My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 643 A Mixed Race Master

Chapter 643 Ten Mixed Race Masters
"Hahaha! Langmu, do you have any misunderstandings about me? Such a powerful exercise, a mere female disciple, can get it?"

Qi Guanyao asked with his hands on his hips.

"I think so, since this trick doesn't work, I can only kill her!"

Langmu's hand suddenly tightened.

Suddenly, Su Yun's body exuded a blood-red aura. She grabbed the thunder beside her and rushed towards Feng Lin.

Langmu's expression changed, Su Yun seemed to have lost her body at this moment, he was holding onto her like a ball of sand, and couldn't hold her at all.

However, he saw that Su Yun wanted to rescue Lei Ting.


Langmu exploded with spiritual power, and five wolves jumped off his arms, biting Lei Ting's limbs respectively.

Seeing this situation, Su Yun could only let go of Lei Ting, and she turned into a red light and landed beside Feng Lin.


Feng Lin sighed in a low voice, this move is the invisibility of the goddess, which can temporarily turn the body into nothingness.

Originally Feng Lin wanted to learn it, but this move is similar to the moon in the water, but the moon in the water is stronger than this move, and it also has the ability to invisibility and fake body.

That's why he chose the moon in the water.

"This trick is not easy to use, it's a life-saving trick."

Su Yun sighed secretly, and the spiritual power in her body was emptied in an instant.

Feng Lin took out the elixir given by the goddess to replenish spiritual power from his body, handed it to Su Yun, and then looked at Langmu.

He grabbed Lei Ting's neck again, "Although one escaped, fortunately there was another one, boy, it's best to take out the exercises."

"Goutou, even if I really entrust the exercises to you, can you go out?"

Feng Lin pointed at the people around him, "Look, most of the people here are of mixed blood, you will definitely die outside!"

"Hahaha! Kid, who do you think our world is?" Langmu raised his head and laughed, "There are ten mixed blood masters outside the secret world!"

Ten Dacheng realms! ?
Still mixed!

All the people present turned pale with shock.

It is worthy of heaven and earth, an organization that can compete with the hard steel of the whole world.

"Boy, are you scared? I will spread the knowledge for you. For example, the secret organization of Huaxia, even if it is the vice chairman, the sky is the peak of distraction, and it is not a great success!"

Langmu laughed arrogantly, "So, even if all the masters of the secret organization come, they can't do us any harm."

Feng Lin wasn't frightened, but it frightened the others.

Most of the masters here are experts in the secret realm.

To put it bluntly, it took a very long time to enter this realm.

As for the masters of mixed blood, they are far from being able to compare with the people in the secret realm.

Because the development of mixed blood was not very early, at most it was only a few hundred years.

Many big forces now pay attention to mixed-race masters, but in a short period of time, it is difficult for mixed-race masters to become a big deal.

"My exercises don't have anything in writing. Even if I want to hand them over to you, it will take a long time."

Feng Lin shrugged with a smile, then looked at Hua Pin, and said with a smile, "Senior of the Mei organization, your people are being threatened now, and I, an outsider, have stood up to speak out, why are you lying on the ground as a big shot in the organization? "

"What? Are you from the Mei organization?"

Langmu naturally knew about this organization, and he suddenly looked at Hua Pin.

In an instant, Huapin's long white hair turned into purple, bursting suddenly, and rushed towards Feng Lin.

Langmu sneered, grabbed it with his big hand, and the overwhelming spiritual power suppressed his body.

Langmu found that this person was stronger, so he could only let go of Lei Ting, grabbed the back of Huapin's neck with all his strength, and pressed him to the ground.

Huapin's strength is at the level of Dacheng, Feng Lin feels that the opponent is almost at the mid-term level of Dacheng, and his spiritual power is slightly stronger than him.

If Feng Lin did it, he could easily kill him.

But this wolf wood is likely to enter the realm of heaven.

Seeing this, Lei Ting immediately fled to Feng Lin's side.

"Hahaha! Although a woman escaped, this person is stronger. I think being a hostage should be a good choice, right?"

Langmu looked at Feng Lin with a smile.

Feng Lin and the others looked at each other, holding back their smiles.

His face became serious, "I advise you to let go of the senior, it's not like you don't know the background of the Mei organization."

"Laugh out loud! Mere ghost organizations, in front of our world, are just ants, bugs hidden under the soil!"

Langmu grabbed the flower pin with one hand, and gradually exerted force, "Boy, I don't like nonsense, hand over the exercises immediately, or I will kill him!"

"No! Senior, you can't kill me, I don't know him at all!"

Huapin roared hoarsely.

"Who the hell are you lying to?" Langmu slapped Huapin's face.

"I'm serious, if you don't believe me, you call the two priests of Pandora, they know that I have a grudge against this kid!" Huapin begged.

"Those two people are of mixed blood. They are guarding outside. Why should I call them here?"

Langmu smiled disdainfully, then raised a finger and swiped down hard.


Hua Pin's right arm suddenly flew out.


Hua Pin howled like a pig, but he is in the realm of Dacheng, and this kind of injury can be recovered.

Lei Ting naturally knew what Feng Lin meant. At this time, she also started to act, "Everyone, please save Senior!"

"Don't worry, although I don't like your ghost organization, I hate heaven and earth even more. An enemy's enemy is a friend."

Feng Lin gave Lei Ting a relaxed look, then looked at Qi Guanyao, "Let's go together!"


Feng Lin and Qi Guanyao exploded their spiritual power together, and suddenly attacked Langmu.

Langmu's eyes turned cold, he didn't expect that they would really dare to make a move, so with a click, Huapin's neck was crushed.

Before Hua Pin died, his eyes were full of endless unwillingness.

I'm gone now?

He didn't know until he died that he would die in this way.

"Damn it! Senior!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Ting immediately burst out with spiritual power, ready to attack.

But Feng Lin in front suddenly stepped back again, stopping Lei Ting, "Don't go to die, we don't have many mixed-race masters."

Langmu agreed with Feng Lin's words.

Even if they could escape, they would surely die.

"Get out first!"

Feng Lin looked around, and everyone re-entered the range of the formation.

Langmu didn't catch up, anyway, this is the only way out of the secret realm.

If they want to go out, they must pass through here.

Langmu looked at Feng Lin's back, and now he had to consider the opponent's skills.

Do you want to let the big shots in the world know?

If they knew, they definitely didn't have their own share.

This matter needs careful consideration, and he has plenty of time.


On the other side, Feng Lin led several people back to the depths of the palace.

Feng Lin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the people around him and said, "Let's relax for a while, we are all our own people."

"Young master, how was my acting just now?" Lei Ting asked with a smile.

"That's right. At first I didn't expect that someone would escape. What you did just now has proved that you are loyal to the Mei organization."

Feng Lin nodded with a smile. Although the world is like tigers and leopards, posing a strong threat to him, the Mei organization is also a wolf, hiding in the dark, and it is no less dangerous than the world.

"Little Lord?"

Su Yun raised her head strangely, and then grabbed Feng Lin's arm. Could it be that Feng Lin has this habit?
(End of this chapter)

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