Chapter 1341 is Qiu Tian

Feng Lin folded his arms and stood here looking at him quietly.

His inner vigilance was also very high, because from the moment Yuan Ming announced his surrender, it was not the end.

It's just getting started.

Thinking in another way, Feng Lin is this kind of person, if he is Yuan Ming now, the way he thinks must be to run away by himself.

So he will pretend to surrender and wait for the opportunity.

However, compared to other people, Yuan Ming is relatively easy to control, because he cannot use spiritual power outside.

So he couldn't do the escape method like Lan Xi's method of transferring the formation.

But still be careful.

Who knows that there is a special method that can be used by Yuan Yi to take Yuan Ming away.

Yuan Ming stood motionless in the distance, with his hands behind his back, and his white robe was very conspicuous in the black mystery.

Yuan Yi stood beside him, just like him, not moving at all.

He is waiting for Yuan Ming's plan.

Feng Lin glanced at the time and said loudly: "There are still ten seconds."

"I agree to surrender."

Yuan Ming took a deep breath and made a difficult decision.


Feng Lin asked again.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I did this because you sealed Lin. If it was someone else, I wouldn't believe it."

Yuan Ming didn't lie, if it wasn't Feng Lin standing in front of him, but other personnel from the secret organization.

He will definitely fight to the death, at worst, destroy this secret realm and let himself enter the turbulent space.

Because then, at least he wouldn't die.

If you go out, you will probably die.

But Feng Lin, even though he is an opponent, he still respects him.

"Okay, since you believe in me, I believe in you too, I hope you don't let me down."

Feng Lin nodded, looked around, "Where shall we talk next?"

"Not here, I won't tell you everything until I see my daughter."

Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go now, do you need to get something?"

Feng Lin pointed to the secret realm behind him and said, "You may never return here in your lifetime."

"No, everything is on me. It's safer to put it on me. As for this secret realm..."

Feng Lin looked at everything behind him and gathered his strength, "Just follow my failure this time and let it disappear."

He hit the ground with a punch, and the entire secret realm began to crack.

Feng Lin and the others all left, and the secret realm behind them gradually disappeared.

The few people outside saw Feng Lin appearing from inside, and they all exploded with spiritual power in fright.

However, Yuan Ming stopped them and said calmly: "They are all our own, stop."

When the people in front of them heard this, they were all dumbfounded. When did Feng Lin become his own?

"You guys go back to the various places first, and wait for my news. Remember, no one can talk about me and Feng Lin."

"What we know so far is only the few of us. Yuan Yi and I will definitely not say anything. If anyone leaks the rest of you, you will all die."

Yuan Ming looked at them calmly.

Several people nodded in fright, and after bidding farewell to Yuan Ming, they chose to leave here.

"let's go!"

Yuan Ming said.

Feng Lin nodded, and a long sword appeared. He asked Yuan Ming to step on the front, and Yuan Yi was behind.

Take them to the sky.

"How do you know where I am? I remember the mobile phone signal at this location, and I sent someone to transfer it elsewhere." Yuan Ming asked strangely.

"When using mobile phones to send messages, you should think about it. This tool was invented by outsiders. There is something wrong with the video I sent you."

Feng Lin explained casually.


Yuan Ming smiled and shook his head, he really hadn't thought of this.

Along the way, Feng Lin sent a message to Ao Xiyu, telling her what happened this time.

He also asked her to bring Yuan Yaoyao outside the villa in Yang City's secret realm. Since she wanted to chat, the outside world must be safer.


Feng Lin's speed was very fast, he used his invisibility, and brought the two of them to the secret place of Yang City.

This is the secret realm built by Jin Huili.

Ever since Miyamoto Liulizi came over, Jin Huili asked Fu Jingwan to return to the Demon Gate.

Usually in the outside world, Miyamoto Liulizi is fully capable of protecting her.

Several people landed outside the villa, and saw Ao Xiyu and Yuan Yaoyao in the yard.

Yuan Yaoyao squatted on the ground, looked down at Xiaocao, and found Yuan Ming who appeared in the yard.

She rushed over immediately, cried and hugged Yuan Ming, "Father!"


Yuan Ming squatted down, smiled and stroked Yuan Yaoyao's hair, "Yaoyao, you haven't been wronged here."

"No, they treated me very well." Yuan Yaoyao shook her head.

"That's fine."

Yuan Ming raised his head with a smile, and looked at Ao Xiyu in front of him, "Empress, from your expression, you seem to want to kill me."

"That's right! I want to kill you, I hate being betrayed." Ao Xiyu said viciously.

Feng Lin stepped forward to smooth things over, and said to everyone: "Let's go to the villa and have a good chat."

"it is good!"

Yuan Ming smiled, and followed Feng Lin to the distant villa.

Feng Lin took Ao Xiyu's hand, shook his head slightly at her, and signaled her not to be angry.

Because this is the safest way.

As long as Yuan Ming can be controlled, the news from his side will be more unexpected.

Ao Xiyu finally nodded, and everyone went together.

"Yaoyao, it's none of your business here, you go and play first."

Yuan Ming didn't want Yuan Yaoyao to hear these things, too many things would cause her to lose her original innocence.

Yuan Ming doesn't like to let his daughter become a sentimental woman.

"Okay! Then I'll go first!"

Yuan Yaoyao's hanging heart finally settled down. Since his father chose to cooperate with Feng Lin, he would definitely not die.

He also felt relieved and could play games with peace of mind.

At this moment, Feng Lin and Ao Xiyu were sitting together, and Yuan Ming was sitting on the sofa by himself.

As for Yuan Yi, standing behind him.

Feng Lin snapped his fingers lightly, and they were surrounded by ice.

"Okay, if you want to ask anything, you can ask it now. Since I choose to hang out with you, I know everything I can say."

Yuan Ming looked at the three layers of ice around him and said with a smile.

Feng Lin glanced at Ao Xiyu first, "Honey, what do you want to ask, you ask first."


Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had always guessed that the relationship between the two was unusual.

Did not expect to have reached this level.

"Yuan Ming, why did you kill me?"

Ao Xiyu asked in a deep voice.

"Because I want to integrate the world, I need the information of the remaining people."

Yuan Ming replied.

"Are you the one who assassinated me first?" Ao Xiyu asked.

"No." Yuan Ming shook his head.

"If it's not you, then it's Mu Linsen?"

"It's not Mu Linsen either." Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"You're still lying to me at this time? It's not Mu Linsen, and it's not you, so who else is there?" Ao Xiyu snorted coldly.

"At first I thought it was Mu Linsen, but after investigation, I realized it wasn't him."

At this point, Yuan Ming showed a smile, "The purpose of this person is to accelerate the differentiation between Mu Linsen and me, and to suspect each other that the other party has already started to act."

When Feng Lin heard this, his eyes narrowed into a line, "It's Qiu Tian!"

(End of this chapter)

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