My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 610 Scaring me with a toy?

Chapter 610 Scaring me with a toy?

Now, Su Yun's strength is almost the same as that of Feng Lin back then.

Both of them were not wearing seat belts. With such a violent brake, their bodies leaned against the back of the seat very smoothly.

This inertia can no longer affect their bodies.

"what happened?"

Feng Lin didn't look ahead just now, and asked strangely. When he followed his gaze and saw two bricks on the road ahead, he couldn't help laughing.

"What should I do? Catch or not?"

With Su Yun's current strength, she can also discover people hiding on the edge of the road.

If she hadn't braked immediately just now, the two wheels might have hit the car.

"Catch it! Of course we have to catch it. Since we are dealing with us, it is likely to deal with other people. We can guarantee safety, but they cannot."

Feng Lin opened the car door, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At this moment, a yellow-haired young man hidden in the bushes at the edge of the road said to a man beside him, "They stopped the car, keep smashing it! It's said above that you will only be paid if you smash the car."

"Do you know what kind of car that car is? If you smash it, how much will you pay?"

An unfamiliar voice startled the yellow-haired young man.

He was so frightened that he jumped up, and immediately turned around with the red-haired man beside him, and found Feng Lin who was close at hand.

"Hey? Kid, you are so crazy!"

Huang Mao looked around and found that Feng Lin was the only one here, so he immediately rolled up his sleeves.

But because the light here is too dark, the tattoo on the arm cannot be seen, so I gave up.

His tattoos are meant to beep and scare people.

"Boy, let me tell you, what I want to do is none of your business..."

Feng Lin slapped Huang Mao's face.

"How dare you hit me..."

Huang Mao covered his face, and was just about to say something when he realized that Feng Lin had an extra sniper in his hand.

Feng Lin has fallen in love with this kind of thing recently, especially against this kind of little bastard, it is very effective.

When Huang Mao saw this, he didn't cover his face anymore, he and Hong Mao looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahaha! Who are you scaring? You are so old, and you still use this kind of toy to scare people."

"Don't say it's us, even children don't believe it."


Both of them laughed loudly, tears streaming down their faces.

Afterwards, Huang Mao took out a dagger from his waist, and his face suddenly turned cold, "Stinky boy, I'm here to tell you what a ruthless person is!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Feng Lin slammed down.


The sniper is a standard iron weapon, and this force instantly broke Huang Mao's arm.


Huang Mao's dagger fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but let out a pig-killing roar.

"Do you have a mobile phone?" Feng Lin looked at the red hair beside him.

Red Mao nodded tremblingly. The voice just now went deep into his bones. He looked down at his brother, and his wrist was folded in the opposite direction.

"Turn on the flashlight, I just got it, and I'm not very familiar with it yet."

Feng Lin said to Hongmao.

"Yes..." Hong Mao turned on the light on the phone, and saw the magazine in Feng Lin's hand at a glance.

A crisp sound came, and the eyes of the two looked at the ground at the same time, as if something had fallen.

"What are you doing in a daze? Pick it up for me!"

Feng Lin kicked Hong Mao in the stomach.


Hongmao sat on the ground with a thud, but there was land on both sides of the road, so the fall didn't hurt that much.

He aimed the light at the ground, only to realize what had fallen.


Hongmao's heart trembled suddenly, and the hand holding the phone trembled violently.

The same is true for Huangmao, his pupils constricted, and they stretched out their hands together to feel it in their hands.

Not plastic...

This is so true!

"Big brother... Big brother, we were wrong, we were wrong!"

Both of them knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to Feng Lin. Grandma, I really don't want to mess around anymore, dare to offend such a big man!

"Who told you to come?"

Feng Lin squatted down and put the dropped bullets into the clips.

"Yes...Brother, we came here by ourselves..."

"Yes, brother, we..."


Before they finished speaking, Feng Lin had already installed the magazine.

He stood between the two of them, with one hand raised, aiming at the distance.

There was no sign of anyone in front of him, and Feng Lin's angle was also slowly upward, so as not to hurt the trees.

But it was a little close to the ears of the two of them.

The power in Feng Lin's hands, the reaction force can dislocate the arms of ordinary women, the power can be imagined.

Feng Lin suddenly pressed the trigger.

In the dark night, there was a flash of fire, harsh sounds and vibrations in the air.

Almost deafened the two of them.


The two screamed in terror, their faces contorted in terror.

This is a real thing, a real thing!

Feng Lin snorted coldly, and immediately pointed at the two of them, "Shut up!"

The two of them covered their mouths at the same time and lowered their heads to the ground.


Trembling body, every inch of skin is trembling.

"Say! Who is it?"

Feng Lin pointed it at Hong Mao's eyebrows with a smile, "I don't want to ask a third time."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... It's Qian Tongpeng, it's him! He gave us 1 yuan to teach that Land Rover a lesson."

"Yeah, brother, we really use money to do things. The money can be given to you. Let's spare our lives."


The two were so frightened that tears and saliva kept flowing down. They were really scared.

"Tell me Qian Tongpeng's address." Feng Lin said expressionlessly.

"Yes Yes!"

The two nodded hurriedly, took out their mobile phones and sent each other's address.

"Only for these two Rover cars?" Feng Lin asked.

"Yes, there are only these two Rover cars, and there are no other tasks." Hongmao said hastily.

Feng Lin looked at the address on the phone and wrote it down, "By the way, take out your ID cards and let me have a look."

"Brother, why do you need an ID card?"

Even though they asked this question, the two still took out their ID cards. Now they are traveling without ID cards, and it is almost impossible to move a single step.

"Write down your names and addresses. If you dare to disclose my affairs, I will let my brother visit your home."

Feng Lin's words made the two of them kowtow in fright.

"Brother, please forgive me, we won't say anything even if we die."

The voices of both of them trembled and lost their voices, and the cold sweat dripped down from their foreheads, and they couldn't stop it at all.

"Get out!" Feng Lin shouted at the two of them.

"Yes! Thank you, big brother, thank you!" The two of them felt relieved, and staggered away to the distance, perhaps they had never run so fast in their entire life.

Feng Lin put the weapon back into the space ring, walked towards Su Yun, and knocked on the window of her driver's seat.

After the window fell, Su Yun's pretty face was revealed: "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to visit that murderer's house, you go back first." Feng Lin suddenly kissed Su Yun on the cheek, "Wait for me to go back for nothing."

"Humph! Shameless!"

Su Yun's face turned red suddenly, she immediately closed the window, and the car flew out as soon as she hit the accelerator.

(End of this chapter)

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