Chapter 258 He Blows Up

There's a reason these organizations all come together.

Since they have their own territory, so many people live in one place, which is naturally used for protection.

Whoever wants to attack, all the masters of the organization are here.

But Mei divided the organization into three, which is enough to show their confidence in their own strength.

Experts in any department are not afraid of being attacked by others.

"Okay, I'm here to say goodbye this time. I need to go to the island country to perform a mission in the near future. The ranking of the death list."

The people in front of him were all the people closest to Feng Lin, and he had almost no reservations in front of these people.

"I won't go this time, I won't talk until I meet Concubine Anlian!"

Su Yun stared at An Lian and said.

"What did you call me just now? Let me tell you, show me some respect, but the master said that the main wife has the right to enforce the family law against disobedient concubines."

An Lian pointed at Su Yun and shouted, "Don't think that because Feng Lin is here, I won't dare to hit you."

"What are you so proud of? Come out if you have the ability, let's come out and fight!"

Changyu stood up from Feng Lin's arms, his face slightly less swollen.

"Hmph! I'm mainly because I can't show my skills outside!"

Under the guidance of the goddess, Dark Ripple can now move around the outside world with ease, and can use a small amount of power.

It is still very simple to get rid of some special forces and the like.

But outside, fighting with Su Yun, there is no way at all.

"Don't make excuses! From now on, Feng Lin will live outside, so if you call me sister now, I can still give you a title in the future."

Su Yun put her hips on her hips and said, "Otherwise, you will be finished."

"Joke! I am dignified..."

"Okay, let's talk again later, Feng Lin, since you are going out to fight again, this time I will just check your body."

The goddess said to the rest of the people, "Everyone go out, and An Lian stays."

"Good master."

Liu Yaran nodded with a smile, and pulled Mi Xiaomi away.

Su Yun also looked at Feng Lin, remembering that he once said that he was seriously injured, and this time he might need to investigate.

She nodded slightly to the goddess, and followed behind Liu Yaran.

After several people left, An Lian asked strangely: "Master, what happened to Feng Lin? Could it be that he was injured?"

"Well, I was injured. Now that you are here, I can relax a lot. Help me suppress it later."

The goddess nodded slightly, adjusted the strings, and said to Feng Lin, "Try the limit of spiritual power again."

"it is good!"

Feng Lin nodded and clenched his fists. A terrifying force spread from Feng Lin's body in an instant.

The light in the eyes is getting brighter and brighter.

Then, the left eye began to emit silver electric current, like lightning, accumulating into the surrounding air.

The right eye is a golden light, getting brighter and brighter, like the sun at noon.

An Lian was surprised before that there were actually two forces in Feng Lin's body that could not be fused.

"Dark Ripple, prepare."

The goddess gave a reminder and began to pluck the strings, a gentle tune spread here.

Feng Lin suddenly took a deep breath, and the whole secret realm trembled violently.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from Feng Lin's eyes.


It could be clearly heard that Feng Lin's face was cracking.

Looking carefully at his face, it was covered with fragments like porcelain.

Not only his face, but even his body began to have such cracks.

The sound of the goddess' piano is as gentle as water, with green ripples floating out from the piano.

Like gusts of warm wind, it surrounded Feng Lin's body.

"This... actually..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, An Lian's eyes widened, and the dark red pupils shone slightly.

What kind of monster is this man?

His body couldn't bear his own strength!

It was the first time for An Lian to see such a person.

You must know that these forces are produced by your own body, and there is no such thing as being unable to bear yourself.

But he actually...

An Lian carefully stared at Feng Lin's skin, what he looks like now.

It's like An Lian put her own power into Su Yun and the others.

The bodies of the few of them couldn't bear the full strength of An Lian's explosion.

So only one thing happens, like firecrackers.

If the outer packaging cannot withstand the power of the internal explosion, it will explode.

"'s still going up!"

An Lian exclaimed, the air around her was filled with electric arcs at this moment, as for the golden light, she couldn't open her eyes.

She immediately clasped her hands together, and the black aura bound Feng Lin's body like chains.

Prevent his body from exploding.

"Feng Lin, are you at your limit?" the goddess asked flatly.

"No!" Feng Lin replied.

"Forget it, the endurance is better than before, but it is still much worse than a few years ago."

The goddess' piano sound stopped, and the green light surrounding Feng Lin's body slowly dissipated.

Seeing this, An Lian also put away his power, and the black smoke dissipated.

Feng Lin let out a breath and gradually relaxed. This terrifying power spread out.

His face, the back of his hands, and all the exposed skin had dense cracks.

The body looked as if it was about to shatter.

A dim golden light shone in the cracks.

He immediately lay down on the ground and performed the healing technique given to him by the goddess.

The black breath enveloped his whole body, repairing his injured body.

"Master, Feng Lin..."

An Lian's throat moved, she couldn't believe it, she thought Feng Lin was just an ordinary human being.

After seeing the strength just now, she dared not think so again.

"Freak, right?"

Goddess Liu Mei frowned and looked at Feng Lin, playing the guqin in front of her, "Do you know? The human body is like a balloon full of pinholes."

"I know this. My father once told me that the pores of our body are used to release spiritual energy."

An Lian nodded, and faintly floated on the stone beside the goddess. This is where she is strange.

A balloon full of pinholes can naturally withstand its own strength.

"But Feng Lin is different. Two years ago, his strength continued to expand. Later, he exploded."

The goddess looked serious, and she didn't mean to be joking when she said this.

But Anlian still couldn't help wanting to laugh, so she could only bite her lip hard, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Later, I tried my best to remedy it, and he became like this. Originally, his body could withstand one-tenth of your strength."

"But now, maybe he can only bear one-twentieth of you. If he exceeds this weight, his body will collapse."

Hearing the goddess' explanation, An Lian felt a huge wave in his heart.

It turned out that the current Feng Lin was seriously injured and became weaker than before.

"Is there a remedy?"

An Lian looked at Feng Lin who had repaired himself, and asked solemnly.

"Yes! And there are many, but all of them require heaven, material and earth treasures to temper the body, but there is no such thing in this world."

The goddess raised her head slightly, looking at the high sky, but she didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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