Chapter 630
As for the Jiuli people, now Feng Lin has a way to save his life.

Take some time to go in and have a look to make sure that the strongest person is Qi Guanyao.

Feng Lin's heart was very tangled, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

The heart longs for her to be, but also wants her not to be.

The sky was getting dark, Feng Lin and Su Yun were going out to eat something, the car at the door was not for nothing.

The area of ​​this county-level city is not large, maybe you can meet Lei Ting, just to see who the other side's masters are.

"Feng Lin, where are you going?"

As soon as the two of them came out, Qi Guanyao from another room came trotting over.

"Let's go eat." Feng Lin said flatly.

"I'll go too, I'll go too!" Qi Guanyao raised his hand and said.

"What are you going to? The old man will follow you when you go. We are going to eat high-end food, and it is inconvenient to take the old man with you."

Feng Lin shrugged, "Besides, the two of us are going to drive there, so we can only walk with you."

"There is something to eat in Guo Xi's space ring."

Qi Guanyao smiled and followed behind Feng Lin, hugged his back, and climbed onto Feng Lin's back.

"Feng Lin, just take her with you."

Su Yun said from the side, she originally liked children, and this girl is only less than ten years old, so she is definitely not the competition object.

"Did you hear that?" Qi Guanyao climbed onto Feng Lin's back and hugged his neck.

Feng Lin sighed helplessly, and could only agree, and walked to the downtown area of ​​the county town in the distance.

"My name is Su Yun, what's your name?"

Su Yun stood beside Qi Guanyao with a smile, looked at her and asked.

"I'm Qi Guanyao. When I came out this time, my mother said that there are many treasures in the secret realm, so let me come and experience them." Qi Guanyao said sweetly.

"Experience, your strength should be very strong, right? I heard from my master that the people in the secret realm who can cause space distortion in the outside world are super strong."

Su Yun asked in surprise, "I don't know what state you are in now?"

Feng Lin's expression was also slightly taken aback. In fact, he wanted to ask before, but he didn't have time to ask.

"I am currently in the realm of heaven." Qi Guanyao explained with a smile.

"The realm of heaven?" Su Yun was full of doubts. In the previous realm, she knew Dacheng at most.

Feng Jue also said back then that when he reached the peak of distraction realm, ordinary secret realm masters would no longer pay attention to him at all.

She didn't know the realm behind.

Feng Lin also didn't know about it, but it would be embarrassing if he didn't know about this kind of thing.

He said blankly: "It turns out to be the realm of heaven, no wonder."

Su Yun was not surprised that Feng Lin knew this kind of thing, she looked at Feng Lin with a smile, "Feng Lin, do you have any abilities in the realm of heaven?"

"The ability of the heavenly's really nothing, girl, tell me!"

Feng Lin tilted Qi Guanyao on his back and said.

"The Celestial Realm is above the Dacheng Realm, which is completely different from the Dacheng Realm. Although there are also three realms, every time the Celestial Realm is raised, there will be a qualitative leap."

"So in order to distinguish, the realm of heaven is not divided into front, middle and back, but small heaven, middle heaven, and big heaven."

"The strength of the realm of heaven can outline the world, and the spiritual power can be integrated into the elements of the world, and the strength will increase dramatically!"

Qi Guanyao put his arms around Feng Lin's neck, talking to Su Yun incessantly.

"That's right!" Feng Lin nodded.

"What do you mean by element?" Su Yun asked strangely.

"Let Feng Lin answer, my mouth is a bit dry." Qi Guanyao swallowed and said.

"Feng Lin, what do you mean?" Su Yun asked again.

" don't know the elements? You're so stupid, I'm too lazy to explain, girl tell her!" Feng Lin rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Feng Lin, you don't know, do you?" Qi Guanyao asked suddenly.

Su Yun also came to her senses, "That's right, don't you know, are you afraid of embarrassment?"

"I don't know what, I'm just too lazy to say, you don't use aggressive methods, I won't be fooled."

Feng Lin's smile became more and more awkward.

"Sister, let's not talk about it, tell me secretly in a while."

Su Yun put her hands in her trouser pockets and grinned.

"Good sister."

Qi Guanyao smiled and nodded, then put her head on Feng Lin's back and stopped talking.

"Aren't you bored? Well, in order to cater to beautiful women, I'll pretend I don't know anything."

Feng Lin also wanted to know, after all, his strength had already entered the Dacheng realm.

The realm of heaven is the realm after him, so it is natural to understand it.

"Hahaha! So you really don't know, shame on you."

Qi Guanyao couldn't help laughing, "But this is normal, there are not many people who can enter the realm of heaven."

"Sister, just tell us, just to popularize knowledge for Feng Lin."

Su Yun couldn't help bumping Feng Lin with her shoulder, she was very happy, it was the first time she encountered something that Feng Lin didn't even know.

What does this mean?
It means that she is getting closer and closer to Feng Lin's realm.

That feeling is like a math problem. She used to be in kindergarten and Feng Lin was a high school student.

Feng Lin knew any questions she had.

She entered elementary school, junior high school, and Feng Lin was almost omnipotent.

I always feel that the gap between her and Feng Lin is very big, like a natural barrier.

But now, she has entered high school, maybe Feng Lin is a senior in high school, or has entered university.

At this time, she asked Feng Lin about math problems, and sometimes he couldn't figure it out.

Because the gap between the two is getting closer.

"Elemental attacks are easy to understand. Generally, our secret attacks are elements. The simplest example is fire attacks."

"The realm below the heavenly position turns all the spiritual power into flames and attacks together, but there are a lot of spiritual impurities."

"After entering the realm of heaven, when using flame attacks, we can directly extract the fire element in the spiritual power and perform pure flame attacks."


Qi Guanyao talked on Feng Lin's back.

After hearing her explanation, Feng Lin and Su Yun understood.

To put it bluntly, it is like explosives. In the same container, one contains crude explosives, and the other contains extracted refined explosives.

Then power is definitely not in the same category.

"There is a barbecue shop in front, let's eat there."

Feng Lin took Qi Guanyao from his back and put him on the ground.

"Hi sir, there are quite a lot of people today, your family can go to the private room on the second floor."

As soon as Su Yun walked in, the waiter at the side walked over with a smile.

Feng Lin glanced at the people around him, there were indeed a lot of people in this store, and everyone around looked at Su Yun with evil intentions.

Feng Lin also planned to go up to the second floor, but Qi Guanyao couldn't go up to the second floor.

"How do you know we are a family?" Compared to the question on the second floor, Qi Guanyao was even more surprised by this question.

"Haha, it's very simple, don't you come to eat with your parents?" the waiter asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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