My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 50 I'm Your Dad

Chapter 50 I'm Your Dad

Feng Lin raised his wine glass with a smile and stopped looking at them.

"Young Master Zhou! It's that kid! My younger brother is still in a plaster cast!"

Although Wang Zhong said so, what he hated most in his heart was not this matter.

It's his relationship with Gongsun Lan!

Zhou Xiang's complexion also became gloomy, but he is not a fool. Zhang Yushan is here, and the etiquette of the upper class is still to be followed.

This time, Zhang Yushan is going to invest heavily in the group in ZY City.

His identity represents the Zhou family.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Zhou Xiang casually picked up the red wine on the table beside him, and sat on the table where Feng Lin was.

The same is true for Wang Zhong, who sat aside.

As for the other rich second generations who chose to stand by, in terms of family background, they were far from Zhou Xiang Wangzhong.

"Feng Lin, who let you in this kind of party?" Zhou Xiang asked indifferently.

"This is someone's private party, the master hasn't asked me yet, what are you?"

Feng Lin stretched his head towards Zhou Xiang and asked in a low voice.

"Stinky boy! Don't think I won't dare to touch you because Zhang Yushan is here, you're a fart!"

Zhou Xiang roared sharply, he was originally a person who wanted face.

He already lost face last time, if he doesn't teach Feng Lin a lesson, others will think they are afraid of him.

Feng Lin continued to drink the red wine arrogantly, but he glanced at Wang Zhong.

It is likely that their family did it for the killer to kill him.

But he didn't seem to be surprised that he was sitting here.

"I'm a fart? I'm your father!"

Feng Lin continued to speak in a low voice.

"Stinky boy! Did I show you face?"

Zhou Xiang picked up the red wine bottle on the side and threw it at Feng Lin's head.

But Feng Lin kicked his stool over first, and he fell to the ground in an instant while holding the wine bottle.

In such a quiet place, there was a sudden roar that almost attracted everyone's attention.

The few people chatting in the distance all turned their heads and looked towards Feng Lin.

"Stinky boy! Why are you waiting for me! Do you really think I can't beat you to death?"

Zhou Xiang pointed at Feng Lin fiercely, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Xiang! What's wrong?"

Zhou Nian, who was chatting in the distance, walked over quickly with her brows upside down.

"Sister! This kid is scolding me! What a lot of things he is!"

Zhou Xiang supported the table beside him, pointed at Feng Lin and asked, "Boy, it's all over anyway, why are you telling me! Who brought you here?"

Zhou Nian is very aware of Zhou Xiang's temper, he suffered a disadvantage last time, and this meeting, it is very likely that he provoked the other party first.

However, she decided to make things clear and see how Su Yun would respond.

"I remember you came here with Su Yun, Mr. Su, who is this?"

Zhou Nian pretended to be confused and looked back at Su Yun who was walking.

"What? Such an unqualified person was brought by Mr. Su?"

"No, I'm beginning to doubt President Su's vision."


Those who praised Su Yun just now are on Zhou Nian's side. This multiple-choice question is not difficult.

Su Yun wished she could kill Feng Lin, it would really cause trouble for herself!

She walked over quickly, did not answer Zhou Nian's question, but pointed at Feng Lin and asked, "What's going on?"

"I was drinking here, but he scolded me for no reason, and beat me just now."

Feng Lin said a little aggrieved.

"Stinky boy, you fart! Just now you were the first to curse, I heard it all!"

Wang Zhong suddenly narrowed his eyes and pointed at the people behind him, "Tell me, who was the first to curse?"

"It's this kid! Young Master Zhou kindly came here to make friends, he said what kind of thing Young Master Zhou is."

"That's right! I heard that too!"


Su Yun's face became more and more cold, and now she couldn't tell why.

Zhou Xiang and Wang Zhong raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

"Who are those people? Such a thing at a good party makes me lose my mood."

As the master, Zhang Yushan sighed deeply.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I will take Zhou Xiang away now!"

Zhou Nian bowed his head very apologetically, and deliberately revealed his identity, "My grandfather will come over later, and it's the same when he talks to you."

"Zhou Xiang...Zhou? Zhou Qu is your grandfather?"

Zhang Yushan was stunned and asked in surprise.

"That's right! It's my grandfather." Zhou Nian nodded slightly.

"Hahaha! So you are the granddaughter of old man Zhou. When I left Yangshi, his eldest son was not yet 20 years old."

Zhang Yushan raised his head and laughed a few times, coughing violently, "Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with you, as for the others, just leave."

Su Yun sighed deeply.

Although it is ironic, this is the human society.

If someone reported the house, even if he was not the one who was at fault, he had to leave.

She stomped on Feng Lin's foot, turned around and apologized to Zhang Yushan, "I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, it was my negligence this time, I will take him away now!"

After speaking, she took Feng Lin's hand and walked outside.

She didn't complain too much, there was no chance this time.

Looking at the backs of Su Yun and Feng Lin, Zhou Nian showed a triumphant smile.

Hitting your own price is very serious!

"I'll bite you to death in a while!"

Su Yun glared at Feng Lin viciously, but happened to find an old man walking towards him.

He leans on crutches, wears reading glasses, and has gray hair.

He was followed by a middle-aged bodyguard, holding a black glass in his hand.

"That's... Zhou Qu?"

Su Yun was a little shocked. According to the gossip, he was almost dying, but now his face looked red.

Zhou Qu pushed down his glasses, and suddenly saw Feng Lin walking towards him, his eyes rounded in shock.

Quicken your pace and walk towards Feng Lin.

In the past few days, he ate at the bun shop last time almost every day, just to meet Feng Lin again.

Did not expect to meet here!
"It's over! Dead Fenglin! Smelly Fenglin! This old man should have come to avenge his granddaughter!"

Su Yun knew very well that Zhou Qu loved Zhou Nian very much.

Feng Lin slapped someone, how could a grandfather swallow this?
Su Yun took a deep breath. When she met this wimp, she could only wrong herself as a wife.

She greeted her with a smile, and said apologetically, "Haha! Zhou..."

"Sir! Why are you here?"

Zhou Qu staggered away from Su Yun, and stopped in front of Feng Lin with an excited expression.

Let Su Yun, who had already stretched out her hand, stay where she was.

I wipe?what's the situation?
"It's recovered well, and the wheelchair is no longer needed." Feng Lin smiled flatly.

"After I sleep that day, I can go! Now I can eat two baskets of steamed stuffed buns for one meal!"

Zhou Qu smiled and sighed, since he wore the sachet made of medicinal materials, the bugs have also left him.

Feng Lin grabbed Zhou Qu's wrist and felt it, "Drink it for another month, and you will almost recover."

"Haha! Now I wear it every day."

Zhou Qu pointed to the bodyguard behind him, who held a water glass in his hand.

Su Yun was still dumbfounded, she couldn't believe it.

The two know each other, understandably.

But she saw respect in Zhou Qu's eyes.

What kind of person are they?To respect Feng Lin?

Did you make a mistake!
"By the way sir, you are..."

"Come over with friends today."

Feng Lin pointed to Su Yun who was beside him, and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect to be kicked out by two surnamed Zhou."

"Feng Lin!"

Su Yun came over in a hurry, and secretly grabbed Feng Lin's soft waist, "Old Mr. Zhou, it's nothing like that, he was also at fault."

(End of this chapter)

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