My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 616 Long time no see

Chapter 616 Long time no see
The corners of Feng Lin's mouth curled up slightly, and he said to Su Yun, "Thank you, my wife, for saving my life."

"Without further ado!"

Su Yun rolled her eyes, and walked towards the two women over there. They were still sitting on the ground in panic, and they might not have recovered yet.

"Are you all right? It's over." Su Yun comforted them.

Looking at Su Yun's face, the two women nodded slightly.

Feng Lin took out his phone and sent a message to the people below.

After a while, many people in full armor rushed up and captured all the people here.

A middle-aged man followed closely behind. When he saw the only man standing here, he saluted respectfully, "Is it Mr. Feng Lin?"

"Don't be so polite."

Feng Lin waved to Su Yun, and she handed the remote control to Feng Lin knowingly.

Feng Lin handed this item to Liu Wei, "According to what they said, there may be explosives in this hotel."

"Okay! I'll get someone to investigate immediately!" Liu Wei's face suddenly became serious.

Feng Lin took this group of people to his suite and captured them all.

Feng Lin and Su Yun went downstairs and left.

The people here looked at their backs and were all amazed.

"This is too powerful. It scares me. There are so many people and guns. The two of them can solve it."

"Yes, the hostage is still alive and well."

The two younger police officers couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"You don't understand this. There are many strong people in this world." Liu Wei sighed and shouted to everyone: "Stop chatting and work!"


Feng Lin and Su Yun returned to the Land Rover, this time Feng Lin sat in the driver's seat.

He drove the car from the underground garage to the suburbs, and parked on the edge of the deserted road.

The two put their seats down, opened a gap in the window to ventilate, and a burst of icy chill came to their hearts.

"Let's spend the night here tonight." Feng Lin lay down and looked at Su Yun from the side.

"Well, this kind of place is also good, like camping in the wild."

Su Yun nodded, stretched her waist, showing her perfect curves.

"Honey, are you cold? If it's cold, can I hug you to sleep?"

Looking at Su Yun's beautiful figure, Feng Lin couldn't help laughing.

"I'm hot!" Su Yun snorted coldly.

"Take it off!"



The next day was bright, Feng Lin opened the car door, and breathed the fresh air on the unmanned road in the suburbs.

When Feng Lin opened the car door, Su Yun also faintly woke up.

She yawned, and instead of getting out of the car, she took out her mobile phone to check yesterday's news.

Among them, two pieces of news about Xiang city were on the hot search.

One of them was about catching annoying things last night.

It turned out that the boss was a criminal who escaped back then. In order to escape, he had someone have plastic surgery on purpose.

The second article is about meeting the company. The case back then was overthrown again.

It turned out that according to the Internet, more than a dozen people died, and almost all of them were alive.

Only one person died, and the key point was that person was over 80 years old.

There are also interview videos, those people said that they were blinded by money at the beginning.

Someone gave them money to pretend to be dead.

The incident caused an uproar on the Internet.

Immediately afterwards, the official of MetMeet posted a Weibo saying that they were just investing purely, and they did not expect that they would use expired materials.

They are also victims when they meet, please be merciful to all netizens.

This morning, they were ready to open the show and start over.

"Feng Lin, things here are almost over, should we go back, or wait here for their product release?"

Su Yun opened the car window and said to Feng Lin who was outside.

"Go back directly, and leave the next thing to their public relations."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone, called Yu Yiyi, and told her that he was going back.

Although Yu Yiyi was a little bit reluctant, she still agreed, after all, she and Feng Lin were just friends.

"Honey, come and drive."

Feng Lin moved a seat and sat in the co-pilot. He planned to contact the information while returning.

Regarding Thunder, he has not been in touch for a long time.

At present, among the several organizations that killed his biological father, he has already wiped out one Agni Gate.

As for Shadow Palace and Pandora, they had only just seen their prototypes, but Feng Lin felt that the other party might be similar to Raging Fire Sect.

He can almost destroy this kind of organization.

He still has no contact with the last Black Sky organization.

At the beginning, Lei Ting said that if he sent her a message, she would not receive it.

To send a message to a person first.

Feng Lin has also been to that place. It is located on an island in the open sea, and it takes a lot of time for the fishermen there to go there by boat.

He was not in a hurry, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

"You said... can I take revenge with my current strength?"

Seeing Feng Lin retracting the phone, Su Yun suddenly made a sound.

Such high-intensity training, in order to surpass Feng Lin, is one of the reasons.

There was another important reason, which she never forgot, and that was revenge.

Find revenge on the evil organization.

"Hurry up, you have entered this realm now, and you have seen a lot. The Charm Organization is a very powerful force, and there should be many people in the secret realm behind."

Feng Lin thought of Du Berry who was hiding in Gongsun's house. It stands to reason that the strength of that race, which is different from humans, should be very high.

"I see."

Su Yun nodded, and secretly glanced at Feng Lin, then she continued to look ahead.

From knowing Feng Lin to the present, she felt like she had a dream. The revenge that was once out of reach is now in front of her eyes.

All of this is due to the man in front of me.

If it wasn't for him, Su Yun might still be a little killer, working hard to enter the death list.


Yang City.

Feng Lin and Su Yun parked the car in their community.

Su Yun asked Feng Lin to get off the car, and she rushed to the company non-stop to finalize the encounter with the company.

Feng Lin took a breath, and found that Liu Yaran was not here, he should have returned to Jiang City.

He is also a little bored, ready to go to school to see.

When he had just entered the university gate, Feng Lin happened to meet an acquaintance.

Gongsun Lan.

Speaking of which, the vice principal hasn't seen her for a long time.

"Feng Lin!"

Gongsun Lan got off her BMW and greeted Feng Lin with a smile.

She is wearing a plaid dress today, her hair is tied up, and she is much younger than her previous dress as a teacher.

She still feels the same, very calm and gentle.

Back then, Feng Lin was also deceived by her disguise, but she didn't expect that in her heart, she also had the temper of a young lady.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"What else can I do? I'm different from you. I have such a strong power." Gongsun Lan pointed to the BMW beside him, "Get in the car and tell you something."

(End of this chapter)

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