Chapter 153

Feng Lin suddenly remembered that when the other party was watching the video just now, he stopped from time to time to chat with someone.

And she was staring at her phone almost all the time.

This woman turned out to be his blind date!
In order to prove her conjecture, Ye Qingning immediately turned on the video call with Feng Lin.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Feng Lin's phone vibrated.

"Hahaha! So it's you!" Feng Lin smiled awkwardly.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that, so you are that... bug!"

Without saying a word, Ye Qingning raised her sword and slashed at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin disappeared here in a whoosh, but Ye Qingning followed closely, yelling at the back: "Stinky boy, don't try to run away today!"

Seeing the backs of the two disappearing, Grand Elder Ye Xuan didn't care much.

She had also heard Ye Qingning complain before, saying that this man is a waste, and he took the initiative to swear.

With Ye Qingning's violent temper, how could she be at a disadvantage in such a matter?

However, she still believed that Feng Jue's disciples might bully Ye Qingning, but they would never hurt her.

Ye Qingning's journey has been so smooth, she really needs to find a more powerful genius to make her suffer a little setback.

"Are you Zhuang Hong's younger brother?"

Michelle Ye looked at Zhuang Zheng who was already frightened in the distance, and asked calmly.

"Yes, I am!" Zhuang Zheng nodded.

"Come on, let Zhuang Hong out."

Michelle Ye looked at the people behind her.

The few people behind nodded and wanted to go to the heights of the mountain.

Not long after, these people brought a middle-aged woman in a skirt.

The maintenance is not bad, but now, it looks very haggard.

There were bloodstains on her body.

"elder sister!"

When Zhuang Zheng saw this woman, he hurried over with a cane and knelt down in front of Zhuang Hong.

"You are Xiaozheng!"

Seeing her younger brother, Zhuang Hong hurriedly turned her gaze to Michelle Ye who was aside, "Elder Elder, this matter has nothing to do with my family, what's your ability to implicate them?"

"Sister! You misunderstood, they didn't arrest me, I came here by myself!"

Zhuang Zheng hastily explained.

"Zhuang Hong, in my opinion, this incident is over. Since your man is dead, I can let you go!"

Ye Xuan stood with her hands behind her back, "But you are joining the Heavenly Dao Sect after all, and it's not so easy to get out. Asking your family to send [-] million is harmless to your family."

"Sister! Thank you, First Elder, thank her!" Zhuang Zheng said hastily.

"Why should I thank her, she killed my man, and now let me thank her?"

Zhuang Hong raised her head very proudly, as if she would rather die than surrender.

"It's also a woman, stop putting on airs in front of me. If you really love your man very much, you have to live and die together."

Xuan Ye turned around and walked towards the top of the mountain, "But you dare not!"

Zhuang Hong gritted her teeth immediately, at a loss for what to do here.


On the other side, Feng Lin and Ye Qingning galloped across the deserted mountain.

Feng Lin found that the opponent was really strong, so he had to take it seriously.

But if you are serious, then you are a little ignorant.

Likely to seriously injure her.

That kind of feeling is like a high school student, hitting a kindergarten child can easily subdue the opponent's uniform without hurting himself.

But if a high school student hits a third-year student, even if he can subdue him, he is likely to be killed himself.

Feng Lin and Ye Qingning are like this now, Feng Lin doesn't want to get a few more wounds for no reason.

That can only show strength.

Feng Lin suddenly turned around and rushed towards Ye Qingning.

Ye Qingning is no ordinary person, her eyes shone with green light, which turned into a ray of light and flashed out.

She stepped on the big tree in the distance, and borrowed her strength to charge towards Feng Lin again.

Feng Lin took out his dagger and slashed hard at the opponent's sword.


The sword in her hand broke directly.

Feng Lin suddenly grabbed Ye Qingning's neck, and just as he was about to use force, her figure flashed out.

Standing on a branch in the distance.

"I really don't want to hurt you, you can't beat me."

Feng Lin sighed slightly, "Also, you scolded me so much, I should be the one to suffer!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I just can't stand being wronged! Since you scolded me first, I must beat you!"

Ye Qingning snorted coldly, and took out a dagger from her body.

"So, I can only fight with you. Speaking of which, when you didn't know my identity, you made me kneel just now."

A silver arc flashed out of Feng Lin's left eye again, "Get ready! The next 30 seconds will be a bit long."

Feng Lin's figure disappeared in an instant, and the deep pit in the ground under his feet spread to a full ten meters this time.

The entire mountain was shaking violently, like an earthquake.

Ye Qingning's figure also disappeared in an instant, and the branches under her feet were broken.


The speed of the two was surprisingly fast, and they all exploded to the limit.

Just like running, long-distance running and sprinting are completely two concepts.

Sure enough, after more than 30 seconds, Ye Qingning's speed finally slowed down by half a beat.

With such a powerful speed, she felt like her heart was about to explode.

But in just a split second, Feng Lin appeared in front of her.

Grab her neck and press down.


Pressing Ye Qingning's body on the ground, a cloud of dust was raised, and the mountain was smashed into a cave of about ten meters.

Without saying a word, Feng Lin immediately rode on her body and held down her arms.


Both bodies are at this moment, relax and let out a long breath.

"let me go!"

Ye Qingning struggled hard, but couldn't move an inch.

"Do you think I'll let go easily? I finally caught you!"

Feng Lin looked at her gloomy face, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he immediately bent down, and their faces faced each other, with a distance of about [-] centimeters.

Feng Lin's face was on top of hers.

"Speaking of which, you are my fiancee, shouldn't you call me husband?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"You're dreaming! I'll never call you husband in my life!" Ye Qingning snorted coldly.

"is it?"

Feng Lin suddenly opened his mouth, and a little saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Ye Qingning's cold face suddenly panicked.

"It's nothing, I like to drool when I'm nervous."

Facing Ye Qingning, Feng Lin had to use both hands. If he controlled her hands with one hand, it would be easy for her to run away.

So this is the only way to do it.

Ye Qingning was really panicking now, she kept tilting her head, trying to avoid Feng Lin's saliva attack.

But there is no way at all, after all, the body is now fixed.

Watching the saliva begin to form and turn into water droplets.

Ye Qingning finally couldn't hold it anymore, if she let this disgusting man spit on her face, how would she behave in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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