Chapter 287 Treatment
Feng Lin made another tactical retreat. The knife was vertical, and the scar spread just to the left.

Moreover, the scar was cut from top to bottom, and the wound on the top was much deeper than the bottom.

Fortunately, hers has a D, the bulging place, which blocks the blade that attacks the heart.

Feng Lin couldn't help thinking that if Fang Keke suffered a wound of the same depth in a legendary airport, he might die on the spot.

He immediately went to the bathroom, got a towel, dipped it in water, and put it on Qin Luo's forehead.

Then, he put his hands on the wound and began to rub the burnt wound.

A warm current flows along this wound, and it is constantly repairing. The goddess' healing skills are better than all medicines.

Coupled with the cooling of the water, Qin Luo frowned slightly and opened his eyes again.


She screamed instinctively, but found that her clothes were unbuttoned at this moment, and the masked man was squatting in front of her.

Anger made her clenched her fist and punched Feng Lin.

Feng Lin grabbed Qin Luo's fist with one hand and pressed Qin Yao against her, "If it wasn't for that old man Qin Yao, I wouldn't be bothered to save you."

Qin Yao!

Hearing that it was the master's order, she relaxed. Feng Lin handed her the mineral water on the side and continued to treat her wound.

Qin Luo drank half of the mineral water in one breath, finally cooling down his hot body.

Only then did he notice his wound, which turned out to be from the Fiery Sword.

This move will leave a permanent wound, and the nearby flesh and blood will be directly burned, which will never heal.

But after being treated by this man, I found that the skin at the wound became soft and full of vitality, turning into a normal wound.

Should be able to fix itself.

In the end, Feng Lin put his hand on the D on her left, and Qin Luo's eyes suddenly changed. She could see clearly when treating other wounds.

It needs to be rubbed to restore the burnt area, but my own area...

"There is no need here."

Qin Luo reminded, "Anyway, it's only five centimeters long, so it doesn't get in the way."

"This will leave a permanent wound. When you marry in the future, your man will see this wound..."

"Shut up! I won't marry!"

Qin Luo snorted coldly, ready to put on his clothes.

"Old man Qin, she won't allow me to be treated!" Feng Lin shouted to the outside.

"Then forcibly treat her." Qin Yao's voice came from outside.

Hearing this, Qin Luo's eyes were a little moist, the master was still the same master.

Stern, but full of love.

Qin Luo sat on the sofa again and slowly took off his clothes.

Since it's the master's order, let's agree.

Anyway, she never expected to get married in her life, so even if this man saw her, it would be fine.

Feng Lin continued to squat down and began to heal his wounds.

But this kind of place is very sensitive after all, even though Qin Luo tried his best to suppress it, his cheeks still turned red involuntarily.

Feng Lin also had a blank mind, and even had very obscene thoughts.

Grandma, when will Su Yun get hurt here?

Finally, the skin was all healed, Feng Lin applied the medicine he carried with him on it, and wrapped it with a bandage.

"All right!"

Feng Lin stood up, turned around, and walked to the yard outside the living room.

Feng Lin who was outside hesitated for a moment, and took off his mask. From the way this person looked at Qin Yao, he should be very respectful.

There is no need for him to hide from her all the time.

Soon, Qin Luo got dressed, hurried to the yard, and knelt down in front of Qin Yao.

When she saw Feng Lin's appearance, she felt a little relieved, he looked pretty good, if it was that kind of wretched person, she might feel sick.

Even she is also the Appearance Association.

"Master, what's wrong with your leg? You are so strong, who can do this kind of damage to you?"

Qin Luo cried and looked at Qin Yao's broken leg, wiping away tears, "Since you left, the sect has been in chaos, Uncle Huang can't control the scene, he has been replaced long ago!"

"Not only was my leg injured, but my head was also injured. Now I have amnesia, and I can't remember you."

Qin Yao smiled and leaned on his crutches, looking at the woman in front of him, "I only found this place by feeling."

"Amnesia? How is it possible? How is it possible! You don't remember me."

Qin Luo's face was as pale as white paper, "You picked me up, and you gave me my name!"

"Sorry, I really don't remember."

Qin Yao shook his head lightly, even though he tried hard to recall, he still had no memory, "I just want to know, if I return to the sect, what will they do to me?"

"Master, how is your strength now?"

Qin Luo asked eagerly.

Qin Yao glanced at Feng Lin and found that Feng Lin nodded to him.

He also felt that he should tell the truth, at least to make sure that Qin Luo in front of him was sincere.

For example, she was injured just now, and she had such an attitude towards Qin Yao because she wanted revenge. If she knew that Qin Yao had lost all his strength, she might have another attitude.

"All my powers have disappeared, maybe it was abolished, or maybe I can't remember it."

Qin Yao sighed and carefully observed the other party's reaction.

"What? The power is gone?"

Qin Luo couldn't believe it, and then said, "You can't go, you must know that the current leader is your opponent at the beginning. Over the years, he has replaced all the powerful people with his people."

"Then what if I want to go anyway?" Qin Yao grinned.

"I... will go with the master! I am very content to be able to see the master before I die!"

Qin Luo lowered his head and said.

"Don't worry, I can't even beat you now, let alone order you."

Qin Yao leaned on a cane, came to Qin Luo's side, and pulled her up from the ground, "I am getting old, but you are still young."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yao walked into the living room, Feng Lin followed closely behind him.

In the yard, only Qin Luo was left alone.

Qin Luo knew very well that this was the time the master gave her to leave again.

In all fairness, the master has indeed changed and is not as strict as before.

But a teacher is like a father, from the moment she can remember, she has already regarded Qin Yao as her father.

"Master, you underestimate me too much. If it weren't for, I would have died a long time ago."

Qin Luo followed into the living room without hesitation, originally wanted to say "you", but thought that it was Feng Lin who saved him, so he added the word "men" deliberately.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll directly tell you the purpose of coming this time."

Qin Yao sat on the sofa in the living room, pointed at Feng Lin and said, "You should talk about it."

"it is good."

Feng Lin nodded and coughed lightly, "I'm from the Moon Palace!"

"Moon Palace? Never heard of it."

It seems that because Feng Lin bullied her before, Qin Luo crossed his arms and spoke with a slightly mocking tone.

"Of course I know that you haven't heard of it. How can you know about Tiangong, a humble bug?"

Feng Linbu spread his hands indifferently, "At the beginning, the servants of our organization discovered Qin Yao, and saved him just like saving you."

"Afterwards, Qin Yao left, but just a month ago, Qin Yao came to repay our sect, and the senior management of our sect knew that he was the head of the Sword Demon Sect."

Hearing this, Qin Luo's mocking expression softened slightly, and she admitted that she was a bad person.


(End of this chapter)

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