Chapter 496 Be My Servant
Feng goddess.

It was Feng Jue who married the goddess with a fake name. Anyway, after so many years of calling her a goddess, it is really not easy to change her name.

Goddess Feng is so simple and direct.

"Ahem! Call Mom!"

The goddess coughed a few times and glanced at Miaoxuan.


Feng Xuanqi's teeth itched.

"It's not called, is it? Feng Lin, as an elder, I would like to remind you, don't play with people of unknown origin, and you don't need to meet each other in the future."

The goddess walked up to Feng Lin with lotus steps, grabbed Feng Lin's arm, and was about to pull it to this side.

Seeing this scene, Miaoxuan immediately grabbed Feng Lin's arm with both hands, "Scumbag, Feng Lin will not hand it over to you."

"Hehe, hehe..."

Feng Lin was pulled by two women, the key point was that he couldn't afford to provoke them.

How can this be done?
He could only continue to wink at the old man.

But Feng Jue pretended not to see it, and whistled from the side.

"You two, listen to me. It's not about this kind of thing now. Think about it carefully. Now we are a family. If we encounter any difficulties, we can help each other."

Feng Lin smiled awkwardly at the two of them.


Feng Jue also nodded at the side.


Miaoxuan let go of Feng Lin's arm first. She came here this time because she had other important matters, not to quarrel.

She just came to the cracks in this world, and she needs someone with similar strength as herself to obtain information.

Seeing Miaoxuan let go of Feng Lin, the goddess also let go.

"I'm here to ask a question, is there a way for you to go back?"

Miaoxuan looked at the face of the goddess, and added, "Go back to the previous world."

The goddess' face also became serious, and she shook her head slightly.

"It seems that you still have something in common, boy, let's go out and let the two of them have a good chat."

Looking at the faces of the two in despair, Feng grabbed Feng Lin's shoulder and left the secret realm.

The two looked back at them, talking to themselves, returning to the previous world.

Was it once a small world?
He shook his head slightly. He had never thought of that kind of world.


When she came outside, Alice jumped down from the second floor, and asked with a moved face, "Feng Lin, who was that just now?"

"He's a ruthless man."

Feng Lin looked back at Alice and said with a smile, "For specific matters, let's ask Xiaomi later."

Alice nodded, it seems that she is still far behind in this world.

Feng Lin waited here for a full hour before Miaoxuan came out from the secret realm.

He and Alice sat on the sofa chatting, if he knew they were such a waste of time.

He was going to go tender with Alice for a while.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I wasted some time."

Miaoxuan came out of the secret realm, her eyes only glanced at Alice, and she stopped looking at her.

She can judge the strength of the race through the coercion radiated by the race.

An ordinary human being like Alice is too small in her opinion, so there is no need to talk to her.

"Sister, you are so beautiful."

Alice put her hands in front of her, and her blue eyes were full of admiration.

"You are..." Miaoxuan asked suspiciously.

"I'm Feng Lin's little wife." Alice smiled and took Feng Lin's arm.

"A concubine's room?"

Miaoxuan nodded slightly. In this way, if she married Feng Lin in the future, she would be considered her younger sister.

Thinking of this, she smiled, "Thank you very much."

"Stop messing with me."

Feng Lin nodded Alice's eyebrows, Miaoxuan was much more innocent than her.

Her kind of woman is different from Xiaomi Mai.

Xiaomi Wheat was really taken to pieces, Feng Lin could still suppress it.

But Miao Xuan is different.

Alice stuck out her tongue with a smile, and ran upstairs to the bedroom.

Feng Lin and Miaoxuan were about to go back, seeing Miaoxuan's appearance, she knew a lot of things this time.

Feng Lin greeted the old man lying outside, and left with Miaoxuan.

In front of the gate at the bottom of the mountain, Feng Lin casts the invisibility bracelet, and Miaoxuan jumps onto Feng Lin's back.

The capital on his body slammed into Feng Lin's back.

Feng Lin took a deep breath and tried hard to get back to normal.

Using invisibility, he took Miaoxuan away again.


Back in the secret realm, it was already dark, Feng Lin sent Miaoxuan to the secret realm.

ready to leave.

Before leaving, tell Miaoxuan that you can call him if you need anything in the future.

Miaoxuan nodded and watched Feng Lin leave.

Afterwards, Miaoxuan frowned slightly, never expecting that there is such a secret realm in this world.

It seems that his strength is still not strong enough.

There will be more troubles for Feng Lin in the future.

Feng Lin returned to Yangshi by helicopter.

When he just returned home, he called Wu Yun to ask about Gong Die.

Wu Yun didn't connect, it must be something urgent.

After seeing the phone, he should come back.

Feng Lin simply lay on the sofa to rest. Today, he ran across provinces with someone on his back, and his legs were a little sore.

The phone rang, Feng Lin thought it was Wu Yun's.

Unexpectedly, it was Gongdie's call.

Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, but still connected, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I... Is there any progress in my affairs?"

Gong Die's voice was broken and haggard, and she was still struggling with what she promised Feng Lin earlier.

"There is hope. My grandfather said that you are very beautiful, and you are still in the secret realm. It is my honor for you to marry me. He will do his best."

Feng Lin explained to the phone, but Wu Yun hadn't replied yet, so he dragged on.

"it is good."

After Gongdie finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Feng Lin looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and he was tired all day.

He is also ready to rest.

Early the next morning, Feng Lin took out his phone and looked at it. Wu Yun replied to Feng Lin with a text message.

Tell him about it and leave it to him.

Gong Die is a big shot, it is the best policy to cure her and make use of it.

But what if it doesn't work?

That's not another powerful secret realm enemy just out of thin air.

When Feng Lin saw the news, he also hesitated.

The appearance of the other party is obviously using him, and after recovering his strength, he may even do something to him.

Or let her fend for herself.

Feng Lin got up from the sofa and washed his face in the bathroom.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Feng Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of something, he immediately called Gong Die.

"Hi! How's it going?"

Gong Die answered almost instantly, it seems that she has been holding the phone.

"No way, that director recognizes you." Feng Lin sighed helplessly.

"What? Then I'm not..."

"Don't worry, my grandfather has a good relationship with him, he won't report it, not to mention that you are not threatening at all with your current appearance."

Feng Lin interrupted Gong Die, "However, he told my grandfather that your clan has a contract, as long as you become my servant, you can treat me for you."

"Servant! You are dreaming!"

Gong Die suddenly roared, followed by a few coughs, "I'm sorry, I was too excited."

(End of this chapter)

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