My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 605 Intentionally Killing You

Chapter 605 Intentionally Killing You

Led by Li Wen, Feng Lin and he went to the top of the company building.

"Mr. Feng Lin, please come in."

Li Wen brought Feng Lin to the general manager's office, opened the door and let Feng Lin in first.

"What did Liu Yaran say to you to make you respect me so much?"

Feng Lin walked in with a smile and couldn't help asking.

"Hahaha! Sir, I don't know. I was part of the chaos in the Liu family. However, I'm just the general manager of a branch company, so I don't know Mr. Feng Lin well enough."

Li Wen respectfully took a glass of water from the side and put it on the table in front of Feng Lin.

"I see."

Feng Lin nodded, this is an easy explanation.

"The Patriarch asked me to cooperate with you in everything, what orders do you have?" Li Wen asked with a smile.

"About the meeting with the company, they got a prescription, I roughly tested it, and this prescription is going to be popular."

Feng Lin crossed his legs and said with a smile, "I have already asked my people to invest, so I sent a message to Yaran to ask her to invest a little bit, as long as the two of us account for more than 50.00% of the shares."

"Meet the company was very powerful at first, but now they have all withdrawn their capital, and we can indeed easily intervene."

Li Wen nodded.

"Believe me, this prescription of his is going to be a big hit, and your status in the Liu family will rise accordingly." Feng Lin was very confident.

"Then I will thank Mr. Feng Lin in advance."

Li Wen arched his hands excitedly.

Feng Lin and him left a contact information for each other and left here first.

When I came to the hall, I found that Wang Bin was no longer there.

When he came outside the gate, the two security guards bowed their heads to Feng Lin, "Sir, I'm sorry for what happened just now."

"It's okay, what happened just now has nothing to do with you." Feng Lin smiled and waved his hands.

"Sir, just now I heard Wang Bin say that he is going to take revenge on you, so be careful." One of the security guards whispered.

Feng Lin nodded, "Don't worry."


Meet Skincare Technologies Ltd.

Feng Lin got off the taxi and saw a lot of vehicles parked in front of the gate.

Outside the gate, surrounded by a lot of people, Feng Lin glanced roughly, almost all of them were reporters.

Looking not far away, he found a Mercedes-Benz G. A young man opened the window and looked at the reporter in the distance, with a half-smile and a malicious smile.

Feng Lin ignored him and walked straight to the distant gate.

Yu Yiyi stood outside the gate, dealing with these reporters.

"Excuse me, miss, the medicine your company invested in has killed several people. Why do you still dare to start a company?"

"Excuse me, according to the gossip, it was you who sold your body and got the appreciation of a rich second generation to make the company run. Is it true or not?"

"I heard that someone is going to sue your company, do you have any response?"


These reporters were all holding microphones, and they almost reached Yu Yiyi's mouth.

Feng Lin smiled helplessly at this, and just as he was about to go over to make a rescue, Alice made a call.

He immediately connected and walked to a quiet place far away.

"What's wrong?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Damn ghost, I found a big secret."

Alice's voice came from there, and then Feng Lin heard the sound of drinking Coke.

"What secret?" Feng Lin asked, waiting for her next words.

"The previous pharmaceutical company did have a problem and used expired products, but the death incidents exposed on the Internet are all fake."

Alice said unhurriedly, "Only one of them died, and all the rest are still alive."

"That is to say, that incident was a trivial matter, which was magnified by people with ulterior motives."

Feng Lin nodded secretly, "What happened to that dead man?"

"That person is very old and should have died of natural causes." Alice replied.

"Okay, this news is very important. It's very important for you to look up the addresses of those people." Feng Lin said into the phone.

"OK, I'll send it to your phone when I find it."

After Alice finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Feng Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. With this evidence, it will be of great help to the company's future operations.

The reporters in the distance were probably invited by people with ulterior motives, and Feng Lin didn't bother to waste time with them.

Wei Wei exerted a slight spiritual force.


A trace of invisible electric current flows on many machines.

"Eh? The machine is so broken?"

"The microphone is silent."

"Could it be that there is no electricity?"


People in the distance are clapping at the machine.

Generally, this kind of machine is very precise, and it will stop working with a slight touch of spiritual power.

Feng Lin didn't let their machines shatter or smoke, which would be too obvious.

While they were repairing the machine, Feng Lin walked to the inside of the company.

Yu Yiyi found Feng Lin and said to the reporters around: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I will hold a press conference when I have time."

After finishing speaking, she closed the company's electric retractable door.

"Is he the rich second generation?"

Qian Tongpeng, who was on the Mercedes-Benz, looked at Feng Lin's back strangely, remembering that he had seen him yesterday.

Generally, this kind of work will not be in the downtown area, but in the suburbs.

When he was leaving yesterday, he was alone on this road.

"Feng Lin, wait for me." Yu Yiyi reached out her hand and quickly followed Feng Lin, "My dad has already taken the lead in production, and we need a press conference soon."

"You'd better get rid of the reporters outside the door first."

Feng Lin walked towards the production line, and Yu Ziqiang was now acting as a supervisor.

He glanced roughly, and there were only dozens of employees here.

Yu Ziqiang noticed that Feng Lin was coming, and came over to say hello, "Mr. Feng Lin."

Feng Lin nodded. He looked down at his phone and found that Alice had sent all those people's lists.

He was also slightly relieved.

"Are these people your core staff?" Feng Lin looked at the people working in the workshop.

"Well, these are my brothers who used to be with me. When the company was close to bankruptcy and owed them a few months' wages, they not only didn't want them, but also chipped in for me."

Yu Ziqiang was also a little touched, a friend in adversity sees the truth, and when the company is fully operational, these people will become high-level executives.

"Feng Lin, I told you a long time ago that my dad is very kind to the employees. He may not have many friends, but they are all sincere."

Yu Yiyi smiled at the side.

"Really? Do you have any reporter friends?" Feng Lin asked.

"Why do you ask this?" Yu Yiyi asked puzzled.

"I spent a lot of money to have people investigate the previous things. The company used expired products to produce, and it was indeed wrong."

"But it wouldn't make such a big commotion, so I investigated the dozen or so people who died and found that they were all alive."

Feng Lin held up his mobile phone, on which were the names and ID information of these people, "Obviously someone killed you on purpose."


When Yu Ziqiang and Yu Yiyi saw this news, their eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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