My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 230 The Legendary Director

Chapter 230 The Legendary Director
Gongsuntian was also very surprised, he did not expect to meet this kid at the headquarters.

Just looking at the two of them, it must be Qin Yao who brought Feng Lin here.

Because Qin Yao gave people the impression that he had the aura of a superior person.

Could it be that Feng Lin committed something?

Thinking of this, Gongsun Tian stood in front of Feng Lin.

We must find out in advance if Feng Lin is a villain.

Let your sister stay away from him early.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Feng Lin."

Gongsun Tian stood in front of Feng Lin, looking at him with a flat expression, "What did you do? You were arrested?"

While he was talking, a dozen people came out behind him, and they all looked like young people.

"Brother Tian, ​​didn't you mean an urgent mission? Why did it stop here?"

One of the pretty-looking women greeted them with a smile.

Gongsun Tian didn't answer, but stared at Feng Lin, waiting for his reply.

"I said buddy, what do you mean I committed a crime? I am also from here."

Feng Lin rolled his eyes helplessly, he looked so honest, he didn't look like a bad person at all.

"Hahaha! This kid, some people have suffered."

"You call yourself Lao Tzu in front of Brother Tian, ​​don't you know who Brother Tian is?"


The other people who followed around couldn't help laughing, and were about to stand here and watch the joke.

"Then which department are you from?" Gongsun Tian asked calmly.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. With you as a brother, your sister will not marry in the future."

Feng Lin snorted, looked at Qin Yao beside him, and pointed to the face recognition device next to the steel gate.

"Go there and identify your face. Anyone who goes in needs to be identified."

Qin Yao nodded secretly, leaned on a cane and stood in front of the recognizer, facing it.

Gongsun Tian found that Feng Lin ignored him, and immediately walked towards Feng Lin.

Before he had time to say anything, the lights around him suddenly turned red and flickered violently.

Machines that recognize faces sound the alarm.

"Alert! Alert! This person is a Class A Red Notice suspect!"

"Alert! Alert!"

Hearing this voice, everyone, including Gongsun Tian, ​​panicked.

The red notice is already the biggest enemy of the secret agency.

When there is a number in front, it is no longer within the reach of ordinary players like them.

However, the old man in front of him turned out to be a Class A!

This should only be solved by the legendary figure at the top of the secret organization!

The gatekeepers were so frightened that they almost peed. In the past few years of work, they have never seen a red arrest warrant with a number.

This time, it's Grade A!


Seeing this, Gongsun Tian who was present was the first to react, and shouted at everyone here.

This legendary strongest prisoner is not something people like them can resist.

Now that they dare to sneak into the base camp, they must have confidence.

After shouting, he rushed to this side without hesitation.

Standing aside, Feng Lin was secretly surprised, even though he hated people like him.

But at this critical moment, let your subordinates go first, and rush over without thinking about your own safety.

Quite a man.

Feng Lin's figure turned around, and he stood in front of Gongsun Tian in an instant, grabbed his neck with one hand, and lifted him into the air.

This person's strength is not bad, and when he was young, Feng Lin was afraid that he would really hurt Qin Yao.

Throwing Gongsun Tian out casually, Feng Lin stood under the face recognition device here.

The original red light began to turn green.

Finally, restore the original lighting.

"Welcome Director Feng Lin!"


As soon as the voice fell, the steel door opened.


Everyone around seemed to see a monster and couldn't believe it.

director!What concept?
The hidden institution is the place where the state is used to maintain the order of practitioners.

The main personnel are selected from big families or sects that cooperate with the state.

At the bottom are four departments, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

Being able to become a member of these four departments is considered a formal joining.

From an ordinary team member, he was promoted all the way to the level of a squad leader.

If you get promoted again, you can become a numbered team member.

For example, Zhuang Zheng before was a numbered player.

This kind of person is called differently, such as Qinglong Department, No. 10 team member.

They continue to advance through the execution of tasks.

The number of places in each department is different, enter the prescribed number.

The state will allocate quotas for advanced studies.

These people can learn the exercises, and after being promoted all the way, they can enter the management of the four departments.

Eventually became one of the ministers of the four departments.

Entering this level is already considered a super master.

In addition to gossip, everyone understands.

Being able to be the manager of a department is even capable of being the head of an upper-middle school.

But this is not all.

On the top of the four major chapters is the secret organization, the truly terrifying existence.

They are called councils.

Most of these people are the heads of top sects, or the heads of super families.

Looking at the whole world, they are all the most powerful.

Currently, there are a total of thirteen directors of the secret organization, and their names and identities are unknown.

In addition to the directors, there are three directors, one director and two deputy directors.

According to the gossip, those three people are China's sharp swords, the strongest.

If the old man is a member of the council, they all recognize it.

But why is Feng Lin, the director is so young!
"Mr. Director, hello!"

The young men guarding the gate reacted and bowed their heads respectfully.

As for the people on Gongsuntian's side, they all turned pale with fright.

For fear that Feng Lin would anger them.

It can be said that Yangyang Yanhuang, the strength of this person in front of him can enter the top twenty.

Gongsuntian even covered his neck, saying that he didn't react just now.

He obviously went towards Qin Yao, but before he knew it, he was grabbed by the neck by Feng Lin.

What kind of character did my sister know?
"go in."

Feng Lin looked at Qin Yao at the side, smiled and said.

Qin Yao nodded, he was also shocked, although he didn't know what the director meant.

But he could clearly see that the people around were frightened by Feng Lin's identity.

The two walked into the steel gate together, and the steel gate behind them closed automatically.

They come to a world full of metal.

There is a sense of technology here, and there is a spiral staircase that spreads all the way to the depths of the ground.

Qin Yao stood at the fence here, looking down.

The bottom layer is pitch black, and the bottom cannot be seen at all.

"There are so many cameras here."

Qin Yao looked around and said with a smile, "And these cameras are all moving, the purpose is to shoot me."

"That's natural. You used to be a big villain, terrifyingly strong. If you pretended to lose your memory, you would break into us."

Feng Lin smiled and grabbed Qin Yao's shoulders, and jumped straight down from here.

Feng Lin stepped firmly on the bottom steel plate.

After he stopped, he put Qin Yao on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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