My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 254 How many seconds can you live?

Chapter 254 How many seconds can you live?
"Let's go, I swear, as long as I go out, I will never come back."

Feng Lin took the key and left quickly.

Looking at Feng Lin's back, Jiang Fei's eyes became colder and colder, and finally revealed a penetrating smile.

But the next moment, he was stunned because he heard the siren.

This voice is right in front of my house.

The next moment, the door of the villa was knocked open, and a group of heavily armed people rushed in.

"Damn it! Brat, your words don't count!" Jiang Fei roared angrily.


On the other side, Feng Lin greeted the people who came this time, showed his ID, and drove away.

According to the navigation of the mobile phone, it takes about 25 minutes.

But Feng Lin didn't plan to drive the whole way. In the second half, he decided to use his limit speed.

At least it can be easily shortened to within 10 minutes.

It has been almost half an hour since I separated from Louise.

In other words, Louise may have arrived by now.

Should be able to catch up.

He believed that when Louise arrived at her destination, she would definitely greet her a little bit, and it was impossible to do it directly.

On the other hand, it was similar to Feng Lin's calculation.

Louise has reached the territory of the viper.

They pretended to be in a nearby village and surrounded a large grassland.

Buildings are built here, and many trees are planted. It doesn't look like a grassland at all.

Louise directly exerted her strength and entered this area.

"Someone broke in!"

Suddenly, the guards all around shouted.

It ends up rounding up Louise.

"Who are you? Dare to enter the territory of our poisonous snake?"

asked one of the head of the guards.

Louise just took off the white straw hat and mask she was wearing, revealing her original appearance.

"Notify your boss, King Snake."

Louise's eyes suddenly flashed black, "Tell him he is here, the people from the headquarters are here."

"Hahaha! The messenger is coming, how dare you stop him? Slap your mouth!"

While speaking, a middle-aged man with half-white hair came over with a smile.

When the people around heard the order, they all slapped themselves wildly.

"King Snake, are you guilty?"

Louise's eyes froze, showing killing intent.

"Master Messenger, what is my fault?"

Wang Snake asked suspiciously.

"The higher-ups have given you an order, and you need to keep a low profile for the time being, but you have wiped out four sects around you. Now this stronghold has been exposed."

The black breath on Louise's face became more and more intense, "If you don't respect the order of the organization, you will die."

As soon as the voice fell, Louise started directly.

"Wait a minute! Messenger, I have a reason!"

King Snake roared suddenly, and the moment he spoke, Louise had already appeared in front of him.

The cold sweat on his back had already soaked his clothes.

As expected of an envoy, he is so strong, if it takes one second at night, he may die.

"Why?" Louise asked after a pause.

"I'll take you to meet someone, even with the power of the messenger, I can't escape."

King Snake turned around, "Please follow me."

Louise nodded slightly. She had already killed the king snake just now, and he didn't react.

Obviously, this person really can't.

She is not afraid of the opponent's tricks.

If it is a secret mission ordered by the above, it will be bad if it is killed by mistake.

At this moment, the King Snake took Louise to a small tree with the mouth of a bowl.

The tree is only three meters high, and the branches hang down from it almost to the ground.

King Snake stopped here, and he said to a guard beside him, "Go, bring that one here."


The guard beside him knelt on the ground with one knee, turned around immediately, and trotted into the distant building.

"Master Messenger, wait a moment. If it wasn't for that order, how dare I disobey the order from above?"

King Snake touched his head in embarrassment.

Louise folded her arms, stood here waiting, and suddenly found a faint fragrance around her.

Then he turned his head and looked at the tree beside him, and found that there were many drops of water on the branches, and there were many scratches.

"What kind of tree is this?"

Louise asked, now that the sun is hot in the sky, there are no water spots under the tree.

Why does this tree have so many drops of water.

Suddenly, Louise frowned and swayed involuntarily.

"This tree..."

Before Wang Snake finished speaking, he pulled down the branch with one hand.

The water drops from above fell all over the ground, and naturally also fell on King Snake and Louise.

Louise was feeling more and more bad, her body was heavy, and it was obvious that she had been tricked.

Without further ado, she prepared to leave.

"Want to leave? Do you think you can leave?"

Wang Snake sneered, "Do you feel that your body is weak and you can't use your strength, as if you were drunk?"

"You... court death! Even if you kill me, you won't be able to live!"

Louise clutched her head, her body wobbled, and she almost fell down.

"Hahaha! Laugh out loud, do you think that there is only one super organization called Mei in this world?"

Wang Snake couldn't help laughing, "My purpose is to kill you!"

"You...knew I was coming?"

Louise bit the corner of her mouth, using the pain to temporarily keep herself awake.

"Nonsense, the envoy who likes to perform missions most recently has been active in China."

Wang Snake spread out her hands with a smile, "A few years ago, the Mei Organization got a woman, and in just one year, she became a master in the world."

"Master Messenger, you are too high-profile to make other super organizations jealous. For a person like you, if you develop for a few more years, is that okay?"

King Snake waved lightly, surrounded by nearly a hundred guards, surrounded Louise tightly.

"My original mission was to infiltrate the Mei organization. That was a path of no return, but now that I kill you, I can go back and be promoted."

King Snake roared sharply, "Kill!"

His eyes were very cold, without any pity.

He knew very well that although this woman was beautiful, she was deadly.

He must get rid of her, and when he goes back, he also has no shortage of beautiful women.

Louise clenched her fists tightly, blood dripping from her fingers.

She really didn't expect that she would die here.



Feng Lin was not allowed to follow.

Her brain is very confused now, she can only attack instinctively, and she can't dodge so many weapons at all.

Feeling the wound on her body, she figured it out.

All of this is what she deserves.

Although everything started with the Fool, the culprit was not him.

but yourself!


A long sword stabbing at her neck suddenly broke.

Louise fell into someone's arms.

She gently raised her eyelids, and when she saw the man in front of her, her dizzy thoughts came alive again.

"Feng Lin, who told you to..."

"I'm not here to save you, who will I suck if you hang up?"

Feng Lin put Louise behind his back, and calmly looked at the people in front of him, "Tell me, how many seconds can you live?"

(End of this chapter)

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