My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 38 The Woman Afraid of Mice

Chapter 38 The Woman Afraid of Mice (Remember to collect it)
"No! I didn't say, I'm working now, right away!"

Wu Xuanyi looked a little flustered, could it be that she was too dirty?

Also said that Feng Lin did it on purpose?
Just ashamed!
Seeing her panicked expression, Feng Lin couldn't help pinching her cheek, "Behave well, if you don't behave well, don't go back tonight."

After speaking, Feng Lin let her go.

Wu Xuanyi nodded hurriedly, picked up the rag beside her, and wiped the cabinet in the bedroom.

Feng Lin continued his previous task, wandering around the neighborhood, carefully observing all the facilities, including the cameras.

When he came to the last street, he found that there was only a wall seven or eight meters high, behind which was the mountain peak of Yangshi.

If it is an assassination, this is simply an open road.

After visiting the inside of the community, Feng Lin came to the outside of the community alone, and walked around in a circle.

Before he knew it, the sky had already darkened, and Feng Lin also returned to his place of residence.

It has been a few hours now, and Wu Xuanyi has almost finished tidying up.

When I came to the first floor, I found that it hadn't been touched, it was all dust.

Feng Lin frowned and walked to the second floor. Could it be that this woman is being lazy?

Quickly walking into his bedroom, Feng Lin found that his bedroom was a mess, the sofa and TV had been hacked to pieces.

There was a big hole in the closet.

Wu Xuanyi was holding a kitchen knife and standing in the room panting.

"You...fuck! Are you crazy?"

Seeing this scene, Feng Lin almost didn't react.

He stepped forward and grabbed Wu Xuanyi's shoulder, "I asked you to clean it, not to demolish it!"

"Feng Lin! There are mice in this room, I saw them just now!"

Wu Xuanyi looked around nervously, took a kitchen knife, and knocked on the wardrobe beside him, "Come out! Come out for me!"

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, asking her to come here was simply looking for trouble.


Suddenly, under the desk, a gray mouse rushed towards Wu Xuanyi.

To be precise, it saw the door open and was about to escape.


Wu Xuanyi was so frightened that she immediately threw the kitchen knife out, smashing the glass of the window in an instant.

She jumped up with a pale face, she was too excited, her feet slipped, and she fell backwards.

Feng Lin hurriedly took big strides and hugged Wu Xuanyi from behind, but his hands were clasped on her powerful capital.

This touch made Feng Lin instinctively pinch it.


Wu Xuanyi's face turned red immediately, before she could break free, she saw the mouse again.

Her face was extremely pale, and she kept kicking her legs and shaking her body, feasting Feng Lin.

"All right!"

Feng Lin also started to get busy with business, directly picked up Wu Xuanyi, and kicked the door shut.

He walked quickly to the window, picked off a shard of glass, and threw it away vigorously.

The shards of glass were like sharp blades, piercing the mouse instantly.

"It's rubbish, are mice afraid?"

Feng Lin glared at Wu Xuanyi, and put her down, "Remember to pay for it."

Wu Xuanyi lowered her head, but still pretended to be calm and said: "I... just afraid of getting dirty, mice are full of bacteria."

Feng Lin shook his head, took some toilet paper casually, pinched the mouse by its tail, and picked it up.

Suddenly, he pretended to throw it at Wu Xuanyi.


Wu Xuanyi screamed in fright, and tears flowed out.

"Women are weird."

Feng Lin smiled, turned around and went downstairs.

I remember the last time when I was fighting against the master of the death list, this woman dared to stand in front of me without fear of death.

Now I'm scared like this by a mouse.

When he came to the yard, Feng Lin used a kitchen knife as a shovel, dug a hole, and buried the mouse.

"Feng Lin, I'm actually not afraid of mice!"

Wu Xuanyi walked out and continued to explain, "I still dare to eat it!"

"Really? Then I'll dig it out and bake it for you." Feng Lin pretended to dig a hole.

"Don't don't!"

Wu Xuanyi shook her head in embarrassment, she looked up at the high window, "Don't worry, I will compensate you, go, I will treat you to dinner."

Feng Lin nodded, washed his hands next to the faucet in the yard, and followed Wu Xuanyi to leave.

He is scared now, Wu Xuanyi, this woman, should be used to show off her cuteness.

"What to eat? Don't worry, I have money." Wu Xuanyi raised her face indifferently.

Feng Lin could also guess that her family was not simple, and it was definitely not the one who was short of money.

"Let's eat barbecue." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"don't want……"

Wu Xuanyi's slender neck suddenly moved, thinking of Feng Lin talking about roasting mice just now, she instantly felt nauseous.

Suddenly, Wu Xuanyi's eyes lit up, and he took Feng Lin's hand and said, "Please eat Malatang! I often eat at that restaurant!"


After arriving at the destination, Wu Xuanyi realized that everyone was holding Feng Lin's hand along the way.

Her face turned red immediately, and she retracted like lightning.

"Here it is, very delicious!"

Wu Xuanyi changed the subject, pointed at the shop and hurried inside.

Feng Lin took a look at the surrounding environment. When he checked the route before, he didn't take this street.

Because it is too remote, several shops here are built in dead-end alleys.

When I came to the store, as expected, there was no customer inside.

"Xiao Wu is here?"

The owner of the store is a woman with a little charm, but she has been busy for many years, making her look a little old, with gray hair on the sideburns.

But judging from the skin, this woman is at most 40 years old, even younger than Wu Xuanyi's mother.

In the eyes of outsiders, people would believe that Wang Qin was the daughter of the boss in front of her.

"Haha! Aunt Wei, I brought a friend with me today." Wu Xuanyi pointed at Feng Lin behind him.

Wei Xiuli looked up at Feng Lin, smiled and nodded, "Welcome!"

Feng Lin responded with a smile, but didn't speak, because this person's smile was very bitter.

He looked around the environment, this is a standard small restaurant, the furniture is clean, but generally old.

Just as Feng Lin sat down, the store door was pushed open by a middle-aged man with a flat head.

The middle-aged man walked in arrogantly with five or six young men.

Several young people sat at the table, unceremoniously put their feet on the table.

The middle-aged man with a flat head came to Feng Lin and patted the table, "Let's go! We won't accept guests today!"

Wei Xiuli took a deep look at Feng Lin and Wu Xuanyi, and squeezed out a smile, "Xiao Wu, you go back, I want to discuss something with them today."

Wu Xuanyi looked at Wei Xiuli strangely, her eyes turned red, obviously she was wronged.

"Aunt Wei, what's the matter with you? Tell me something!"

Wu Xuanyi hurriedly stood up and asked with concern.

"Grandma! Just now I told you to go, I was very polite, now, you get out!"

The middle-aged man with flat hair picked up a box of chopsticks with a displeased expression, and threw it at Wu Xuanyi's face.

Chopsticks scattered all over the floor.

Feng Lin grabbed his wrist just before he threw it.

"Don't be impulsive, her man is still here." Feng Lin let go of his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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