My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 280 I'm a spare tire

Chapter 280 I'm a spare tire

"Sister, Wei Han, this is Zhang Zhu, Mr. Zhang, this is the person I am looking for for Wei Han."

Wei Meili introduced with a smile.

Zhang Zhu put the briefcase on the table, looked at Wei Han, and kept nodding.

Even more beautiful than in the photo, judging from his smile, he is obviously very satisfied.

Feng Lin's whole body collapsed. As a spectator, he felt that Wei Meili was farting.

This nima is more than enough to be Wei Han's father, still very young in your eyes?
Feng Lin suddenly felt that Fang Keke's second uncle was quite humane in comparison, at least the man he introduced to Fang Keke was a young man.

Feng Lin is like this, let alone Wei Xiuli and Wei Han.

"Sister, you didn't tell me this person, it''s..."

Wei Xiuli was so angry that she couldn't speak, she even had a small restaurant, and on average, she could earn four to five thousand a month.

She is not going to find a man anymore in her life, and there is no need to spend money on herself.

This money is enough to support Wei Han.

She had a wrong marriage and naturally hoped that her daughter would be better.

I heard from her sister just now that she is a young rich man.

She still wants to see it herself, after all, most rich people have received higher education.

What's more, if he is a young and promising person, he must have a good character.

Unexpectedly, this young and promising man is actually older than himself!
"What do you mean? Is Mr. Zhang not good enough for Wei Han?"

Wei Meili's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and she patted the table with some displeasure, "Wei Xiuli, let me tell you, President Zhang just got divorced, and there are many women who want to marry her."

Just divorced?

Feng Lin couldn't help laughing when he heard this, this woman can really speak.

"Sister! Let me tell you, I don't agree with this. I'm really too old."

Wei Xiuli shook her head. This is a matter of principle, and she must not back down.

Wei Han was also a little moved, thinking that his mother would stand by his aunt under pressure.

"Wei Xiuli! Think about it carefully. When you divorced, you didn't have any money. Who borrowed the money from you? It's not difficult now, forget about this kindness?"

Wei Meili revealed her trump card.

Feng Lin sighed at the side, this is a bit disgusting, standing on the commanding heights to threaten others.

"Your name is Wei Han, right? Now there are so many couples with such an age difference, do you still want to marry love?"

Zhang Zhu shook his head with a smile on the side, "Marry a man, can't even afford a house, and live a life of exhaustion?"

"Exactly! Mr. Zhang is not comparable to those young people." Wei Meili spoke from the side.

"To be honest, I like you more. My annual salary is 50, which is more than enough to support you."

Zhang Zhu's tone was condescending, "As long as you are my girlfriend, you don't need to work at all in the future, just wait for me at my house in the southern district all day long."

"Did you hear Wei Han? Why don't you thank Mr. Zhang? From now on, you don't have to work, you stay at home all day, and someone will support you, isn't it good?"

Wei Meili hurriedly winked at Wei Han, hoping that Wei Han would immediately agree.

Feng Lin really couldn't stand it anymore, and while eating the meatball in front of him, he turned around and asked, "Brother, Wei Han is my friend, but you don't seem to be in a hurry, let Wei Han be your girlfriend."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhu immediately turned his head to look at Feng Lin, with a slight surprise in his eyes.

"I'm really not in a hurry, why? You and Su Han are good friends?"

Zhang Zhu asked flatly.

"Not really. I was just pursuing her, but she didn't agree. You can understand that I'm a spare tire."

Feng Lin turned his head with a smile and raised his legs, "Although she won't agree to me, I won't give up either. I just hope she can find a good home."

Hearing this, the faces of several people present changed.

Especially Wei Han, even though she knew Feng Lin was talking nonsense, her nervous heartbeat still accelerated.

"That's right, I'm Wei Han's good home." Zhang Zhu smiled calmly.

"No, I'm afraid my goddess will be hurt. Since you are Wei Han's home, I hope you marry her."

Feng Lin stood up and said.

Wei Han frowned when he heard this, not knowing what Feng Lin meant.

"This won't work. I don't want to get married right now, and I'm a little tired. Don't worry, I will give Wei Han at least [-] pocket money every month from now on."

Zhang Zhu smiled at Feng Lin, "You should be classmates with Wei Han, right? You haven't graduated yet, so you might not know. After graduation, some college students may work for ten years or so, and they still pay [-] yuan a month."

Hearing about not getting married, Wei Han finally understood what Feng Lin meant.

Not only her, but her mother Wei Xiuli also understood.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Zhu only wanted Wei Han to be his woman.

Giving some money every month is equivalent to nurturing.

He must have other women, and if married, that would limit him.

The simplest example, for example, now Zhang Zhu and Wei Han are married, and when Wei Han knows that he has other women, there is evidence that he cheated.

You can appeal and get divorced.

At that time, Zhang Zhu will give Wei Han part of his family property.

He was afraid of this kind of thing, so he didn't get married, and simply put Wei Han at home.

Play it every now and then.

"Get out of here! Get out!"

Wei Han scolded angrily, she couldn't help it, this man was so disgusting.

"Wei Han! Why are you talking to Mr. Zhang? Apologize!"

Wei Meili didn't react at all, obviously she knew it before.

"Impossible! Let me tell you, I already have a boyfriend, Feng Lin."

Wei Han pointed at Feng Lin, stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "You give up!"

"Hahaha! Interesting, boy, what do you do at home?"

Zhang Zhu was not angry, he took out a tissue from the table, wiped his hands and asked.

"You don't do anything at home, what's wrong?" Feng Lin asked.

"It's nothing. I can guess it from the street clothes you wear. Let me tell you one thing. Women like comparisons the most."

Zhang Zhu looked disillusioned, "In the future, Wei Han's friend bought a BMW, what should you do?"

"Zhang Zhu! Stop instilling your crooked principles in Feng Lin, so I won't compare myself!"

Wei Han said viciously.

"I didn't tell you, boy, Wei Han looks pretty good. If you can't give her a life, it will be the turn of other men in the future."

Zhang Zhu picked up the briefcase with a smile, and took out two keys from it, "Do you know them? The BMW key and the Mercedes-Benz key."

"Mr. Zhang, you are also angry, leave this person to me."

Wei Meili looked at Feng Lin with disdain, pointed at him and asked, "Want to be Wei Han's boyfriend? Do you have a house? Do you have a car? Do you have savings? If not, get lost!"

"You just get out! I don't want those things!"

Wei Han finally couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at her aunt.

"Damn girl, why are you talking to me? Let me tell you..."

"Stop, I have the three things you mentioned."

Feng Lin interrupted Wei Meili's words, and put it in his trouser pocket with a smile.

For a moment, Zhang Zhu and Wei Meili were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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