see that what you said is true and never caused harm to outsiders, I will let you go."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

"I still want to thank you, Feng Lin, the food you gave us is very delicious."

When Lan Xi said this, she touched the interspatial ring, "I'll give you a present."

As she spoke, she took out a black sign with a pentagram pattern on it from the space ring.

In an instant, Lan Xi's body disappeared in place.

Tian Su and Feng Lin next to him didn't react at all.

"Transfer formation!"

Feng Lin was shocked.

The same goes for other people around, especially the few women who are still saying goodbye and haven't left.

Seeing this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

They could all guess what her behavior meant.

In order not to be discovered about her purpose and past, Lan Xi used a transfer formation to escape.

Then she is most likely the worst.

Tian Su's face was livid, and he stepped on the ground, "Damn it!"

"I told you before, you will bear all the consequences yourself."

Ji Yishun cast his gaze over.

"You... Shun, you already guessed it?"

Tian Su asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not that godly, but I know that women of the black blood race are all very cunning, that's all."

Ji Yishun spread his hands with a smile.

"Are you still laughing at this time?" Tian Su was a little annoyed, "Or are you mocking me?"

"I'm mocking you. I'm not young anymore. Just like a child, I can be confused by superficial things."

Ji Yishun snorted coldly, "Now that the Yachongtian has opened, you should hurry over and have a look, see if your former Yachongtian master still recognizes you."

"Stop mocking me, I know Yachongtian better than you!"

Tian Su snorted coldly, "Xiaobai Xiaoqing, follow me back!"

"Boy, follow them." Ji Yishun reminded.

"Can you, senior?" Feng Lin looked at Tian Su.

"Of course, you saved my life, and you are the guest of our Yachongtian."

Tian Su nodded, "Follow us, I'll take you there."


Feng Lin came to a familiar place, which was a place he found outside when he attacked Qiu Tian's Secret Realm.

There is an open space under the well, I remember that they brought Bai Xue and Qi Guanyao with them.

They can't float, so they discovered the underground area.

It was also here that Feng Lin saw the space filling formation for the first time.

It turns out that this is the eight heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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