My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 4 The first meeting with my wife

Chapter 4 The first meeting with my wife

Wu Xuanyi took out her mobile phone and checked the information, the tenth floor of the third building was correct.

Since it's not this one, it can only be the opposite door.

"What's the matter, Xiao Wu, your expression is a little abnormal." Zhang Jun asked strangely.

"Captain Zhang, if I'm not mistaken, there are robbers in that family." Wu Xuanyi pointed to the opposite door of Fang Gan's house.

Suddenly, the opposite door was kicked hard twice.

Zhang Jun's years of experience told him that this was a call for help.

At this moment, the door over there opened by itself, revealing a middle-aged woman.

Then, a man wearing stockings came out, and the dagger in his hand was placed in front of the woman's neck.

"Grandma, at first I thought I could escape."

The man shouted coldly, "Put all your weapons on the ground, and then open the elevator!"

The woman's face was as white as paper, and she didn't dare to move an inch.

"I said buddy, it's not good to use a woman as a hostage, isn't it? How about I replace her?" Feng Lin walked a few steps forward with a smile.

"You can not!"

This man is not stupid, women have little strength and are easy to control.

"Then I'll change it! I'm a police officer, so my role should be greater than hers, right?" Wu Xuanyi glared at Feng Lin, and said not to be outdone.

"I'm not a fool! Do as I just did! Don't force me!" the man shouted loudly.


Feng Lin whispered in Wu Xuanyi's ear, then grabbed Fang Keke and said, "This matter has nothing to do with us, let's go."

Fang Keke nodded. Too many things really happened today, and she was also a little physically and mentally exhausted.

The two entered the elevator, and Feng Lin immediately pressed the ninth floor.

"Hey, wait for me here." He smiled and pinched Ke Ke's face, and climbed out from the window of the stairs.

With a powerful leap, he grabbed onto the window on the tenth floor.

This window is the victim's house.

Feng Lin opened the window and jumped in easily.

Sure enough, it was found that the man was still confronting Wu Xuanyi and the others.

Wu Xuanyi and others in the distance were shocked when they found that Feng Lin had come out of the house.

In such a short time, even special forces can't do it, right?

Feng Lin walked with a smile on his face. There is a saying, don't expose your backside to wild beasts.

A string of black shadows rushed out suddenly, Feng Lin clamped the dagger between his fingers, and easily removed his arm.


Zhang Jun immediately recovered the shock in his heart, went forward and pressed the prisoner to the ground.

"Young man, yes." He gave Feng Lin a thumbs up.

"Haha, so-so, better than some rookies." When Feng Lin said that he was a rookie, he didn't forget to glance at Wu Xuanyi.


Wu Xuanyi was full of anger, this man is too hateful.


Feng Lin waved his hand, and took a deep look at Fang Gan's family, they didn't dare to look at him at all.


On the street, Feng Lin told Fang Tao's interesting stories to Fang Keke. When the boy first left, he didn't let him worry.

Fang Keke was also amused by Feng Lin and burst into laughter.

"Brother Feng Lin!" Fang Keke shouted with a smile.

"What's wrong girl?" Feng Lin asked.

"Since just now, you have called me good and a girl, as if I were a child, but I am a college student!" Fang Keke said with pouting.

"Haha, isn't that called kindness?" Feng Lin chuckled, not forgetting to pinch Keke's cheek.

"I forgive you!"

Fang Keke let out a chuckle, "But brother must keep his word, so spare some time for me to talk to my brother."

"Leave it to me. I'll call to see when he's free." Feng Lin touched Ke Ke's head, "Go back to school, I have something else to do."

"Goodbye brother."

Fang Keke waved his hands with a smile, and left here happily.

"It's nice to be young." Feng Lin shook his head with a smile, and sent a text message to the chief, asking him about Fang Tao.

The chief just sent him a death list with Fang Tao's name on it.

Seeing this, Feng Lin's smile stopped abruptly.

He didn't call angrily, because everyone on these lists was a brother.

He was also used to seeing his brother leave, and he was already numb.

In this line of work, it is impossible not to die, which is the reason why Feng Lin does not plan to get married.

"Sigh, although I've been numb for a long time, this feeling of heartache is really uncomfortable!" Feng Lin looked back at Fang Keke's disappearing back, and sighed deeply.


When Feng Lin came to the headquarters of the Su Group, he looked up at the tall buildings soaring into the sky. It seemed that his future daughter-in-law was really a little rich woman.

"In order to avoid the embarrassment of meeting, I'd better make a phone call first."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone and found the call from the previous chief, "Hello, that..."

"I am in a meeting!"

A cold voice came from the phone, and then hung up.

I wipe?

He was in a bad mood, and he spoke as if he had a lot of time.

So he called again, this time the other party hung up directly, and there was no connection.

Feng Lin knew very well that if he called again, the other party might shut down his phone.

In order to save time, he sent a text message to tell the other party that he was coming.

After a while, a young woman in uniform walked over with a smile.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Feng Lin? Please follow me."

Feng Lin nodded slightly, and followed behind the girl, all the way to the top floor unimpeded.

"Sir, the president is in the office, go in by yourself."

The girl smiled and pointed to the room with the president's sign, and left here.

Feng Lin walked over, knocked on the door, and heard the voice of "come in".

Pushing the door open, a young woman in an OL uniform and gold-rimmed glasses sat on the boss's chair.

When she saw Feng Lin walking in, she stood up with a smile, her tall figure was like a model, and her hot body made people unable to take their eyes off her.

Coupled with this uniform, it is simply a beautiful temptation.

"I didn't expect my wife to be so beautiful." Feng Lin sat on the sofa unceremoniously, looking at her without blinking.

"Am I so good-looking?" Instead of being angry, the beauty smiled.

Feng Lin was sure that this woman was a goblin.

"I don't like to tell lies." Feng Lin nodded, "Your name is Su Yun, right?"

"Well, my name is Su Yun, the president here."

The beauty smiled charmingly, picked up the landline on the desk, and made a call, "Xiao Liu, I have guests in my office, serve tea!"

After a while, the door of the room was opened, and a woman also wearing the OL uniform came in with tea.

She has long black and beautiful hair, and that beautiful face makes Feng Lin sink deeply.

The figure is not weaker than the president in front of him.

If you want to say that her only flaw is her cold face, which is useless for her charming face.

"Well, why does this woman look familiar?" Feng Lin propped his cheeks and recalled.

"Sir, please drink tea..."


When the woman saw Feng Lin's face, she slammed the teacup on the table, and the tea just spilled on Feng Lin.

As a woman, how could she forget to take away her first man!

"I wipe!"

Feng Lin remembered, he was so shocked that he ignored the tea on his pants.

"Xiao Liu? What's going on?"

The president pretended to be angry and said that she habitually took out a tissue and wiped it on Feng Lin's legs.

"Cough cough!"

The real Su Yun coughed a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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