My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 415 Women's University 8, quasi-rich

Chapter 415

Yan Yu's face changed suddenly, and a cold light flickered in his eyes, could someone take advantage of his sleepiness?
She originally wanted to use spiritual power to dry the imprint, but after thinking about it, isn't there no evidence?

But going out like this is even more embarrassing.

So, she took out her mobile phone from her body and took a picture of herself.

Afterwards, the spiritual power burst out suddenly, and the temperature of the spiritual power was used to restore the color of the clothes to normal.

She opened the door, walked outside with a cold face, and found a young guard in the distance, she walked over immediately.

"Let me ask you, who was in my room just now?"

Yan Yu's expression was very indifferent.

"I don't know either. However, there are surveillance videos on our road. If you don't bother, please wait a moment."

The young guard bowed his head respectfully.

"Okay, give me the video here immediately."

Yan Yu clenched her fists tightly, the bastard who took advantage of others, even if the opponent was a big shot, she would never let her go.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will call now and ask the people in the monitoring room to send the video to my mobile phone."

The guards knew very well that they couldn't afford to mess with anyone who lived here.

After a while, the other party's cell phone vibrated, and he immediately handed it to Yan Yu.

Yan Yu took the phone, and in the picture, it was Feng Lin who walked into the room first.

After that, Yan Yu staggered over with the support of a person, and she stretched out her hand, pointing to the room where Feng Lin was.

The person who supported her nodded and put her into that room as well.

Then come out and close the door.

She glanced at the time, and the other video had passed for more than two hours.

In the picture, Feng Lin came out of the room.

"Feng Lin!"

Yan Yu smashed the phone into pieces.

"My cell phone……"

The guard hastily stretched out his hand, but still bent down immediately, not daring to make a mistake.

Yan Yu took out a small stack of banknotes from her body, handed it to this person, and turned to leave.


At this moment, Feng Lin, Chen Xinggang, and Wu Yun were chatting in a courtyard house on the top of the mountain.

Feng Lin felt a kind of flowing wind here. If there is no accident, there is a secret realm in this yard.

"Feng Lin, I only know so much."

Chen Xinggang sat at the side, drinking tea and said, "As for the exact location of that place, let Lao Wu tell you."

"Thank you senior."

Feng Lin has roughly written down the matter, and now it seems that his biological mother should still be alive.

Chen Xinggang discovered that secret realm a week ago.

"By the way, I remembered something."

Chen Xinggang patted the table suddenly and remembered something, "The hair is about one meter long, and it is white."


Feng Lin leaned back. Could it be that his biological mother is an old man?

No, it should be a race similar to Dark Ripple.

After all, Anlian's hair is also white.

"Master Chen!"

At this moment, a woman's roar came from outside the gate, and Yan Yu walked in angrily.

"Old Chen, I can't stop..." followed by the guards outside the gate.

Chen Xinggang waved his hand with a smile, motioning for the guards to go down.

"Feng Lin! So you're hiding here?"

Yan Yu found Feng Lin sitting here, and walked over indifferently, "Come out!"

"Bold! Xiaoyu, Feng Lin is my distinguished guest, and even a member of a secret organization. If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Chen Xinggang looked at Yan Yu with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, I still believe in Feng Lin's character." Wu Yun also said.

"I...Feng Lin! If you are a man, just admit it boldly, don't be a coward!"

Yan Yu pointed at Feng Lin angrily and shouted.

"A turtle? There's nothing you dare not say. After I got drunk, I went to my room to rest. When I woke up, I found myself lying on your body, drooling."

Feng Lin suddenly looked compassionate, "I almost went crazy at the time, I have a family, I thought I sneaked into your room."

"I went out in a hurry to inquire, and only then did I realize that it was you who requested to be named and entered my room on my own initiative."

Feng Lin looked at Wu Yun with some grievances, "Old man, you also know that my wife, although she is not beautiful, is at least younger and more beautiful than her."

"Bastard! You..."

Yan Yu suddenly exploded with spiritual power, ready to fight Feng Lin desperately.

"Okay! Let me say something!"

Chen Xinggang stood up and looked at Feng Lin, "Where did your saliva go to her?"

"Ahem, in front of me..."

Feng Lin scratched his head in embarrassment, the key point was that he really didn't know what happened, why he just lay on her body.

"Feng Lin, you should know that most of these women who grew up in the sect are very traditional, right?"

Chen Xinggang gave a cold snort.

Realizing that Master Chen wanted to vent his anger on him, Yan Yu folded his arms and looked at Feng Lin with disdain.

"I know." Feng Lin nodded.

"Do you mind someone who is older than you?" Chen Xinggang asked suddenly.

Yan Yu, who was still high-spirited, suddenly frowned, how could he have an ominous premonition.

"What do you mean?"

Feng Lin was startled, this turning point made him unable to react.

"You've done that to Xiaoyu. If it spreads in the future, what will her future man think of her? So you can only marry her! I've made a decision!"

Chen Xinggang waved his hand and said with a grin, "I watched Xiaoyu grow up, Feng Lin, treat her well!"


Feng Lin rolled his eyes, he even began to doubt his own physique.

Is he the kind who has the physique to introduce his wife?

Or is it that he was an old bachelor in his previous life, and has been alone for the rest of his life.

"What? Master Chen! Don't talk nonsense! I can be a fucking mother, you let me marry him!"

Yan Yu was still holding his arms, waiting for Chen Xinggang to teach Feng Lin a lesson for him.

"Xiaoyu, stop talking nonsense, the female junior is holding a golden brick."

Chen Xinggang said with a smile, "Don't worry, I trust Feng Lin. If he dares to bully you, I will teach him a lesson for you."

"Then do you know how much older I am than him?"

Yan Yu made a gesture of eight with one hand, "I am eight years older than him."

"Only eight years older? Old Wu, what is a girl who is eight years old?" Chen Xinggang asked suddenly.

"Sixth female, not happy enough, seventh female, smiling, eighth female, ready to make a fortune."

Wu Yun said like a jingle, he didn't have the entertainment he has now.

He remembered a set of these jingles.

"Did you hear that? You're going to make a fortune, your ancestors are glorious, get married!" Chen Xinggang said with a smile.

"What the hell...cough cough! Let me say a few words."

Feng Lin was speechless, as the person involved hadn't spoken yet, as if he had already agreed.

"Speak! I also want to hear your evaluation of Xiaoyu."

Chen Xinggang looked at Feng Lin.

"Senior, you misunderstood. Old man Wu knows that I'm already married." Feng Lin explained with a smile.

"What's wrong with getting married? You're not from the secular world. What's wrong with being a man with three wives and four concubines?" Chen Xinggang asked back.

"But I... have three wives and four concubines now." Feng Lin rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"You already have so many, why add another one? Feng Lin, do you really think that Xiaoyu is not good enough for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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