Chapter 1347 Honor
Xu Mei jumped off the red lion and spread her hands with a smile on her face, "You are right, my Chinese name is Xu Mei."

"Hehe, so I finally found it."

Feng Lin took off the mask with a smile, turned his head and pointed at the exit of the secret realm behind him, "I'll answer your second question, there is no master of mine outside, I lied to you like a puppy."

Xu Mei's face was cloudy and uncertain, thinking about the matter in front of her.

What is Feng Lin's purpose this time?
Is it to start the final battle with myself?
A smile flashed across Feng Lin's expression, and he said with a smile: "Okay, since both of us have met, let me clarify."

"Well, I'm listening."

Xu Mei smiled again and nodded slightly.

Feng Lin put his arms around Su Yun's shoulders, "Do you know how many people your organization has harmed for your own private purposes?"

"I know that in order to achieve lofty ideals, there must always be some sacrifices. It's like a war between two countries. Even if one of the countries wins, the whole country cheers, but who remembers the names of the victims in this battle? ?”

Xu Mei's eyes were very calm.

"Although you are making a forced comparison, even if I agree with you, if a soldier dies, at least the family has honor and the state will subsidize it. What about you?"

Feng Lin pointed at Su Yun beside him, and said sharply, "You may not know that the children of the people you killed have grown up and want to kill you!"

"Honor? Feng Lin, don't mention these things to me. With your current status, you should know who I am, right? I was the first group of people who first founded the secret organization."

Xu Mei suppressed her smile, and her face became indifferent, "Honor doesn't exist at all."

Feng Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Xu Mei carefully. He was also very curious about this guy.

Especially knowing what happened to him.

"Honor is just a means of consolation. Those comrades I used to fight with the people in the secret realm, and they died one by one without getting anything."

"Yes! With the honor you mentioned, they asked all of us to observe five minutes of silence to pay respect to these dead warriors, but do you know what those people who mourned are thinking?"

"Let me tell you, they are thinking in their hearts, what to eat for a while, which woman is beautiful, and how can they get promoted and get rich!"

Xu Mei talked to Feng Lin incessantly, feeling a little agitated.

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to you. I came here this time to solve you. Your path ends here."

Feng Lin released his spiritual power slightly.

Xu Mei smiled. He raised a finger and shook it slightly, "Not necessarily."

"Are you so confident? I don't think you have any chance in a mere Infernal Realm."

In fact, Feng Lin has been carefully observing the surroundings. You must know that this secret realm is an unknown secret realm.

Very big.

No one knows what is in this secret realm.

"That's right, that's how confident you are, Feng Lin, after all, we are all the same kind of people, and you killed quite a few people."

Xu Mei smiled and said, "Haven't you ever thought about how many parents' children you killed, and how many children's parents you killed?"

"It's already this time, don't disturb my mood, do you think I will be affected by your words now?"

Feng Lin showed a smile, he never thought he was a good person.

As long as he is practicing justice in his heart, he also knows that Xu Mei also has justice in his heart.

But the two have differences and can only resolve each other by eliminating each other.

"Hehe! If that's the case, let's witness the chapter."

Xu Mei suddenly said loudly, "Proceed with the Grade A plan!"

Feng Lin and Su Yun immediately looked around vigilantly, and they found that there were a lot of people jumping towards the exit of the secret realm.

He immediately waved his hand, and countless ice rose into the sky, sealing the entrance to the secret realm.

At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Feng Lin.

She held a long sword in her hand, and this woman was the one next to Louise.

The domain realm is triple, and if nothing else happens, the other party is Louise's master.

"Feng Lin!"

Seeing this, Louise rushed over immediately.


When this woman was approaching Feng Lin, Feng Lin suddenly burst out with spiritual power and grabbed the opponent's sword with one hand.

Blood-red flames followed the long sword and burned to the hilt in the blink of an eye.

But Ouyang Ruo exploded his spiritual power to the limit, and fought with the flame to stop the flame from burning his body.

At this moment, Louise had come to Feng Lin, "She is my master!"

"I got it!"

Feng Lin smiled lightly.

"Louis, do you know Feng Lin?"

Ouyang Ruo's expression suddenly turned cold.

"Master! I..."

Before Louise finished speaking, a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of Feng Lin, sucking Ouyang Ruo in front of him.

When the people around saw this, they were all dumbfounded.

What is this ability?
This is too strong!

Louise hurriedly grabbed Feng Lin's arm, "Where's my master?"

"Don't worry, it's hidden by me."

Feng Lin smiled lightly.

Only then did Louise feel relieved, and stood by Feng Lin's side, looking at Xu Mei in the distance.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that my undercover agent here is actually you."

Seeing the situation in front of her, Xu Mei showed a faint smile.

"You don't seem surprised." Louise asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, it's normal to have undercover agents. After all, there are too many people, and we can't manage them one by one. I just didn't expect it to be you."

Xu Mei waved her hand flatly.


At this moment, the person who rushed out of the secret realm first broke the ice and reappeared in front of everyone.

"Master, we have investigated, and there are no other practitioners outside."

"Me too, there is no human smell around."


Hearing this, Xu Mei became more and more surprised, the things in front of him were beyond his imagination.

Feng Lin really brought a person in.

Even if you add Louise, you will definitely not be able to defeat them.

Could it be the transfer formation he used just now?
Thinking of this, Xu Mei looked at the old man standing on the huge lion.

"Mr. Liu, please kill the three of them."

Anyway, the battle has started now, he said to the old man.

Liu En nodded lightly, and he waved lightly at Feng Lin.

Seeing this, Feng Lin immediately cast the gravity range.

Immediately afterwards, black light enveloped Su Yun and Louise, and finally disappeared here.

Facing the Infernal Realm, Feng Lin's simple confrontation is very difficult.

Not to mention protecting two people in this state.

Wujian means that there is no space, even if someone stands so far away and waved gently, Su Yun and Louise might die.

"Come on, let me see how strong your overall strength is!"

Feng Lin took a step forward, and shouted vigorously, "Praise of Guangyao!"


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a string of electric currents fell from a high place and hit Feng Lin.

Wearing silver armor, Feng Lin jumped to the old man on a high place.

"Dancing wild!"

There are a lot of shadows around, flashing around.


The spiritual powers of Feng Lin and the old man collided instantly and exploded in the entire secret realm.

The wind is surging.

The earth was like paper, crumbling and collapsing.

Xu Mei withdrew immediately, he was shocked, this Feng Lin was really powerful.

He flicked his fingers towards the depths of the secret realm.

A ray of light flew to the deepest part of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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