My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 487 Battle against the Shadow Palace

Chapter 487 Battle against the Shadow Palace
The people who were present at the beginning didn't care, and they were not, and they had never heard the sound of the plane.

But I felt the sound of the helicopter getting closer.

They all turned around.

It was discovered that on the top of the mountain, above Ji Yishun's home, there was a helicopter hovering.

The price of the helicopter, roughly how much.

The people present really couldn't tell.

Their eyes are all staring into the distance.

Sure enough, it was discovered that Feng Lin and his foreign girlfriend went up together.

until it disappears into the sky.

"What's the situation? Private helicopter?"

"Damn it! That boy Feng Lin's girlfriend is really the boss of a multinational company!"

"This kind of thing, even ordinary local tyrants, can't afford it!"


Wang Xing stared at the helicopter that disappeared into the sky, turned and left with a cold voice.

Get out of here in her Audi.

Feng Lin and Louise returned to the previous villa.

The four of them made some adjustments before setting off at the same time to the Shadow Palace.

The Shadow Palace is a few urban areas away from here, and they walked on an uninhabited mountain road.

The consumption of spiritual power along the way can be regarded as a warm-up.

It was noon.

The sunlight shone through the layers of leaves in the forest and hit Feng Lin and the others.

The four of them are currently in the Huaxia headquarters of the Shadow Palace.

Feng Lin sent Wu Yun a message in advance.

Let him send someone to guard outside the secret to prevent others from escaping.

For people with a moderate cultivation base, the country is the most indispensable.

What they lack is a master.

Feng Lin looked at the people wearing hoods, and asked with a smile: "Do you think I need to wear hoods?"

Originally, he always wanted outsiders to know that the Moon Palace has nothing to do with the country.

But now, his true identity has been exposed.

Do you need to tell everyone indirectly that Moon Palace is currently cooperating with the state.

"It doesn't matter whether you wear it or not, we will definitely wear it anyway."

Liu Yaran said with a smile.

"That's right, you naturally have to hide it, as for me, just be willful once."

Feng Lin didn't wear it, Yinggong should know more about it.

"Okay! Go in!"

Feng Lin said to the three of them.

In the secret realm, like last time, there are several guards at the entrance.

The last time Feng Lin came in, he was discovered.

I didn't look carefully at this secret realm either.

Looking carefully into the distance, it is a bit dazzling white.

In this secret realm, except for the plants, there are almost only white stones left.

"Who are you... Moon Palace?"

The captain of the guard suddenly saw the women behind Feng Lin and stared in shock.

"They are from the Moon Palace, but I am from the country."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at the guard beside him, "Moon Palace is currently in a cooperative relationship with us. We came to Shadow Palace together. Guess what we are here for?"

Several guards in the Shadow Palace were stunned when they heard this.

There was a tremor in the distant sky, and the sound of breaking wind came from the surrounding air.

The big trees on both sides were blown to this side by this storm.

An old man appeared in front of Feng Lin. He had a pair of fangs, like a saber-toothed tiger, which had grown to the jaw.

Those teeth are yellowish, which makes people feel sick.

The whole person looks like a Yaksha.

This person, Feng Lin had fought against him before, and his strength was about the same as An Lian's.

Feng Lin swaggered forward with a fighting spirit.

"Who the hell are you?"

Gao Chuang stared at Feng Lin with a solemn expression, the aura exuding from him gave off an ominous premonition.

"I'm from the country, and I happened to pass by today, planning to destroy the headquarters of the Shadow Palace."

Feng Lin took a step forward, and the ground under his feet sank deeply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmph! Just rely on you guys!"

Gao Chuang roared, and bone spikes drilled out from his body.

Seeing that he was in a fighting state, Feng Lin took out a black dagger from the space ring.

He looked back at the few people behind him, and said with a smile: "Everyone in the Moon Palace, leave this person to me, and leave the rest to you."

"it is good!"

Su Yun folded her arms, and a blood-red light shone from the hole in the mask.

Feng Lin attacked first, and sent Gao Chuang flying with one punch.

His figure flew upside down in the air and landed in the center of the secret realm.

Feng Lin followed closely and fought him head-on.

Su Yun and the other three also released their spiritual power one after another, and began to attack the elders who followed closely.

As for the others, under such a master's battle, there is no room for retaliation at all.

Feng Lin exerted his ultimate strength and confronted the opponent head-on.

I remember the first time I fought with the opponent, with one punch, his hand bones were cracked.

But now, he has been reborn.

"Stinky boy!"

Gao Chuang was defeated by Feng Lin.

His eyes were bloodshot, he didn't expect the person in front of him to be so powerful.

But there is always a sense of familiarity.

He couldn't describe the feeling of familiarity.

"What are you thinking? Are you insulting me by being distracted from fighting me?"

Feng Lin suddenly appeared behind Gao Chuang, swiping down the black dagger in his hand.

Gao Chuang stretched out his arm, and used the bone he drilled to block Feng Lin's attack.

He was just about to continue to fight back when a layer of frost appeared from Feng Lin's dagger.


In an instant!

His body was frozen into ice.

A long sword made of spiritual power suddenly appeared in Feng Lin's left hand.

To the opponent's heart to stab.

When his long sword with spiritual power got close to the ice block, the ice block just melted a hole the size of the blade.

Gao Chuang's eyes, which were frozen by ice, suddenly flashed, and the ice suddenly exploded.

Dodge Feng Lin's attack.

But his waist was still cut open by the spiritual sword.

Blood stained the white robe he was wearing red.

"Isn't it? I'm too strong, or you are too weak, I don't even use my strength."

Feng Lin turned the dagger in his hand, mocking it deliberately.

"Humble ants, rejoice, it is your honor to die under my full strength."

Gao Chuang looked down at the wound on his waist, his face turned ferocious.

The blue veins on his forehead emerged like little snakes.

"Bones all over the sky! The King of Bone is coming!"

Gao Chuang suddenly closed his eyes tightly, and the two fangs on his mouth became longer and longer.

Countless bones drilled out of his body, began to bend and twist.

Wrap his whole body.

layer!Two floors!three floors...

His body became taller and taller, and finally, he turned into a five-meter-tall man in white armor.

After careful observation, it was found that the armor outside his body was made up of layers of bones.

Feng Lin suddenly appeared behind him, slashing down with the dagger.


An ear-piercing sound was transmitted, making Feng Lin's skin crawl.

The opponent's armor is fine.

Not only that, the white bones here are like vines.

Twisted, twisted, and grabbed Feng Lin's arm.

"I won't let go!"

Gao Chuang's cold voice came from this giant.

(End of this chapter)

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