My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 244 Call Me Lady Louise

Chapter 244 Call Me Lady Louise

Afterwards, Feng Lin asked them to create a temporary identity, fearing that people from this organization would check.

After everything was done, he put the phone back on and stood in the previous position again.

It didn't take a while.

Louise jumped out of the water, tossing her hair a little.

Shake off all water stains on top.

He took out his mobile phone from a plastic bag and made a call.

"Starting today, you will follow me, and you will do whatever I ask you to do."

Louise glanced at Feng Lin and put the phone back into her pocket.

"I said sister, I can agree to ordinary small things, but for big things, I still want to keep my thinking."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, "Otherwise you will kill me."

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

Louise's eyes suddenly became indifferent, and a murderous look spread from her body.

"Of course I'm not afraid. I injected the potion because I wanted to die. Later, I wanted the third generation potion, but Aunt Lei Ting didn't give it to me."

Feng Lin sat on a rock beside him, "But I'm very timid and afraid of committing suicide. If you can kill me, I'm very happy."

"Why do you want to die?"

Louise glanced at her phone. It was 10:30 in the morning. She called just now to inform the fishing boat to come pick them up.

"Because of a woman, she betrayed me."

Feng Lin said calmly.

"How did you betray you?" Louise asked immediately.

Feng Lin hesitated for a while, Lei Ting hadn't asked him about such a thing, so he just made up a story.

"Do you really want to say it?"

Feng Lin glanced at Louise in embarrassment, she was still arranging her golden hair.

"Don't tell me I'll kill...I'll cut off your arm." Louise snorted coldly.

Therefore, Feng Lin intentionally made up a story similar to Louise's.

According to the old man, she was originally a good believer.

Now that it has become like this, it may be blackened.

In fact, there is still a way to pull her ashore.

Feng Lin said that the woman used to work in his relative's company.

His relatives knew that Feng Lin didn't have a girlfriend yet, so they planned to match that woman with Feng Lin.

The two got along smoothly.

But Feng Lin could clearly feel that that woman had no feelings for him.

She promised to be good with Feng Lin, but she just wanted to be promoted and make a lot of money.

Later, Feng Lin mentioned this matter to his relatives and planned to break up with her.

However, when relatives heard about this, they began to target her, and former friends also distanced themselves from her.

In the end she was fired.

But half a month later, Feng Lin's relative died in a car accident.

The other party put this account on Feng Lin's head.

He even found a bastard boyfriend, and stopped at Feng Lin's house every day to beat him up.

After listening to the story, Louise's blue eyes looked towards the sea in the distance.

lost in thought.

"Did you touch her body?" Louise asked suddenly.

"What the hell, she told me it was very traditional, and I said I was the same, and I didn't even close my hands."

Feng Lin shook his head, not forgetting to continue to sarcastically, "Now, she has met a gangster's boyfriend, and she calls to harass me all day long."

"It's all because of me that she's depraved, say that I ruined her life, fuck her!"

"Be careful when you talk to me! Otherwise, I'll cut off your hand!"

Louise suddenly pointed at Feng Lin and shouted.

"I'm sorry, sister, I was angry just mentioning her. Do you think there is something wrong with this woman? It's just an excuse to fall because of me!"

Feng Lin continued to criticize Sang and scold Huai, this matter itself has nothing to do with Feng Lin.

It has nothing to do with the old man.

All these are Louise's friends.

It was clear that Louise was going to save them with her own life, but they still told about it.

"Okay! The boat is coming."

Louise didn't say much about it.

Because she really felt that this incident was very similar to hers.

There is only hatred left in her mind now, so naturally she thought of this at the first time.

She was kicked out at the time, and she learned about this potion by chance. She had the same mentality as Feng Lin at the time.

Directly inject two needles yourself.

Finding that she was not dead, she forced that person to infuse herself with the third generation.

She really wanted to die, and if she didn't give her a third generation, she committed suicide.

The other party has no choice but to inject again.

Unexpectedly, she still succeeded.

After that, in order to get revenge, she started killing people for the organization, and every time she killed one, her hatred increased.

She became like that woman in Feng Lin, who attributed this sin to the fool.

It was all because of the Fool that she became like this.

But, is it really all because of him?
The fishing boat didn't stop, it could only pass by the island.

Louise grabbed Feng Lin's shoulders and jumped onto the fishing boat.

Back to the city by the sea.

As soon as she landed, Louise showed a sneering smile at Feng Lin, "You are such a trash, you were scared to death by the little bastards."

"No way, as I said before, I am very timid, and that woman is very beautiful, and hooked up with the local boss."

Feng Lin shrugged with a smile, "She insulted me in all kinds of ways, I really don't want to live anymore."

"So you're trash, you're going to die anyway, wouldn't it be over to find her desperately before you die?"

Louise turned her head and looked at Feng Lin coldly.

"Forget it, I had a little affection for that woman before, and she is also very pitiful."

Feng Lin sighed, "I remember the first time I saw her, her friend was going to be fired for making a mistake, but she took the initiative to take the blame."

"is it?"

Louise asked softly, because she thought of herself again.

"It's just a twist of fate. When my relatives targeted her, her former friend not only didn't excuse her, but made her worse."

When Feng Lin said this, Louise suddenly stared at Feng Lin coldly.

Even the front of her body began to rise and fall, panting heavily.

"What's wrong, sister?" Feng Lin asked strangely.

"'s fine."

Louise shook her head and led the way.

Feng Lin followed her all the time. During this period, she kept looking at her mobile phone, and finally came to a nearby hotel.

"Today's air ticket to Jiangbei is gone. I bought tomorrow's ticket. Let's rest here tonight."

"Jiangbei? I used to go to school in Yangshi, Jiangbei." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Really? The city we are going to happens to be Yangshi."

Louise looked back at Feng Lin.

before going to the hotel.

Feng Lin pointed to the mobile phone shop not far from the hotel, "I want to buy a mobile phone. As a modern person, it is too uncomfortable not to have a mobile phone."

"Boy, I advise you to behave in front of me. I am your boss, so please respect your tone."

Louise grabbed Feng Lin's collar, "Also, don't call me sister, my name is Louise, you should call me Lord Louise!"

(End of this chapter)

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