Chapter 47 I am his wife!

Hearing Feng Lin's words, Yun Miao broke into a cold sweat again, her face paled.

Feng Lin turned her over, with her back facing up, and cut the rope that bound her with a dagger.

Then he punched her buttocks, causing Yunmiao to roll on the ground hugging the injured part in pain.

"This time is a lesson. Next time you will not be so lucky. To kill someone, you must first be prepared to be killed."

Feng Lin stood up and disappeared into the night.

Yun Miao wiped her tears, and immediately tidied up her clothes after seeing Feng Lin leave.

In the palm of her hand, she still held the 100 yuan that Feng Lin had just given.

"Stinky boy! You just wait for me, wait until I'm full, woo woo hurts!"

Yun Miao wept aggrievedly while arranging her small schoolbag.

This picture is really cute.


On the other side, after Feng Lin returned to the community, he found that neither Su Yun nor Liu Yaran had returned.

When I asked Su Yun, she only replied with the word "work overtime".

Or Liu Yaran is more feminine, let Feng Lin go to eat first.

He turned on his phone, checked the camera, and went to the Malatang that Wu Xuanyi took him to.

The taste is not bad, and it is very affordable.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Feng Lin just walked around the corner when he saw an acquaintance.

This person is Wei Han who was taught by Feng Lin at noon.

She changed into a black tracksuit, her cheeks were swollen, and she was smoking at the street corner with tears in her eyes.

After noticing Feng Lin's figure, she immediately put the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with her foot.

"Next time I see you smoking, I will spank my butt twenty times!"

Feng Lin glanced at Wei Han, turned into the small road, and walked into the restaurant.

"'s Mr. Feng!"

Wei Xiuli's eyes were also slightly red. After seeing Feng Lin, she hurriedly wiped away her tears, and walked over with a smile on her face, "Are you alone today?"

"What's wrong with you? That man is here again?"

Looking at Wei Xiuli's face, Feng Lin frowned and asked.

"No, just now... I had a quarrel with the child."

Wei Xiuli sighed helplessly, lowered her head silently, not wanting to say more.

Feng Lin didn't ask any more questions, just took some ingredients, and suddenly turned around, "Come in! I'll treat you to eat."

The door of the shop was opened, and Wei Han walked in with one hand in his trouser pocket.

"Take whatever you want, I'll treat you."

Feng Lin didn't know that she was Wei Xiuli's daughter.

He thought that she, like Yun Miao just now, couldn't afford to eat anymore.

"Mr. Feng, do you know my daughter?" Wei Xiuli stared in astonishment.

"I wipe?"

Feng Lin was a little pale, carefully observing the two of them, their eyes were indeed very similar.

Wei Xiuli must have been a beauty when she was young, so Feng Lin didn't substitute Wei Han who killed Matt into it.

"Mom! How do you know him?" Wei Han pointed at Feng Lin and asked.

"He is the benefactor I mentioned." Wei Xiuli had obviously said it before.

Feng Lin couldn't help shaking his head. As a second-tier city, Yangshi is really small.

"I'm his classmate."

Sitting aside, Wei Han said while clutching his swollen cheeks.

"is it?"

Wei Xiuli couldn't believe it, Feng Lin felt very mature.

"I was a soldier for several years, and then went back to school to teach. I am indeed a few years older than her."

Feng Lin picked up a bamboo stick, ate the sausage on it, and explained with a smile.

Wei Xiuli nodded secretly, no wonder he looked older.

Wei Han on the other side showed his original expression.

It's normal to be a soldier, but you can't fight.

"Mr. Feng, if you don't think it's troublesome, take care of my daughter at school. I'm too busy and haven't been disciplined since I was a child."

Wei Xiuli pointed at Wei Han's face, hating iron for being weak, "Look at her, a girl who fights with people all day long."

"Mom! My slap is..."

"Who hit it?"

Feng Lin was eating Flammulina velutipes, and glanced at her with a smile.

"Yes... hum!"

Wei Han didn't dare to say that she already had a shadow over Feng Lin, so he could only cover his face and walk towards the room.

Wei Xiuli gave a wry smile, and didn't bother to say anything more.


It was already eight o'clock in the evening when we went back, Feng Lin took out his mobile phone, and suddenly showed a wretched smile.

Look at what Gongsun Lan is doing.

Suddenly, a picture on the phone screen attracted Feng Lin.

He saw two figures chasing each other, escaped from his yard, and fled in the direction of the back mountain.

"Su Yun!"

Feng Lin noticed the woman following at a glance. As for the woman in front, he could only see the back.

Carrying a small black schoolbag, it must be Yun Miao.

Has she not given up yet?

Feng Lin immediately speeded up. To be honest, Su Yun might not be able to defeat the opponent in a simple fight.

He didn't go in the direction of his own house, but ran directly to the wall behind the mountain.

In the dark night, except for the street lights, there is no one in the corner of the community.

"Feng Lin!"

In the distance, Liu Yaran who was wearing high heels walked quickly, "Someone sneaked into your house just now."

Feng Lin nodded lightly, and jumped forward, with momentum like a rainbow.

The wall several meters high was like a flat ground in front of him, and he jumped to the top in an instant and landed in the forest behind the wall.

Liu Yaran sighed in her heart.

In the mountain forest, Feng Lin could see the two fighting each other at a glance. They were holding daggers and facing each other.

Su Yun moved first, like a bullet going out, attacking Yun Miao.

Not to be outdone, Yun Miao went up to meet her.


The daggers of the two clashed in the night, sparks flew everywhere.

"You are the one who killed Feng Lin?" Su Yun's tone was extremely cold.

"That's right! Who are you?" Yun Miao snorted coldly.

"I'm his wife!"

Su Yun suddenly withdrew her strength, turned around and kicked Yun Miao's head.

Yun Miao immediately backed away, throwing her schoolbag aside, she bent down slightly, her eyes flashed, "I don't want to kill you, it's too late to get out now!"

"But I want to kill you!"

Su Yun took a deep breath, and the turbid air was like a water column, and it was sprayed out for a distance of one meter before it dispersed.

If it is an ordinary person, it is very rare to be able to do half a meter.

"The old man actually gave this trick to her." Feng Lin folded his arms, a little surprised.

However, Su Yun is indeed powerful.

It's only been a few days, and it's been able to do this.

The two attacked again, completely different from the attack just now, and the hillside began to shake because of their fight.

They fought harder and harder, using murderous intent everywhere.

If this continues, if you are not careful, you will be seriously injured.

"stop fighting!"

Feng Lin yelled and walked towards the two of them.

Su Yun and Yun Miao's expressions changed at the same time, and they quickly backed away.

"Feng Lin! Why are you here?"

Su Yun saw the approaching person clearly, and immediately stood in front of Feng Lin, looking nervously at Yun Miao, this woman is very strong.

If she insisted on killing Feng Lin, Su Yun might not be able to keep her.

"Stop hitting me, my own!"

Feng Lin patted Su Yun's shoulder and walked towards Yun Miao, "Is it? Yun Miao?"


"I asked you if you were?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Yun Miao trembled in fright, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Facing Feng Lin, she had some shadows, and just because she couldn't break free from Feng Lin's control proved that she was a master.

(End of this chapter)

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