My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 18 You know what I want to do

Chapter 18 You know what I want to do

Zhang Jun secretly marveled at the side, but he didn't expect Feng Lin, who has a gentle personality, to be the boss.

"Stop talking nonsense, this person is in your hands."

Feng Lin rolled his eyes and pointed to Lie Fengdao beside him.

The person in front of him is Wang San, a very vulgar name, and he has joined the organization for a year now, and he has made rapid progress.

"Boss, when are you going back? I still like to be trained by you. Now that the eldest sister manages us, I'm going to be abolished." Wang San asked with a bitter face.

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets, thinking of that woman, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I can go back after the task is completed."

"Come on! I'll go back and tell my brothers!"

Wang San nodded excitedly. He walked up to Lie Feng, looked down at him, and said with his mouth, "It's really Lie Feng, and there is no one left on the death list."

Zhang Jun, who was standing aside, stared wide-eyed.

Dead list! ?
Originally, he thought that this corpse was just someone on the wanted list, but he didn't expect it to be a killer on the death list!
It is said that many people abroad bought the lives of killers on the death list with almost sky-high money.

"Boss, I'm leaving!"

Wang San waved his hand at Feng Lin, grabbed the ladder from the helicopter, and flew high into the sky.

The roar of the helicopter disappeared, and the place became calm again.

"I'll trouble you this time." Feng Lin nodded politely to Zhang Jun.

"No trouble, go back, I'll see you off." Zhang Jun smiled and shook his head.

Feng Lin followed Zhang Jun back to the road in the suburbs. As for the people around him, he began to notify the blocking colleagues, telling them that this incident was over.

On the highway, Wu Xuanyi was still standing here, asking a friend on the side what happened.

Seeing Feng Lin and Zhang Jun approaching happily, Wu Xuanyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But she was still very smart and didn't run over.

If Zhang Jun finds out that he is protecting Feng Lin, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Feng Lin, do you really not need me to see you off?" Before Zhang Jun left, he smiled and invited.

"No, I have something else to do." Feng Lin smiled and waved his hands.

Wu Xuanyi looked back at Feng Lin, made a face at him, and left with everyone.

On the empty suburban road, Feng Lin is the only one left.

Taking out Gaefeng's mobile phone, he tried to send a message to Liu Yaran.

"I've caught the man."

"do you died?"

After a while, the news from the other side came back.

"not yet."

Feng Lin replied with two words. He tried his best to be as cold as possible. The less he talked, the less likely he would reveal his secrets.

"Kill him, he knows my secret."

Seeing this reply, Feng Lin's eyes became even colder. This woman has now appeared on his kill list.

Regarding her appearance, in all fairness, Feng Lin just admired her and was not interested.

In foreign countries, the really powerful killers are all women, and most of them are beautiful.

Relying on their appearance, they can easily sneak into the side of the assassination list, and the success rate is much higher than that of men.

Feng Lin couldn't even remember how many beautiful women he had killed.

"I don't want to kill him." Feng Lin replied, looking at the other party's reaction.

"What do you want to do?"

This time, a voice was sent from the other side, the voice was cold and piercing, without the charm of before.

However, Feng Lin could tell that the other party was Liu Yaran!

"You know what I want to do."

Feng Lin replied that this is what he often does, and he usually does not know the information of the other party, so he replied like this and let them speak out by themselves.

"Are you threatening me?" Liu Yaran replied with another voice.

This time, Feng Lin didn't reply, he was indeed threatening, it just depends on who can calm down.


At dusk, the setting sun is like blood.

Feng Lin has been staying on the road in the suburbs, anyway, the distance from the villa is only 3000 meters, which is equivalent to no distance for him.

Finally, he waited for Liu Yaran's reply.

"Let's meet at eight o'clock in the evening. You decide the place."

When Feng Lin saw the news, he shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect the other party to be so careful.

From this point of view, she can only be caught and interrogated.

"Forget it, let me tell you the location, 666, Longfeng Building, Tianzihao Private Room, under the Su Group."

Seeing this reply, Feng Lin was stunned. He didn't know if Lie Feng licked a dog when he was alive.

If she refuses directly, it is likely to make her suspicious.

"Okay! I'll take this kid with me." Feng Lin finally agreed.


Dragon and Phoenix Tower is one of the top restaurants in Yang City.

Except for the first floor, starting from the second floor, there are all luxurious private rooms.

Tianzihao is located on the top floor and is also the most luxurious private room. There are only two rooms on the left and right, namely 666 and 888.

The interior is not only a place to eat, but also a sauna, karaoke fitness, etc., everything is available.

Before going there, Feng Lin sent a message to Gongsun Lan, telling her that he would not go back for dinner and was meeting a friend outside.

Afterwards, he walked to the Dragon and Phoenix Building, and he believed that Liu Yaran must be watching nearby.

He could only start to perform, his eyes looked back from time to time, his expression was extremely tense, as if he was being coerced.

After entering the lobby, Feng Lin ran to the front desk like crazy.

However, the two burly security guards who had been waiting for a long time immediately grabbed Feng Lin and pulled him into the cargo elevator beside him.

"Brother, are you saving me?" Feng Lin raised his head and asked.

"You'll know when it arrives."

One of them with a beard had no expression on his face, and said while grabbing Feng Lin's arm with one hand.

The door of the elevator opened, and the luxurious lights that greeted the eyes, even the floor was covered with golden stripes.

Everything around is full of luxury and luxury.

Two security guards brought Feng Lin to the door of 666.

Generally, private rooms in restaurants have single doors, but here are double doors, red in color, with rows of golden rivets on them.

Similar to the gate of the ancient palace.

After the door opened, Feng Lin was pushed in.

The two security guards didn't go in. After closing the gate, they left here.

Entering the huge private room, the first thing that catches the eye is the human wall.

There are more than a dozen strong men in suits standing here respectfully.

After finding Feng Lin coming in, a dozen people tacitly blocked the door, blocking Feng Lin's only way to escape.

Resplendent and resplendent, there is also an indoor fountain here. On the leather sofa in the distance, Liu Yaran stretched her legs, with a laptop on it.

Inside is all the monitoring of Longfeng Building.

"Mr. Feng, long time no see."

Liu Yaran stood up with a smile on her face, and gently pushed down her gold-rimmed glasses.

"What the hell! Are you going to kill me?" Feng Lin said angrily.

"Stinky boy..."

"shut up!"

Liu Yaran stared at the strong man in the distance, and looked at Feng Lin with a smile on her face, "I don't want to kill you, but you know my secret."

"Then you can't kill someone to silence you! Aren't you just a commercial espionage? You'll be imprisoned for a few years at most!" Feng Lin deliberately showed incompetence and fury, and stretched out his hand to grab Liu Yaran.

Liu Yaran clasped Feng Lin's wrist with one hand, turned around and pressed Feng Lin to the ground.

Her pure white knee was pressing on Feng Lin's heart at this moment.


Feng Lin was surprised, this woman was hiding too deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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