My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 405 Your Daughter-in-law Can't Be Offended by Ordinary People

Chapter 405

Feng Lin looked at the curious faces of the two, and continued to talk.

He lay down on that mountain for a day and a night, only to find that his original body had recovered somewhat.

Although it is far from reaching the peak state of seventeen or eighteen, at least it can gather spiritual power.

He took the white scarf and went back to look for the woman, but he couldn't find it, so he could only go home.

Feng Lin didn't tell Feng Jue and Goddess about the woman, he just said that his body was blown up and he had recovered a little.

Both Feng Jue and the goddess felt that Feng Lin should be allowed to heal well.

But he was eager to recover. Since he couldn't do that kind of super mission, he continued to perform missions abroad as a killer.

In a crisis, he showed his strength and rescued Alice.

Since the mission was not over, and he didn't have any acquaintances in that city, he temporarily lived in Alice's manor at Alice's invitation.

What happened after that was what Feng Lin thought was a shame.

Although he was not young at that time, he was a person without childhood, and he was alone in everything he did.

I didn't have time to understand so many things about men and women, and the first time I was dizzy, I was gone.

But the other party is an old driver, and he was quite reserved in the first few days.

After getting along for a few days, she began to ask Feng Lin if he had a girlfriend.

Feng Lin said no.

She confessed, it's that simple and direct.

Of course Feng Lin disagreed.

But she refused to give up and started a series of obscene attacks.

Su Yun and Liu Yaran were ashamed to hear this, they didn't know how much effort they had spent to achieve this with Feng Lin.

That woman was sneaky and did everything to Feng Lin.

This is too...

"Ahem! Feng Lin, as your real wife, I still want to mention something."

Liu Yaran's face suddenly became serious, "That is loyalty, I think you should understand what I said."

Su Yun, who was going to interrupt Liu Yaran, nodded secretly when she heard this.

They were very conservative in the first place, and since they had identified Feng Lin, they would never betray.

But that woman was different. Judging from her behavior, the other party should be that kind of casual woman.

"I know this, you can rest assured, I have known her for several years, and I know what she is like."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

Su Yun and Liu Yaran nodded. Speaking of which, they have only known Feng Lin for a few months, so they are really not qualified to point fingers.

"You all know what happened after that. The old man confiscated my mask and asked me to go to a foreign battlefield to practice for several years."

Feng Lin smiled and put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them. In fact, he still had a lot to say about Alice.

Because of what the other party had done, a thick-skinned person like him couldn't even say it.

One of the things that impressed Feng Lin deeply was that her relatives came and lied to Feng Lin that she was injured, so that Feng Lin...

The simple Feng Lin believed it back then.

There are countless things like this.


The few people returned to the top of the mountain. On the way, Su Yun and Liu Yaran were also relieved.

However, Liu Yaran winked at Su Yun from time to time, as if to say, wow, you are so bold.

Su Yun's face turned red, she kept her head down, not daring to look at Liu Yaran.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Alice and Mi Xiaomi were in the kitchen together.

Yang Xiaomai brought the finished meals to the table.

Finding Feng Lin coming in, Yang Maimai greeted him very respectfully.

After a while, breakfast was ready.

Alice and Mi Xiaomi also sat down together.

Six people sat around and ate breakfast.

"Alice, are you okay to intrude into the death list to find any information?"

Feng Lin asked while eating.

"Well, I once got information that the dead list has the most secrets in the world. I planned to sneak in and steal the information."

Alice stuffed an egg into her mouth and said while eating, "I didn't expect them to be top hackers too."

"Then what are your future plans?" Feng Lin asked.

"What else can I do? Don't think I've forgotten that the legal marriage age for men in your country is 22, and you're old now."

Alice smiled and said, "So, I'm here to find you. Anyway, I don't have parents, so I will follow you from now on."

"I've let you down, look, I'm already married." Feng Lin pointed at Su Yun who was sitting beside her.

"I don't mind. You also know who I am. I like your person, not your heart."

Alice waved her hand indifferently.

"Ahem! How are you talking? The children are all there." Feng Lin said pretending to be angry.

"It's okay husband, just now my sister told me a lot of knowledge, when I get old, I will take good care of you."

Mi Xiaomi looked at Feng Lin with a smile.


The food in Feng Lin's mouth almost spewed out, and she felt that it was necessary to teach Alice a lesson.

After several people had eaten, Alice consciously took the dishes and chopsticks to clean.

On this point, she still hasn't changed at all. She was like that when I first met her.

Feng Lin thought she was a very virtuous woman.

After breakfast, Su Yun told Feng Lin that she was going to visit other people in this urban area.

Feng Lin didn't stop her either, but just told her that Xu Tingyu of Lin City owed him a favor.

If you really want to find cooperation, go to her.

Su Yun nodded, but didn't immediately agree. Regarding business matters, she still didn't want to borrow Feng Lin.

Liu Yaran originally wanted to follow, but was interrupted by her mobile phone.

After she went out to answer a phone call, her face became a little dignified.

"what happened?"

Seeing her hang up the phone, Feng Lin asked strangely.

"The Mei organization sent a message to my second uncle again, saying that they have something to look for him."

Liu Yaran looked at Feng Lin who was about to speak, and immediately covered his mouth with her jade hand, "Your daughter-in-law, ordinary people can't afford it!"

Feng Lin smiled slightly: "That's right, my dream is to be a bad boy, and I expect you to support me."

"I'll go back, don't worry, I'm afraid of death, if I'm in trouble, I can call you to annoy you to death."

After Liu Yaran finished speaking, her figure disappeared without a trace.

Alice on the side looked shocked when she saw this. It seemed that it was not only Feng Lin.

The people around him are not simple.

From this point of view, I don't know whether I will live well in the future.

"Honey, we're going to practice." Mi Xiaomi said to Feng Lin.

Feng Lin smiled and nodded.

Mi Xiaomi took Yang Maimai and the two to the secret realm.

Alice suddenly rushed over, stopped Feng Lin's neck, and sat on him, "Damn ghost! Finally no one hinders us."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's settle down for you first."

Feng Lin looked at Alice helplessly.

"That's right, I'm planning to stay here, you often have missions, at least I can still chat with Xiaomi."

Alice jumped off Feng Lin's body, straightened her skirt, and suddenly lifted it up in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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