My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1332 How dare you make me wait

Chapter 1332 How dare you make me wait
The man with the earrings yelled. He covered his head and realized that it was bleeding.

He roared angrily: "You're looking for death! Brothers, fuck me! Fuck me!"

Several other people also put down their things and rushed towards Feng Lin.

When Huangfu saw this in the third year of junior high school, he was ready to attack.

But Feng Lin grabbed her arm, "Let me come, you eat obediently."

"it is good!"

Huangfu Chusan nodded and sat down again.

Feng Lin looked at the person who rushed over first, and kicked him out.

call out!
This person flew backwards and hit the people behind him, knocking them all down.

Some people screamed as their hair fell on the candles on the ground.

Feng Lin strode forward and stood in front of the man with ears, "Why do you say you are crazy? I'm in a good mood, but you ruined it. What do you think should I do?"

"Boy, wait for me!"

There was a trace of fear on the face of the man with the earrings, he could kick people so far with one kick, he was obviously Lian Jiazi.

He left a line of exclusive quotes for the villain gangster, and was about to leave.

But Feng Lin is not an ordinary person.

He reached out and grabbed the man's shoulder, "What did you just say? Let me wait?"

Feng Lin kicked him on the ground, "What are you? How dare you make me wait?"


The man with the earrings growled on the ground in pain, this is so wrong.

According to the general situation, after leaving this sentence, you can escape.

The man wouldn't let himself go.

"I'm asking you something! How dare you keep me waiting?"

Feng Lin pointed at him and shouted.

"I, I was wrong! Boss, big brother, I was wrong, I dare not keep you waiting, I was wrong."

The man with the earrings found that he couldn't get away at all, so he could only beg for mercy.

"That's about the same. Be careful in the future, and don't disturb others in public places."

Feng Lin put one hand in his trouser pocket and returned to his seat.

"Feng Lin, you are so handsome!"

Huangfu Chusan smiled and gave Feng Lin a thumbs up.

"Eat well." Feng Lin said with a smile.

At this moment, the waiter came over and put a bottle of beer on Feng Lin's table.

"Your beer," she said with a smile.

"Okay, let's put it here." Feng Lin nodded.

But the waiter didn't leave. She pointed to the chairs in the distance and smiled awkwardly: "The chairs here cost 500 yuan each."

"Well, even if it's 1000 yuan, what does it have to do with me?"

Feng Lin always thought that he was an honest person, but he would not silently bear those who bully honest people.

If they don't mention this matter, Feng Lin will pay all the money this time.

He is not short of this little money.

But they took the initiative to ask Feng Lin to pay back, but Feng Lin refused to pay back.

Because the opponent threw it first, he just defended and threw it back.

"Sir, please don't embarrass me, or I will call the police."

An older woman walked out, wearing glasses, who seemed to be the manager here.

"Okay! I think it's a good thing to call the police. If you don't report it, I'm going to do it myself."

Feng Lin looked at Huangfu Chusan with a smile, "Continue to eat."

Seeing this, the older woman's face gradually turned ugly. She took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Feng Lin flicked his fingers lightly, and the beer lid in front of him was opened.

He took a sip and started eating here too.

Huangfu Chusan was not worried about Feng Lin, and she also knew that Feng Lin was from a secret organization.

What's more, this incident was provoked by the other party first.

After a while, a few men came outside, but looking at the clothes they were wearing and the look in their eyes, they were not police officers.

"Brother Wang, it's him!"

The older woman in the distance pointed at Feng Lin when she saw these people coming in.

"Boy, do you dare to smash our shop?"

A man with a crew cut in the lead came over, pointed at Feng Lin and yelled.

Feng Lin spread his hands with a smile, "So it's not a police officer. It seems that you know it too, so you didn't care."

"Boy! I'm talking to you!"

The crew-cut man slapped the table in front of Feng Lin with one hand.

Feng Lin's expression didn't change much, he just said indifferently: "Guess what kind of relationship I have with this beautiful girl."

"Stinky boy! Don't change the subject for me!"

The crew cut man stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Lin's collar.

Feng Lin grabbed the crew-haired man's hand instead.


A crisp sound stung the nerves of everyone present.

The flat-headed man roared in pain and knelt down on the ground.

"So, let me finish."

Feng Lin let go of the crew-cut man's hand, and continued to ask, "Do you know who the person opposite me is?"

"'s your girlfriend." The flat-headed man covered his hands and replied in a low voice.

When Huangfu heard this, he immediately covered his face in embarrassment.

"No! She's not my girlfriend." Feng Lin shook his head.

Huangfu Chusan, who was still smiling, suddenly pouted.

"She is my bodyguard." Feng Lin said with a smile, "So you should keep a low profile and threaten with force. I'm not afraid at all, understand?"

When Huangfu heard this in the third year of junior high school, she finally understood what Feng Lin meant, and she knew it was time to perform by herself.

Immediately, he grasped the corner of the table with his hand.


The corner of the table was directly ripped off by Huangfu Chusan.

"Ah! I didn't do it on purpose. What's the matter with the table here? It's time to change it."

Huangfu Chusan had an innocent expression on his face.

When the people around saw this, they were all dumbfounded.

This is too powerful, a woman who looked weak and weak broke off a corner of the wooden table.

How much power should it have?
If this punch goes down, it must be fractured!
"So, what are you going to do next?" Feng Lin asked flatly, "Should we be compensated for using this scrapped table?"

Seeing this, the older woman behind her became increasingly ugly. She took a few steps back and asked sharply, "Are you trying to blackmail us?"

"No, what we are talking about is the truth. What you have here is not good enough. What if you accidentally hurt us?"

Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Boy, it seems that your bodyguard is someone. Let me tell you, obediently give the money, and forget about our business today."

The flat-headed man clapped his hands and sneered, "Call the master!"

"Master? Is your master very powerful?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"It's not very powerful, it depends on whether you dare to wait here!" The flat-headed man said proudly.

"Okay! We'll just wait here, the food hasn't been finished anyway."

Feng Lin said to Huangfu Chusan, "Keep eating."


The few tall men here found this man so bold and reckless, they all sneered in their hearts.

Their masters are not ordinary people.

Since this kid is pretending not to leave, let the master come here and teach him a lesson.

After these people finished their calls, they stood at the door and waited.

Suddenly, Feng Lin, who was eating, stopped, with spiritual fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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