Chapter 42

"When is it? You still call me Senior, you should call me Master, or Dad." A voice came from the opposite side.

"I...let me call you Master."

Su Yun rolled her eyes, but her face had a hint of happiness.

This old man is his idol, the legend of the death list, the fool.

It is her blessing to be the disciple of such a person.

"Old man, what's the matter? Don't disturb our husband and wife eating." Feng Lin put his arm around Su Yun's shoulder and said into the phone.

"Brat, let me tell you, it's best to follow your daughter-in-law these days, someone is going to kill you."

The voice on the other side was a little dignified, "It took a full 700 million, not much, but not too much."

"rest assured."

Feng Lin smiled and nodded, telling him to follow Su Yun, obviously to protect Su Yun's safety.

But Su Yun beside her didn't think so.

Asking Feng Lin to follow her, isn't that asking her to protect Feng Lin?

"Master! Do you know who it is?" Su Yun was very solemn. She had never encountered such a situation.

"I don't know. Feng Lin is on the death list. I think no one knows who the boss is except this organization."

The old man seemed to have guests, so he hung up the phone hastily.

Dead list!

Su Yun's hands trembled a little, she was a little scared, but more excited.

finally come!

And the first enemy is the master of the death list.

This is what she has to go through. If she wants to become stronger, she must go through this kind of life-and-death battle.

"Don't you have a dead list account? Open it and have a look."

Feng Lin looked at Su Yun, in fact, he already had an idea in his heart.

A mere 700 million people proves that it is not those powerful organizations abroad, and most of Feng Lin's missions are disguised, so it is impossible to know his true face.

So far, he has offended only a handful of people.

Su Yun took out her mobile phone, opened the private space, and opened the software.

Feng Lin snatched the phone directly, and with skilled operation, he found his bounty in just a few tens of seconds.

Name: Feng Lin.

Location: Yangshi.

Occupation: College physical education teacher.

There is also a photo of Feng Lin on the top, and the time below is a seven-day countdown.

In other words, after seven days, if no one accepts the order, 30.00% of the handling fee will be charged for the dead list, and the rest will be returned to the boss.

If you want people to hang on it all the time, you have to keep charging money.

"One week, it seems that these few days will be more low-key." Feng Lin shrugged with a smile, and returned the phone to Su Yun.

Su Yun took the phone and looked at Feng Lin strangely. She hadn't figured out some functions of the death list, but Feng Lin seemed familiar with it.

Ding Dong!

Suddenly, Su Yun's phone vibrated, and Feng Lin's list disappeared.

"Look, what happened?" Su Yun asked hastily.

Feng Lin tilted his head and glanced, and explained with a smile: "The first person accepted the order, and spent 20.00% of the bounty to activate the blocking function."

"Blocking function?" Su Yunqiao's face was full of doubts.

"Yes, this is to prevent others from grabbing the order. In other words, the only person who wants to kill me is this killer."

Feng Lin was inexplicably relieved. If there were too many people, it would be very troublesome.

But just one or two, the workload is also reduced.

Su Yun nodded, and looked at Feng Lin solemnly, "I'll go back and make some preparations. From tomorrow onwards, I will live with you."

Feng Lin was a little surprised, but also moved a lot. This woman is usually cold, but at critical moments, she is quite responsible.

After sending Su Yun away, Feng Lin washed his body and returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

Looking at the clean and tidy quilt and pillow, he lay down on it and smelled it.

Sure enough, it has a unique fragrance for women.

Moreover, this smell is similar to Liu Yaran's.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, it seemed that she wasn't joking.


At one o'clock in the morning, Feng Lin suddenly opened his eyes. Years of habit made him very alert.

Could it be that the killer found himself so quickly?
He stuffed the pillow into the quilt, pretending to be a person.

He took out a dagger from his body, and was just about to open the door when he heard the other party go up to the second floor skillfully.

So, he hid behind the door, breathing calmly, his eyes like a hunting beast.


The door was opened, and a woman in a dress crept in.

The silver blade, reflecting the moonlight coming in from the window, landed quietly in front of her neck, and Feng Lin hugged her body from behind.

He was taken aback by the familiar smell, which was exactly the same as the quilt.

But he quickly touched her body all over, and found no murder weapon.

"Feng Lin, who are you? Are you too vigilant?"

Liu Yaran smiled coquettishly, turned around and asked.

"I can't help it. I was so scared that I couldn't sleep. Just now, I was listed on the death list."

Feng Lin retracted the dagger, lay down again, and said, "I thought you were the killer who came here."

"The killer on the death list?"

Liu Yaran asked in a deep voice, but after that, she slipped into Feng Lin's bed very casually, as if this was her territory.

"I beg you not to play with fire, I am starting to wonder if you are going to kill me."

Feng Lin calmly glanced at Liu Yaran beside him, and said indifferently.

"You killed Lie Feng, so should I invite the top [-] people on the death list?"

Liu Yaran asked back, and smiled wryly, "I can't afford to hire those masters who stand at the top of the world."

Feng Lin nodded lightly, that kind of person is mainly assassinated in war, and the price is very high.

Ordinary people really can't afford that much money.

"Liu Yaran, if you really treat me as a friend, just tell the truth, don't play this trick, it won't work for me."

Feng Lin clasped the back of his head with his hands and said while looking at the ceiling.

Liu Yaran was startled, she turned her cheeks sideways and stared at Feng Lin.

This person is really different.

"To sum it up in one sentence, I want you to help me take back everything in the Liu family!"

Liu Yaran looked very serious, put away that frivolous smile.

"It really is. To put it bluntly, I'm still using me." Feng Lin sighed deeply.

"No! I didn't take advantage of it. I am willing to be your woman. As long as I take back the Liu family, the Liu family will be yours!"

Liu Yaran grabbed Feng Lin's arm with an excited expression, "The deadline is getting closer and closer. When I go back, the task has not been completed. The only thing waiting for me is death!"

"How long is it?" Feng Lin asked in a low voice.

"It's less than three months, but when the Liu family will send me back, I'm not sure."

Liu Yaran frowned slightly, and murmured, "Don't think I'm a casual woman, I'm still clean."

"Why did you choose me? Just because I am stronger than Gale?"

Feng Lin's words were very harsh, "Does it mean that one day you meet someone stronger than me, you will abandon me without hesitation and choose him?"

He turned his head, his pupils shrunk tightly, "Tell the truth!"

"I can tell you clearly, no! There are several patriarchs who are greedy for me. I can completely sacrifice my body and let them join forces to destroy the Liu family."

Liu Yaran looked at Feng Lin seriously, "But I didn't do that!"

(End of this chapter)

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