My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 22 Little villain, even peeking

Chapter 22 Little villain, even peeking
The door of the KTV was pushed open, and these dozen strong men blocked the only way out.

They looked unusually burly, just standing here, they had an imposing manner, which made the few people who were seated couldn't help but feel terrified.

Among them, the bearded leader glanced around, "Who hit my brother with a beer bottle just now? Stand up!"

"Haha! Everyone, I may have misunderstood you. I am Wang Ren from Yangshi Forest Group. I don't know how to call you?"

Wang Ren stood up and said with a smile, his expression was quite calm, he didn't know any of these people, presumably they were some people who pretended to be powerful.

"Forest Group is a fart! Wang blames me and I don't take it seriously!" The bearded man said sharply, "A little second- and third-tier rich man, how can he go to heaven?"

He stepped on the glass table in front of him, and the table instantly shattered, and all the wine on it spilled all over the floor.

"I'm asking you guys! Who hit you?"

The complexions of all the people present changed, especially Wang Ren's complexion was ashen.

Everyone here knows that Wang Zhi is his father.

He is the chairman of the Forest Group, and he is well-known in Yang City. Not surprisingly, these people should not be from Yang City.

"Today is my birthday, not to mention that my friend is also injured, please do me a favor!" Jiang Ling stood up and said solemnly.

"Injured? Is it you?"

The bearded man glanced around and found Li Bo sitting on the sofa. He was the only wounded here.

He stepped forward and grabbed Li Bo's hair and dragged it out, "Follow me here."

"Young Master Wang! Help, help!"

When had Li Bo seen such a formation?
Usually follow the rich second generation like Wang Ren in a circle, where is he not being flattered?
This is the first time he has encountered such a situation in such a big age.

"That, everyone..."

The bearded man turned his head abruptly, and a dagger flew out of his hand, flew by Wang Ren's ear, and stabbed deeply on the wall behind him.

"You'll be useless if you talk too much!" The bearded man growled coldly.

Wang Ren felt his ears itchy, reached out his hand to touch it, and found blood on his hand.

His eyes were wide open, and his legs were trembling uncontrollably.

These people... are extraordinary!
"No! Brother, I was wrong! I will cover all the medical expenses, please forgive me!"

Li Bo was so frightened that he almost peed. These people carry daggers with them. Who knows who they are?

Jiang Ling also noticed that these people were definitely not ordinary punks.

If it was an ordinary gangster, when he came here, he would definitely look at himself, or Fang Keke, and even step forward to provoke him.

Although there are some things that he doesn't admit, Jiang Ling is still very confident in his heart.

She and Fang Keke can be regarded as eight-point beauties.

But since these people came in, they simply regarded them as ordinary people.

Obviously, they have seen the world and disdain to do so.

"I advise you to stop, and then I will call the police."

Jiang Ling reacted immediately, took out her phone and shouted.

"Don't think that I dare not touch you because you are a woman!" The bearded man glared at Jiang Ling viciously, and dragged Li Bo out.

They didn't leave, but dragged him to the direction of the bath on the other side.

It is really convenient there, even if there is bleeding, nothing will be left when the water is flushed.

Jiang Ling held Fang Keke's hand tightly, and followed behind them with the others.

As long as they are watching from the sidelines, these people dare not do anything wrong.

"By the way, Brother Feng Lin!"

Fang Keke stared blankly, then suddenly remembered that Feng Lin was over there.

He didn't want Feng Lin to conflict with these people, so he hurried towards the bathing pool.


Feng Lin lay in the bath, drinking beer, feeling very comfortable.

After finishing the two bottles of beer, he stood up and prepared to leave.

After all, this is not my territory, in case someone suddenly breaks in...

"elder brother……"

Accompanied by an eager female voice, Fang Keke and Jiang Ling broke in here, looking at Feng Lin at this moment.

For a moment, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Fang Keke and Jiang Ling both swallowed, and turned around with flushed faces.

The two covered each other's mouth in a tacit understanding, for fear of screaming suddenly.

If you let other people know, you will lose face in the future.

"Little villain, peek at me taking a shower."

Feng Lin wrapped the towel around his waist, walked over, and knocked on the heads of the two of them respectively.

"I... I, no!"

Fang Keke's cheeks were about to bleed, and they were so rosy that even jumping into the Yellow River couldn't wash them off.

It was Jiang Ling who reacted first and hurriedly followed Feng Lin to tell him what happened.

But before he finished speaking, Feng Lin had already met these strong men.

Jiang Ling gently pulled Feng Lin's arm, and whispered: "Just now, this Li Bo..."

"Feng... Mr. Feng."

Before Jiang Ling finished speaking, the bearded man who was walking in the front was stunned.

Or rather, scared.

There is no end!

I finally wanted to pretend to be a beep, but I ran into you again!

"what happened?"

Feng Lin glanced at Li Bo on the ground, and asked calmly.

"This... this person just hit my brother with a beer bottle, so..."

"Just teach me a lesson. Today is my student's birthday. Be happy and go back." Feng Lin held Jiang Ling's head beside him and smiled at him.

"Yes! Let's go back now." The bearded man lowered his head respectfully.

The rest of the dozen or so strong men were the same, bowed one after another, and walked away quickly, looking like they were running away.


Those people had already left, and there was no sound in the huge private room, as if time stood still.

Only Feng Lin came to the wardrobe, took out his clothes and pants, and prepared to change them on.

When he turned around, he found that everyone here was staring at him, which made him frown.

"What are you looking at?" Feng Lin's words broke the calm.

Everyone here seemed to have been slapped, hurriedly lowered their heads, or looked away, not daring to look at Feng Lin at all.

What was the picture just now?
Facing Feng Lin alone, so many strong men were so frightened that they trembled when they spoke.

Who is this person?
In other words, who did you mock just now?
Fear made their legs weak and they couldn't stand still.

"Li Bo...don't thank the teacher yet." Wang Ren pulled up the yellow hair on the ground.

"Thank you teacher, thank you... I'm sorry."

Li Bo was so frightened that he could speak incoherently. Apart from Wang Ren, he was the one who mocked the most.

"Haha! Jiang Ling, Keke, I'm really sorry that something happened this time. I'll take Li Bo to the hospital first. I'll definitely give you a big present when you have your next birthday in the Gregorian calendar."

After Wang Ren finished speaking, he quickly left. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Feng Lin.

"Jiang Ling, I'm in a hurry..."

"Me too."


In the blink of an eye, only Jiang Ling and Fang Keke were left here.

"Brother, do you know those people?" Fang Keke found that the others had left, and gradually relaxed.

"Well, I met once."

Feng Lin took the clothes and walked to the locker room, he didn't forget to turn his head and said, "I know you are at the age where you yearn for men, but it's really not good to peek."

"What are you..."

Jiang Ling, who had just returned to normal, turned red again.

(End of this chapter)

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