My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 26 Black Rose, Palace Butterfly

Chapter 26 Black Rose, Palace Butterfly
Facing this blow, Feng Lin easily dodged and grabbed Liu Kui's wrist with his backhand.

Turning hard, there was a sound of fragmentation in his arm.

Feng Lin kicked him in front of him, and with terrifying force, he was instantly kicked out of his body.

It flew upside down for a certain distance in the air, and hit the bar counter heavily.

The wine bottles and glasses above were spilled all over the place.


The people around were all shocked, what happened?
Were you filming a movie just now?
Liu Kui, a tall man weighing more than 200 kilograms, was kicked away!
The surrounding security guards were just about to rush over when they realized that Feng Lin had moved first, so they instinctively backed away in fright.

Liu Kui can overthrow the three of them by himself, but what about this person in front of him?
The crackling sound just now made their hearts tremble.

Feng Lin didn't pay attention to the other people here, and calmly came behind the bar with one hand in his trouser pocket.

Grab Liu Kui's face and drag him from the bar to the lobby.

At this moment, Liu Kui was lying on the ground with his face covered in blood, panting heavily while clutching his arms.

The kick just now almost knocked him out.

"I told you, it's fake wine." Feng Lin brought Liu Kui back to the hall and looked at him with a smile on his face.

However, Liu Kui couldn't answer at all. Now he has not reacted from the attack just now.

The people watching all around were already so frightened that their legs became weak, and they slowly backed away.

I didn't expect this to be a ruthless person!
Liu Kui is a well-known figure in Yang City, but at this moment he is lying at his feet.

"Don't keep silent! It's no use pretending to be dead." Feng Lin stepped on his other arm and asked, "Tell me, is the Louis XIII I drank just now real wine or fake wine?"

Liu Kui gritted his yellow teeth tightly and didn't say a word.


Feng Lin stepped on it, and the ear-piercing sound was like broad beans on a casserole, shaking the nerves of everyone present.


Liu Kui finally couldn't bear the pain and screamed in pain.

"Okay, the matter of fake wine is over, let's start asking about another matter."

Feng Lin put his foot on Liu Kui's calf and asked in a low voice, "I heard you want to kill me?"

Liu Kui was taken aback, and turned to look at Feng Lin, his eyes instantly rounded.

What he said just now looks familiar, he doesn't know Feng Lin, because he has too many things to solve.

Just last night alone, he received three orders. He just glanced at the photos and the general news, and then asked those desperate people under him to do it.

Unexpectedly, this person found him.

"I'm asking you something." Feng Lin stepped on it hard.


At this time, a slightly magnetic female voice came from the second floor.

Feng Lin raised his head and saw a woman in a black dress appearing there.

Her eyes were very decadent, as if she had seen through the world of mortals and no longer believed in love.

This kind of temperament on his body is like a weather-beaten old wine, which makes people intoxicated.

In terms of temperament alone, this woman is excellent, but her appearance does not lose to Liu Yaran at all.

The wavy long black hair and hot figure set off this woman even more.

"The boss has appeared! I've been coming here just to see the beauty."

"Yeah! I've seen it several times, but it keeps haunting me every time."


From people's words, it can be seen that they yearn for this lady boss.

No wonder they chose to stand by the bar when they encountered fake wine just now.

"Sir, be merciful, even if it's fake wine, there's no need to hurt people." Gong Die walked downstairs calmly.

The people around all nodded secretly, and the proprietress has come forward, so this face...


The crisp sound rang out in the quiet bar, with the soft background music of the bar interspersed.

A moment later, a sound like killing a pig sounded here.

Feng Lin still stepped on it.

Everyone's heart trembled, who is this man?

The proprietress doesn't even give her face!
Doesn't he know who Gongdie is?
Although he opened a small bar, no one dared to underestimate the power behind Gongdie.

Not to mention other things, just the suitors behind her can cause waves in Yang City.

"Say, who is going to kill me?"

Feng Lin ignored it completely, he calmly walked to the other side of Liu Kui, and stepped on his other leg.


Liu Kui never thought that he would have a day of fear.

He doesn't want to die because life is so good now.

Women, money, he has everything!
"Stop him for me!"

Gong Die Liu frowned, with an extremely displeased expression, pointing at Feng Lin and growling.

Just as the security guard was about to exert his strength, he saw Feng Lin suddenly raised his eyes.

It is like a wild beast, it seems to be able to devour them.

This look seemed to have magic power, which made them feel chills in their hearts.

"I told you to stop, can't you hear?" Gong Die had already come to Feng Lin, staring at him close at hand.

"It's none of your business here."

Feng Lin raised his head and glanced at Gong Die. If it was an ordinary joke, he thought it was nothing.

But this time the other party wanted his life, and the nature was completely different.

"Okay! You forced me!" Gong Die suddenly took out her mobile phone from her body and started making calls.

In Yang City, no one dared to ignore her like this.

The onlookers showed smiles one after another, the people who eat melons were so happy, and finally they were lucky enough to see the power behind Gong Die.

This man is dead!
Feng Lin ignored it completely, squatting on the ground, and continued to ask: "You haven't answered the answer I want!"

Liu Kui gritted his teeth, he was enduring, as long as the person behind Gong Die appeared, he would be rescued.

When the time comes, the one kneeling on the ground begging for mercy will be Feng Lin!

Yang City is considered a second-tier city, and its area is not large. In just a few minutes, you can hear the sound of braking outside.

Then, the people here moved out of the way, and four men in police uniforms appeared.

The crowd of onlookers nodded and admired secretly.

"As expected of Gong Die, this incident was caused by this man from the beginning to the end. It is right to call the police!"

"Look at the middle-aged man at the head, that's our director of Yang City, Zhang Jun!"


Hearing this, other people who didn't know each other gasped.

A phone call made this kind of big shot go out in person!

Involuntarily, people looked at Feng Lin with half-smiles.

Liu Kui, who was still howling on the ground, also raised the corners of his mouth.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the man! Look how he beat my people!"

Gong Die went up to meet her, pointing at Feng Lin who was squatting on the ground, her tone was very cold.

"Don't worry, I believe in Miss Gong's character." Zhang Jun nodded flatly, and walked up with a few people behind him.

"Help! I'm dying! Help!"

Liu Kui cried and turned his body with all his strength, "My arms are all useless..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was so surprised by Zhang Jun's next sentence that he almost jumped up from the ground.

"Mr. Feng! Why are you here?" Zhang Jun asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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