Chapter 6


Su Yun was furious, he said it as if he was begging to marry him.

He is so beautiful that every suitor can drown him with a spit.

Even if she was blind, she wouldn't take a liking to someone like Feng Lin who has no manners.

But now... this is her only chance to get revenge.

"Mr. Feng doesn't know something. The CEO owns 50.00% of the shares. If you give half of it to you, she won't be able to have absolute control." Liu Yaran hurriedly explained.

Su Yun took a deep breath, nodded and said, "This property was left to me by my family. If I lose the controlling stake, I may lose the company."

"You have misunderstood me. This agreement is between our husband and wife. Usually my private house shares are naturally kept by my wife, but I am entitled to take away what belongs to me."

Feng Lin picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip.

"To put it bluntly, I want to threaten me with the company, okay, I agree!"

Su Yun sat back in the boss chair and began to print out the contract. As long as she can learn the exercises and avenge her family, this company doesn't matter.

With Liu Yaran's help, the contract between husband and wife was quickly placed in front of Feng Lin.

Each of them has a share, and press their fingerprints respectively.

"Okay! It's a successful conclusion. Let's go to apply for the certificate now."

Su Yun quickly packed her things into her bag, and walked out on her high heels.

"Honey, should we have a wedding?" Feng Lin shouted from behind.

"Fuck you! You have a good idea!"

Su Yun rolled her eyes, she got married in secret, and she also has a female partner who lives with her, what if she gets jealous?
Looking at the Land Rover in front of him, Feng Lin was still a little surprised.

In his opinion, a beautiful woman like Su Yun should drive a more feminine car.

"Come up quickly!"

Su Yun sat in the driver's seat and said urgently that she was already looking forward to getting a marriage certificate and then learning the exercises.

Feng Lin picked out his ears, sat in the co-pilot, looked at the interior of the car, smacked his lips and said, "Yes, it's actually bulletproof."

"Of course...huh!"

Su Yun originally wanted to explain a few words, but then she shut up after thinking about it, this bastard is not qualified to know yet.

Running wildly on the street, Feng Lin observed the surrounding scenery, this was the first time he came to Yangshi.


Suddenly, there was a piercing sound of brakes, and the huge inertia caused Su Yun to lean forward suddenly.

Seeing that she was about to hit the steering wheel, Feng Lin's hand was like a reinforced seat belt, and quickly stopped her in front of her, releasing the inertia.

"Are you comfortable?" Su Yun asked coldly.

"Uh, yours is too big, I touched it accidentally." Feng Lin hastily let go of Su Yun's body, touching his nose in embarrassment.


Su Yun glanced at Feng Lin strangely, he obviously wasn't wearing a seat belt, yet he didn't move at all due to the inertia just now.

She didn't bother to care about him now, she hurriedly opened the car door and walked down.

"Oh! It hurts! My leg is broken! Why are you driving so fast?"

In front of the Land Rover, a middle-aged woman covered her knees and wailed on the ground.

"I said aunt, my car has a driving recorder. You were the one who lay down by yourself just now. If you don't leave, I will call the police now." Su Yun took out her phone calmly.

Feng Lin also followed. She saw very clearly just now that the middle-aged woman fell down by herself.

"Say I touch porcelain? Do you think I'm short of money?" The middle-aged aunt roared, "Do you know who my son is?"

All of a sudden, the surroundings were full of passing spectators. Most people would not miss this excitement.

"Mom! What's the matter with you?"

Just when Su Yun was about to call the police, a young man in a suit emerged from the crowd.

Behind him were seven or eight burly men, all wearing suits and looking like bodyguards.

"Son, I was bumped by this woman, and she even slandered me." The woman sighed softly, with a bit of grievance on her face.

"What? My mother touches porcelain? Believe it or not, a phone call from me made your company go bankrupt?" The young man stared at Su Yun indifferently.

"Son, forget it, girl, I don't want to make things difficult for you, just give me 8 yuan for medical expenses. This number is auspicious." The woman said calmly.

"Mom! 80 is not enough for your meal, at least [-]!" The young man shouted coldly.

"Listen to my mother, this time it will be [-]."

The woman comforted her, and then set her eyes on Su Yun.

"I admire your acting skills, but sorry, I have a driving recorder, and I will call the police now."

Su Yun's face turned cold. As the president of a company, if she couldn't see this kind of trick anymore, the company would have been gone long ago.

"Looking for death! Do you really think I'm short of money? Come, someone, smash the car for me!"

The young man roared angrily, relying on this kind of acting skills, he has met several times in different cities, earning almost 100 million.

As long as the driving recorder is destroyed, they are justified and can't tell.

Several burly men went up together, one of them stopped Su Yun, and the rest opened the car door, ready to destroy the driving recorder.

"You stop!"

Su Yun clenched her fists, there are too many people here, if she shows her skills and is recorded on video, she will be finished.

"Boss, no." One of the strong men came to the young man and shook his head at him.

"It turned out that I wanted to deceive Lao Tzu."

The young man sneered, there is no perfect solution, how could he defraud 100 million, this woman had a problem with her legs.

Su Yun was a little strange, and suddenly found Feng Lin smiling at her, so she knew what happened.


Su Yun turned her head away, what a waste, she has been defending here for a long time, but he didn't help her to speak.

"what happened?"

Several police officers were notified and came here, which is not far from the police station.

"When they touch porcelain, they ask for [-] yuan. This is already considered extortion." Su Yun simply explained a few words.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, you can ask a doctor to check it now, and you have to have proof!" The woman said coldly.

"I have a driving recorder!"

Su Yun came to Feng Lin's side, stretched out her hand indifferently, "Take it here."

"How should I speak? Call me husband, and act like a spoiled child." Feng Lin said calmly with his trouser pockets in his pocket.

"You..." Su Yun's teeth itch.

"I'm leaving!"


Su Yun hurriedly grabbed Feng Lin's sleeve, her eyes were piercingly cold, she decided to teach this bastard a lesson when she got home.

"What's wrong?" Feng Lin turned around with a smile.

"Give it to...cough cough! Give it to others~!"

"it is good!"

Feng Lin smiled and gave her the things. This cold and big beauty acted coquettishly, and ordinary people really couldn't bear it.

After Su Yun got the things, her high heels stepped on Feng Lin's feet fiercely, "You wait for me!"


Delayed by this matter, I was busy with the marriage certificate, and it was already dusk.

Led by Su Yun, Feng Lin returned to her villa.

This section of the road is a suburb, where rich people gather, and the surrounding area is very quiet. There are security guards patrolling almost every intersection.

Feng Lin followed Su Yun into the villa hall.

Compared with the gorgeous decorations around, a beauty wearing only a swimsuit is more eye-catching.

"Honey, come back... Ah!" the beauty turned around and screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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