My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 400 The 3 Views Are Refreshed

Chapter 400 The Three Views Are Refreshed

Feng Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and there was a red apron behind this woman.

As for the lower body is very conservative panties.

Seeing this, Su Yun's expression was a little strange. She felt that she was a little bit helping the tyrant.

"Master! Leave me alone! You go!"

Seeing this, Lu Jingxin hated herself for not being able to make her master do such a thing for her.

"It seems that this woman is really important to you."

Feng Lin's fingers ran across Lu Jingxin's hair, and he looked at Yan Yu and asked, "What's your name, why did you come to me? I shouldn't have provoked you, right?"

"My name is Yan Yu, I didn't come to look for you, I came to look for Feng Jue!"

Yan Yu looked at Feng Lin expressionlessly.

"Looking for him? Oh, I understand. They are here for revenge, right? Because he abandoned you." Feng Lin nodded secretly.


Yan Yu denied Feng Lin, and replied, "I just came to tell him that I am going to get married, and what he said was right. I don't like him, but I am grateful."

Feng Lin remembered that before, the old man had told him that it was a coincidence that saved her life.

"Understood. From the previous conversation, you can roughly see who I am. I dare not say that I am a good person, but I am not a bad person."

Feng Lin took Su Yun's hand and pulled her away from Lu Jingxin, "I'm sorry, you just said you wanted to kill me, but I thought you were an enemy."

Lu Jingxin saw Su Yun who controlled her leave, and immediately got up from the ground crying.

Pick up the clothes in the distance, rush over, and put the clothes on Yan Yu's body.

"Master, I'm sorry." Lu Jingxin wiped away her tears.

"It's okay, I didn't suffer too much grievance anyway."

Yan Yu stood up with a smile and tidied up all her clothes.

"You'd better go back, I'll tell the old man about you."

Feng Lin waved his hands with a smile, looked at Su Yun and the others, "Let's go back."

It seems that this time the dust has settled.

Su Yun and Liu Yaran were also inexplicably relieved, and for some reason, they saw these two beautiful people.

Moreover, they are still masters and apprentices, what if they all marry Feng Lin?
For now, it appears to be safe.

Liu Yaran dragged Mi Xiaomi and Yang Xiaomai to follow behind Feng Lin and Su Yun.

But suddenly, the three of them found that Yan Yu appeared in front of them.

Separate Liu Yaran and Feng Lin and Su Yun.

Feng Lin naturally found out, and immediately turned around, reaching out his hand to stop Su Yun, "What? Is there anything else?"

"Yes, guess how old I am, why do I have apprentices?"

Yan Yu stared at Feng Lin expressionlessly.

"What's this about me?"

Feng Lin's face changed a little, it seems that this person is not ready to let it go.

Yan Yu replied, "I happen to be 30 years old today, my apprentice, and my apprentice has been with me for ten years."

"But in our sect, only elder-level disciples can accept apprentices."

Hearing what the other party said, Feng Lin finally understood what she wanted to say, "You want to say that when you were 20 years old, you had already become the elder of the sect."

"Yes, I have a shortcoming, that is, I can't bear grievances."

Yan Yu opened her arms, and countless white papers appeared from her body. The white papers were folded in the air, and finally turned into the shape of two people.

"In our sect, this is called a paper tie. It is given to the dead. Today I give it to you!"

Yan Yu suddenly clasped his hands together, "Yin Yang Prison! Ning!"


The two paper figurines turned into a man and a woman, and suddenly roared upwards, emitting terrifying spiritual power.

call out!call out!
In an instant, the two paper figurines attacked Feng Lin and Su Yun.

Su Yun immediately took out the dagger from her body and collided with one of the male paper figurines.


The ground under his feet cracked in an instant, but the paper figurine easily blocked the attack.

Another female paper figurine appeared in front of Feng Lin with a loud laugh.


Suddenly, a person shouted nervously.

In this kind of occasion, it is naturally not Su Yun and Liu Yaran who call out this title.

Mi Xiaomi is very confident in Feng Lin's power, so it goes without saying that the person who called out this name is self-evident.

Immediately, Liu Yaran was about to cover Yang Maimai's mouth, but the voice still came out.


The expressions of Yan Yu and Lu Jingxin changed at the same time.

In the voice just now, they all heard the concern.

Looking at Feng Lin again, he grabbed the female paper figurine who was attacking him with one hand.

"Are you a group?"

Yan Yu immediately grabbed Lu Jingxin who was at the side and withdrew to the side.

Yang Xiaomai looked around and seemed to realize that she had done something wrong. She was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground immediately, "My husband, I'm sorry!"

"Silly girl!"

Feng Lin appeared on Yang Maimai's body in the blink of an eye, and the paper figurine behind him instantly turned into a pile of waste paper.

He pulled Yang Xiaomai up with a smile, and wiped her tears, "If you cry again, I will enforce the family law."

Seeing this scene, Yan Yu and his disciples were stunned.

what's the situation?
She obviously called her husband, why did she still kneel down to him?
"Xiaomi, take her home. When I go back, if you see Mai Mai still crying, you will be punished together with her!"

Feng Lin glanced at Mi Xiaomi and smiled.

"Understood my husband."

Mi Xiaomi nodded to Feng Lin, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he disappeared with Yang Xiaomai in an instant.

Yan Yu and Lu Jingxin were startled, what's going on?
The child just now looked like he was only 13 years old at most!
At this speed, there is still a person with me, is there any mistake!

Just now I wanted to take them to the sect as interns, it was just ridiculous.

"Hahaha! I understand now, so you guys have been acting."

Yan Yu couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Feng Jue really took great pains to let me leave him."

"Painful? What do you mean? What does this matter have to do with my old man?" Feng Lin asked with a puzzled expression.

"You still pretend to be garlic?" Yan Yu was a little disdainful.

"No, didn't you hear what they called me just now? Husband, and these two are my wife."

Feng Lin pointed to Su Yun who was still fighting, "We were just role-playing to increase our relationship."

"Do you think I believe it?" Yan Yu asked with a smile.

"Forget it, believe it or not, anyway, you have a girl with you, and you will never be able to leave easily. If only one person calls you good brother, I will let you go."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled.


Yan Yu suddenly exploded with spiritual power and rushed towards Liu Yaran in an instant.

Liu Yaran's eyes flashed golden, and she punched Yan Yu's hand.

A powerful air wave was generated all around, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Liu Yaran took a few steps back.

Yan Yu originally swooped down, but when encountering such strong resistance, she naturally took a few steps back.

At this moment, the three views of the master and apprentice have been refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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