My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 20 The Organization Behind Liu Yaran

Chapter 20 The Organization Behind Liu Yaran
Su Yun's grandfather was very famous in the local area, and later Su Yun's father started to establish a company called Su's.

The group developed significantly in a short period of time, and was later listed as Su Group.

"Then why did they die when you said they were in full bloom?" Liu Yaran glanced at Feng Lin calmly.

"I really don't know about this."

Feng Lin shook his head. From the current point of view, Su Yun may be seeking revenge in order to learn the old man's skills.

"The two of them invented a magic drug that strengthens the human body."

Liu Yaran wrapped the bath towel around her body a little more tightly, and explained to Feng Lin the news she had received.

It turned out that Su Yun's grandfather and father used the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to extract a miraculous stock solution.

Genes can be strengthened, giving ordinary people great power.

However, the research at that time was for mice, and later extended to chimpanzees, and was not used in humans.

However, a certain powerful organization got the news, snatched a bottle of the original solution, and injected it into the human body.

They found that this stock solution is also useful for humans.

In the end, they captured Su Yun's family members, but they still couldn't find a way to extract them.

"I see."

Feng Lin nodded secretly at the side, no wonder she always wanted revenge, "By the way, how did you lurk beside Su Yun?"

"Su Yun is the only descendant of the Su family, but she was still young at the time and couldn't remember anything at all. If she is killed, this technology may be destroyed."

Liu Yaran looked up at Feng Lin, and whispered, "My task is to monitor, maybe there are still some traces of her family."

"That is to say, you! Are you a member of the organization that killed Su Yun's family?" Feng Lin's eyes turned cold.

"No! Our family has belonged to the organization in recent years, and the killing of her family has nothing to do with us!"

Liu Yaran paused, and continued, "Even I don't know what the organization is called or where it comes from. It's useless for you to ask me."

Feng Lin nodded, patted Liu Yaran's smooth shoulder, and said with a smile: "I believe what you say."

After that, he turned and left.

In the luxurious Tianzihao private room, everyone in the lobby is still howling.

They are very clear about their identities. If they call the police without authorization, they will suffer in the end.

Feng Lin grabbed a strong man and turned his arm vigorously.


With a roar from the strong man, he miraculously discovered that the dislocated arm had recovered.

"Buy your boss a dress, and I won't pay for it."

Feng Lin looked at this man, and then pointed at the others, "Line up and come one by one!"

At this moment, Liu Yaran, who was wearing a bath towel, walked over barefoot, and she nodded to the rest of the people.

With permission, everyone here got up from the ground one after another and waited in line here.

After a while, all the dozen or so people recovered.

Although it still hurts terribly, but I can control the arm, and it only takes a few days to recover.

Liu Yaran has been standing not far away, observing Feng Lin's profile.

I still underestimated him, it seems that the trash that Su Yun said was completely fake.

"Now that you know all my secrets, will you still kill me?" Liu Yaran walked up to Feng Lin and asked.

"It depends on your performance."

Feng Lin resumed his usual smile, got up and left, now it seemed that those old men were plotting against him again.

There are probably many secrets in this marriage.

Leave the private room, take the elevator downstairs, and come to the gate of Longfeng Building.

Colorful neon lights drive away the darkness.

Feng Lin turned on his phone and called the chief.

"Hey! How is your new marriage? This wife didn't disappoint you, right?" There was a hearty smile on the other side.

"You old man is dishonest! What is that genetic medicine?" Feng Lin asked in a deep voice.

"Stinky boy... how did you know?" The other side cursed with a smile, not surprised.

"There are spies by my wife's side." Feng Lin's voice suddenly became serious, "Tell me, what is the mission this time?"

"You have too much killing intent, you are no longer suitable for missions, live a good life with your wife, and find that kind of potion by the way, I would rather destroy it than fall into the wrong hands!"

"So I was fired again? Your grandma, don't look for me next time if you have the ability!"

Feng Lin took a deep breath, and before turning around, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! Feng Lin! Are you here?"

A beautiful voice came from behind.

Feng Lin put the phone away, turned his head instinctively, and a group of young men and women caught his eye.

The person named Feng Lin just now was none other than Jiang Ling.

Although she is petite, she has capital that does not match her body.

Today she is wearing a black princess dress, with a bow on the side of her short hair, and those big black eyes.

Like a princess in medieval Europe.

Beside her is Fang Keke, wearing a single ponytail today, showing her extremely pure cheeks.

Fang Keke was wearing very plain sportswear, and looked at Feng Lin with a reddish complexion, "Brother, I called you just now, and your phone was prompted to turn off."

"I was in a hurry just now, why did you ask me?" Feng Lin walked over with a smile.

"Hee hee! Feng Lin, today is my lunar birthday, I invite you to dinner!"

Jiang Ling trotted over, took Feng Lin's arm, and made a face at Fang Keke.

"Pay attention to your image, I'm your teacher."

Feng Lin found out that the other party had caught his weakness, and it seemed really cool to be hugged like this.

"What image do you have?" Jiang Ling gave Feng Lin a white look.

At the same time, several young people who followed them came over.

Just looking at the clothes these people are wearing, they are either rich or expensive.

The leader was a young man wearing earrings. He looked at Jiang Ling with a smile on his face, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Look, I've forgotten, this is Feng Lin, who happened to teach our class physical education." Jiang Ling pointed to Feng Lin and introduced.

"Oh, so it's the teacher, isn't that a bit bad? After all, there is no common language."

Wang Ren glanced at Feng Lin with some disdain.

Not only him, but the people behind him were all the same, scoffing at Feng Lin.

In college, this kind of teacher is only assigned to them to run errands, and everyone flatters them.

Because they know very well that if they can successfully enter the company of several of them, their wages can be doubled at least.

"This time it's my birthday, I make my own decisions!"

Jiang Ling took Feng Lin's wrist and walked into the Dragon and Phoenix Tower again.

Feng Lin was a little helpless, but that was fine, as he hadn't eaten, so he had a good meal here.

Following Jiang Ling, Feng Lin was directly dragged down to Room 888, which is another room in Tianzihao.

The decoration here is similar to the one just now, and every part reveals luxury.

"It will cost a lot of money, right?" Feng Lin glanced at Jiang Ling beside him.

"It's not much, but it's worth your salary for a year."

Before Jiang Ling could speak, Wang Ren answered with a smile.

"No, Young Master Wang, can a teacher who has just entered school earn one hundred thousand a year?"

"Don't be funny, it's not easy to make some money."



Several students around couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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