My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 452 Let's Fight

Chapter 452 Let's Fight

Feng Lin was stunned, what was your reaction?
Said to have a wife, but also so happy.

However, Feng Lin's EQ would definitely not be revealed, so let's let this matter pass.



Before Feng Lin could change the subject, Hongying saw Hong Zhan approaching from a distance.

He ran over with a blushing face, his tail frantically swung behind him.

She whispered: "Feng Lin has a wife, and there are more than one."

"What? Brother, how many wives do you have?"

Hong Zhan put his arms around his daughter with one hand, and asked in shock.


Feng Lin paused, it's better to lie to the other party, with a kind lie, "I have more than a dozen."

"more than ten?"

Hong Zhan and Hong Ying looked at each other in blank dismay.

Feng Lin was afraid that the other party would doubt his character, so he hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, we really love each other, and I didn't force them."

"Dad! I'm going to practice."

Hongying turned her head to look at Feng Lin, her big pure red eyes blinked at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin trembled from the electric shock, what's going on?
Hongying lowered her head and trot away embarrassedly.

"Brother, do you really have more than a dozen wives?"

Hong Zhan walked over excitedly.

Looking at the other person's expression, Feng Lin thought, maybe it was originally planned to marry his daughter to him.

Now that I know that I have so many wives, I can't accept it.

Feng Lin comforted in a low voice: "I'm sorry, although I have more than a dozen wives..."

"Brother, can you marry my daughter?"

Hong Zhan grabbed Feng Lin's shoulders and asked.


Feng Lin's brain seemed to be short-circuited.

He thought he heard it wrong, so he asked again, "What did you say?"

"I said can you marry my daughter?" Hong Zhan repeated.

"Damn it! Brother, didn't you understand what I said? I have more than a dozen wives!"

Feng Lin explained, "A dozen!"

"I know, that's why I let you marry my daughter." Hong Zhan nodded excitedly.

Feng Lin: "..."

"Oh, by the way, brother, you don't know the traditions of our family, it may scare you."

Seeing Feng Lin's bewildered expression, Hong Zhan explained with a smile, "Our clan has a tradition that women should marry strong men!"

"The strong?"

Feng Lin asked puzzledly.

"That's right. When we judge whether a man is strong or not, an important indicator is how many wives he has. The more wives he has, the stronger he is."

Red War explained.

Feng Lin: "..."

"As for the women of our family, the purpose of marrying in the past is very simple, that is to become the master of the harem and lead these women."

Hong Zhan patted Feng Lin's shoulder with a smile, "It's a tradition of our family, if you become a big wife, you can hold your head up when you come to your mother's house."

Feng Lin is not well, and there is such a wonderful tradition.

But think about it.

For example, the lions on the grassland, the more lionesses ruled by the lion king, the stronger they are naturally.

No wonder Hongying showed a shy expression when she heard him say that she had many wives just now.

"Brother, Hongying and I just met, this kind of thing still depends on fate."

Feng Lin used the dragging tactic, and changed the subject, "You probably haven't used this earth spirit fruit yet, so give it to Hongying quickly, and let me see the world."

"That's right, it's best to eat it early, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Red Zhan nodded.

Feng Lin followed behind Hong Zhan.

Check out how to use this baby.

On a white altar on the top of the mountain, Feng Lin stood aside.

Hongying sat cross-legged on the white altar and closed her eyes.

Hong Zhan took out the earth spirit fruit and asked Hongying to swallow it.

Feng Lin could clearly see that when the earth spirit fruit passed through his throat, the dark red light shone through.

After swallowing, Hong Zhan withdrew from the altar and stood in front of Feng Lin.

"Is it enough to just take it?"

Feng Lin asked.

"That's right, but let your own spiritual power flow quickly, you can get twice the result with half the effort." Hong Zhan explained.

Feng Lin nodded. In that case, he didn't need to do anything.


Suddenly, a middle-aged man came anxiously from a distance.

Feng Lin and Hong Zhan turned their heads at the same time and found a wound on the man's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Hong Zhan asked angrily.

"Patriarch, the wheat we planted in the south was taken away by orcs."

"What? Take me there!"

After hearing this, Hong Zhan was furious, "I really thought there was no one in my fox clan!"

"I go with you!"

Feng Lin said with a smile, "Anyway, I'm here to practice."

"it is good!"

Hong Zhan patted Feng Lin on the shoulder.

Along the way, Red Zhan told the exact situation of their fox clan.

The number of foxes on their side seems to be nearly 2000.

But there are only more than 300 people who can really fight.

The rest are old and weak women and children.

The young and middle-aged men who were performing tasks outside were dead or wounded.

If things go on like this, they are likely to be eliminated in a few years.

In the past few years, in order to restore combat power, the Red War has decided to allow women to fight the enemy.

For example, Hongying is the main force in the battle.

But there are still many gaps between women and men when it comes to fighting.

Especially the crowd tactics of the orcs.

"Don't worry, everything is with me!"

Feng Lin assured Red Zhan that he was ready to fight this time.

Then go out to absorb the ground spirit fruit, and get a batch of Gatling from the country.

Give their enemies a taste of the so-called full fire coverage.

The wheat field in the south is about ten kilometers away from the mountain where the foxes live.

There is a river plain here, so they grow crops here.

Ten kilometers, for people like Feng Lin and Hong Zhan, they can arrive in no time.

After coming here, I found that the two sides in the distance were still fighting.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! The Red War is coming!"

The opponent, a pig-headed man with a full height of two meters, roared quickly.

After that, the army of hundreds of people all withdrew from the wheat field.


There are only a dozen people in the Fox clan, and almost all of them are injured.

"You are courting death!"

Hong Zhan was furious when he saw the injuries of his clansmen and the damaged wheat fields.

Explode spiritual power and rush out.

The two-meter tall man in the distance also rushed out.


The arms of the two collided, and the terrifying spiritual power scattered.

The fields and wheat here are almost destroyed.

"Hahaha! Red Zhan, are you sure you want to fight me here? If you share [-]% of our food, then forget it."

"Otherwise, everyone will have nothing to eat!"

The pig-headed man sneered sinisterly.

Hong Zhan's face became more and more ugly.

"No, right? Then let's fight! Brothers, destroy the wheat fields for me, and we'll leave when we're done!"

The pig-headed man smiled at his companion behind him.

A golden long sword formed by spiritual power penetrated the heart of the pig-headed man.

Enter from the back and exit from the front.

Feng Lin's figure slowly appeared behind him, and said softly: "Okay! Then let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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