My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 291 Another Secret Realm!

Chapter 291 Another Secret Realm!

A crisp sound spread here, and Feng Lin's white dagger easily cut off the opponent's long sword.


Feng Lin smiled helplessly. It seemed that his weapons were far from what these people could compare with.

"Impossible! My weapon actually..."

Before the colliding elder could finish speaking, Feng Lin wiped his neck.

One elder died, and the rest of the people became nervous.

"It seems that he is not an ordinary person."

Seeing this, Hornet decided to retreat first. Just as he was about to escape, he found that Feng Lin, who had killed the elder, had arrived in front of Hornet at a speed that no one knew.

"You injured old man Qin Yao's apprentice, do you think you can survive?"

Feng Lin just stretched out his hand, ready to grab the wasp's neck.

He immediately attacked Feng Lin with the long sword in his hand.

The sword in his hand burst into a crimson flame suddenly, and the flame wrapped the entire blade.


Seeing this scene, Qin Luo suddenly shouted.

But Feng Lin in front of him was like a ghost, at this moment, he had already appeared behind Hornet.

The wasp was just about to continue attacking, but found that its arm holding the sword had fallen to the ground, and blood gushed out.

The strong sting made the wasp almost faint, but instead of howling, he clutched his arm and panted violently.

"Boy, you dare not kill me. I am the grandson of the Second Elder, the god-grandson of the First Elder, and the head of the future sect. If you kill me, the Sword Demon Sect will chase you to the ends of the earth."

Hornets are completely different from those who are greedy for life and afraid of death. At this time, their heads are still calm.

"Think about it carefully, the times have changed, the current First Elder and Second Elder have already surpassed Qin Yao!"

Hornet found that Feng Lin seemed to be persuaded, so he chose to stand still and continue to strike while the iron was hot.

"Hahaha! Laughing your teeth out, surpassing that mere old man Qin Yao, what's the fuss about?"

Feng Lin's main purpose this time is to solve this sect, and of course there is a secondary purpose, which is to be a propagandist.

Get the reputation of the Moon Palace out.

"Quite Qin Yao? You really know how to put gold on your face, Hornet feels that he is bleeding too much now, and his head is a little dizzy, but he still keeps his figure.

The same goes for the others around, Qin Yao is a legend of Sword Demon Sect.

"That old man Qin Yao just helped me once, and I owe him a favor."

Feng Lin pointed at himself, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed from behind the mask, and penetrated through the round holes in the eyes.

This kind of golden light made the golden animal skin penetrate with golden light.

Feng Lin suddenly felt that this design was very good. If he had known about it earlier, he would have designed the mask of the Fool with so many small holes.

In this way, others cannot see his other eye.

As long as there is a burst of power, such as using golden power, the light will burst out from these small holes, and no one will notice whether you have your eyes closed.

It can also be used as a camouflage.


Feng Lin stepped on the ground with one foot, and the surrounding red land was peeled away layer by layer by Feng Lin's power like melting snow.

There was a strong wind and dust all around.

The buildings not far away cracked big holes one after another, and then collapsed.

After the commotion ended, everyone around was startled by the scene in front of them.

Taking Fenglin as a circle, deep pits with a range of more than ten meters appeared around it.

The wide cracks outside the deep pit spread to farther places.

"Ants, the little Sword Demon Gate still wants to take revenge on me? Let me tell you, with my strength, I am only the gatekeeper of the Moon Palace."

Feng Lin sneered, and the golden light behind the mask slowly dimmed.

This power is a gatekeeper?

Did something go wrong?
Of course, most people present did not believe it, because it felt too appalling.

"Hahaha! Interesting, who doesn't know how to brag? You say you're a janitor, but we don't know if it's true or not!"

Hornet sneered endlessly, "I think you said that on purpose, the purpose is to promote your martial art and prevent us from finding you!"

"I advise you to give up, there is still time to leave now, if my elders pursue it, your Moon Palace will definitely be destroyed!"

Feng Lin scratched his head suddenly, and sighed, "Hey, how can I prove it? That's right..."

With a sudden swing of Feng Lin's white dagger, a thin blood-red line appeared on the wasp's neck.


Blood spurted out instantly.

Wasp stared in disbelief, his face was distorted and deformed, he never dreamed that this person really dared to do it!
Didn't he take Sword Demon Sect seriously from the very beginning?
He fell to the ground unwillingly. If he had known earlier, he would have chosen to beg for mercy.

What is face?
Living is the capital, he hasn't enjoyed enough yet!
The other people around were stunned. The candidate for the head was erased so easily, so what are they?

This is the only thought in their minds, and the people here are already crazy.

In order to prevent Feng Lin from chasing and killing them, they fled in all directions.

Feng Lin felt that the result this time was almost okay, so he turned around and chose to leave.

After I left, someone here must have escaped and left this sect.

From then on, they will become propagandists of their Moon Palace, telling everyone how powerful the Moon Palace is.

As for the core personnel of this sect, they will definitely not leave easily.

Afterwards, Feng Lin will come again and go around their headquarters, and that's about it.

Qin Luo followed behind Feng Lin, and she suddenly realized that compared with Feng Lin's killing, her own killing was like playing tricks.

No wonder Qin Yao believed in Feng Lin so much.

After the two left the secret realm, they came to the previous off-road vehicle, and Feng Lin drove her away.


Few people know the secret realm of the core staff of Sword Demon Sect, but that doesn't mean no one knows.

An absolute confidant followed many people and escaped from the secret realm.

But he didn't escape, but ran deeper into the desert, and finally came to the entrance of another secret realm.

This secret realm is very strange, standing upright in the yellow sand, this person cast aside the sand and drilled in before entering the secret realm.

There is no plant in this secret realm, it is all stone-stacked roads and stone-stacked palaces.

As soon as he came in, a figure quickly approached him and stood in front of him.

Seeing the bald old man, the man immediately knelt on the ground, "Fifth Elder, Master Hornet is dead..."

He cried and told all the ins and outs of the matter.

The Fifth Elder was furious and shouted at him: "Go back and wait for the news!"

After speaking, his figure disappeared without a trace.

Back in the deepest palace, a middle-aged man with fangs and green pupils nestled in the arms of two women, holding a cup of bright red liquid in his hand.

On the floor of the palace, there were several old people sitting cross-legged, all of them were elders of Sword Demon Sect.

"What happened?" the middle-aged man with fangs gulped down the liquid in the cup and asked back.

"Master! The sect has something important to do, and it may be destroyed. We need to go back immediately."

The fifth elder knelt on the ground respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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